Member Reviews

It began and ended with a kiss. Ainsley. Is the wedding planner from London? And then? is a short order cook from Brooklyn is a short order cook from Brooklyn new Is a short order cook from Brooklyn, NY. They both find out that their grandmother has passed away. And they have to go back to Wales for the reading of the will. According to their grandmother's will. They have to. Open. A pub for a year. And make a profit from it. I found the plot very good. As they get used to living in a small town in Wells. And love blooms. I found this a wonderful and loving story. And I recommend it to all who like a good romance.

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Well, from the synopsis we know a shoe is going to drop in the first chapter. I cannot believe how tense I was waiting for it. It was well thrown but I sooooo did not expect what happened, to happen. Oh I am so impressed with how the synopsis added to the story rather than spoiler alert, which so many do.
Chapter 2 felt shorter, and I wasn’t as all in.
Things moved on, a wee bit of spooky hints, some teasing, which I didn't want to like but was really well done. A plot device I could see coming but still moved me. I have to say, half way through this book, it is done really well!
I enjoyed the whole book, but the intimate scenes not so much. To me they felt a bit performative. The baddy was a bit cartoonish, and the pub worryingly busy for a small place. However, as I said, I enjoyed the book and hope you do too!

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This is the second book by this author I've read and she has a way of sweeping you into the setting and wishing you were really there.

Aisling Moss is a Brit and leaves London after her career is left in shambles and heads to Wales after receiving a letter and honoring the last wish of her grandmother. There she encounters more than she ever expected, but isn't sure she's ready to risk everything to keep it.

Finn Morgan is American boxer, but a injury has kept her out and she's made some crappy choices like sleeping with her boss's wife. When she gets a letter to go to Wales and meets Aisling and together they try and navigate it all.

The inheritance comes with conditions of course and seeing them try and work through it was interesting, plus throw in the small town vibe and its a recipe for disaster and success. It's a whimsical adventure that will be sure to grab you and not let go until you finish.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Very fun and memorable, low angst romance set in Wales. Aisling Moss and Finn Morgan learn they have an inheritance from their grandmothers. Both their careers are at a stand still so this may be just what is needed in their lives. I thought this might be opposite’s bickering, but it isn’t. Instead the two, who are not blood relations, are up to the challenge left to them. They need to work together to restore and run the local pub for a year to inherit it fully. They also have their grandmother's cottage to live in.

The small village is complete with nosy and helpful neighbors and community is an important part of the story. Aisling and Finn are creating a few jobs, and helping the townspeople where they can. And it is all done with much love and a bit of mystical powers.

Aisling and Finn are great together. I’m fine that all the magic isn’t explicitly explained and love the idea of The Tribe who has connection to the pub. I did have to put my logical side of my brain on hold a few times. I’m not sure why it took Aisling’s dad a full year to come meet the person he supposedly spent years looking for, but that is a minor point.

If you want a gentle read with a nice romance this is it. If you’ve been to Wales you love it more.

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Aisling enjoy her work as wedding planner she was good at it but she made error in judgment that have her losing her career which in my opinion she shouldn’t have up to lose her career to begin with. Aisling is surprise when she is summoned by a solicitor to a small Wales village outside Cardiff where she meets Finn a ex boxer who is a bit lost they learn their grandmothers left them both the town pub where they must reopen and at least stay a year to run it. Aisling and Finn experience unexpected challenges that have them face wether they take a chances on each other and realize sometimes playing it safe will have you miss out on something amazing.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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When Aisling’s career takes a dramatic downward turn after events out of her control happen, she finds herself called to Wales by the wishes left by her beloved grandmother in her will. Finn’s life in New York has also taken a bit of a downward spiral and she thought it was okay, until a letter calling her to Wales has her on the next flight to learn why.

Everything about this story was lovely, magical, and perfect for a fated romance. The way Aisling and Finn are bought into one another’s lives is certainly different and had a mystical feel, which as the story unfolded became much clearer. Fate really had been at play in many ways to create the events and reasons to bring them together, but it seemed to have help from love too. The story kept hinting at the mystical legendary wonder that Celtic places such as Wales, Scotland, and Ireland hold, and it just had me falling completely in love with this story, and all the characters.

Aisling and Finn were given little choice in the matter when it came to staying in Wales, and it didn’t take long for them to form a bond once they both realised the significance that it held to them. Quickly they became a part of a community full of wonderful characters, and I just knew, as I think they did instantly that they belonged there, and their purpose was to build a life there together. As soon as they realised that, the bond between them went from strength to strength and an undeniable attraction grew. They were both deserving of this happiness, and just the kindest, caring, and most given of people too.

I loved everything about this story. It’s a must read for any romance lover and had a wonderful homely, cosy feel to it.

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Really good entertaining book. The main characters are really good together, and the town they meet in is very adorable, quirky and mysterious. And the towns people are very friendly. These two meet when each receive a letter telling them about a property in said town. This book had romance, mystery, and intrigue, literally some of my favorite storylines. The characters were fun to get to know, and the secondary characters were well flashes out too, and made this an even better book. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family and I look forward to what's next from this author.

