Member Reviews

*Thank you to Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for letting me read an ARC of this book through NetGalley!*

The Doomsday Vault
Overall Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (3/5) or 6.07/10 overall

Characters - 7

Atmosphere - 7

Writing - 6

Plot - 6

Intrigue - 7

Logic - 4

Enjoyment - 5.5

Overall Thoughts:
I will preface