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A mystical village full of wonderful, quirky people wins the hearts of two city women who can't help but fall in love!
Not only with each other, but also with Wild Wales and his funny and warm-hearted souls.
They all stick together and try to support and help each other.
That really warmed my little heart.
Not to mention the touching and hot love story of Aisling and Finn!
Finn, ex-boxer and a short-order cook from Brooklyn, has nothing to keep her there.
She receives a letter from Wales about her deceased grandmother and decides to show up at the will reading. Aisling is a successful wedding planner from London and famous for her perfect planning talent.
Until she makes a fatal mistake and ruins this promising career.
There is nothing left now and she has to move back in with her parents.
She also receives a letter about the will reading of her deceased grandmother and of course goes to Cwylldbridge.
From the moment the two meet everything is funny, lively, hot and mysterious!
A wonderful story about roots, origins, family, love and belonging! I adore this book!
Thanks to Bold Stroke Books, Patricia Ecans and NetGalley for this ARC!

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This one was a bit of a swing and a miss for me, I loved the premise and I liked both Aisling and Finn as characters and think there was a lot of potential there for them as a couple. I also really enjoyed the small-town vibe and seeing the community come together. However, two big things didn't work for me.

Namely the romance, unfortunately, I don't think it was well developed. The pair meet, and find out they're stuck in the town together for a year, Aisling makes it very clear Finn isn't her type and nothing will happen between them and then they sort of make a bet about who will be able to resist the other the longest and then literally immediately after Finn is sucking on her titty. There was just no real immediate sexual chemistry to build on but it happened so fast there was also no actual romantic bond. It just all happened so quickly, it seemed like they were just hooking up but then Finn calls Aisling her girlfriend.

The other thing I took issue with was the weird random supernatural side plot?? There's 'a tribe' living in the roof which was just photos on a wall (I have no idea what that means) and supernatural stuff keeps happening like a date mysteriously being set up for them with candles ect and blankets appearing - I think it might have been the ghosts of their dead ancestors? It was just so weird and random and never really explained so it just made zero sense and took away from the actual plot.

Both of these factors just really limited my enjoyment of this story which really was a shame because it did have so much potential, and I love anything with butch x femme rep.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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This is a fun and adorable meetcute romance set in Wales, UK.

Aisling's career is imploding, and she needs a new start away from London.

Finn is tired of her Boston (Massachusetts) existence, where her pro-boxing dream has died, and her work as a chef doesn't fulfil her.

As if fate has heard them, they're summoned to Wales for the reading of their grandmother's Will. It is here that they find out that they've been left a pub just outside Cardiff and that they have a year to re-open it and make it a success.

Working together, the instant attraction grows into a relationship as they find their place in the world... with each other.

The story is fun, and there are some lovely moments not only written between Aisling and Finn but between them and the Welsh community and with the tribe.

Overall, this is an enjoyable story of finding your people and your home. Follow along as Aisling and Finn are able to be vulnerable with each other, and their relationship progresses into love with a nice amount of spice.

Pushing Aisling and Finn along in their progress with the pub and their relationship, the tribe looks after the women of the pub... but you'll need to read the book to learn more about the tribe!

I received an advance reader copy for free, and I'm voluntarily leaving a review.

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I enjoyed this book, watching how finn and aisling come together was lovely, I did feel a lot happened during the book which was a struggle to me personally I’d of liked it to just be about the pub and finding out about the previous owners rather than the whole mining situation but that’s just a personal preference.

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Patricia Evans (aka tomyboyinkslinger) is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and I’m thankful for their inclusion in the Bold Strokes Books family. With Wild Wales, Evans crafted a romantic and magical book in this 2024 re-release.

The story features Aisling Moss, a top tier wedding planner located in London who makes an error in judgment and loses her career. Finn Morgan is a lost ex-boxer in Brooklyn, NY, who fills her time as a short order cook at a diner. Both women are summoned by a solicitor to a small Wales village outside Cardiff for the reading of their respective grandmothers will. The will states that they re-open the town pub and run it for at least one year.

The story is filled with character chemistry between Aisling and Finn that Evans has a unique way of creating, town pride, lessons learned some the hard way, and magic. I highly recommend this book to other readers who are willing to suspend a little belief to be encompassed by the magic. 5 stars

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Comfort and joy: delightful romance set in Wales
When I started I was in dire need of comfort and joy and this wonderful romances brought it in spades.
Aisling Moss, English to the t of her toes, lost her career on the cusp of her biggest success: her perfectionism and impeccable attire, manners and posh language brought her so far until the sudden end (you don’t have to wait for the most delicious reason why).
Finn an American ex-boxer grew up in Brooklyn. Tattoos, broad shoulders and a cavalier attitude towards life and sex are her trademark.
Fate (and the author) must have had a good laugh to bring them together in small-town Wales - of all places! There is an inheritance with CONDITIONS. And a sexy dance begins between butch Finn and femme Aisling: no drama, just a delightful sexy dance.
The setting is small-town: comfortable, most people are willing to chip in and rally to help their own. Most of the romance is set in winter - so add to the amazing romance the joy of lights, snow, crackling open fires and teensy-tiny pinch of magic.

Thanks to netgalley and Boldstrokes Books for the ARC. The review is left voluntarily.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

aisling moss had a successful career until she didnt...

finn morgan had a boxing career until she didnt....

aisling and finn were both summoned to an office in wales by a solicitor to view their grandmothers will

what they didnt know was about to surprise both of them and send them down a path that could change their lives forever... they just had to brave enough for it

a whimsical storyline that brought me to tears at one particular scene, and it was lovely to watch the two main characters grow and watch their effect on the town

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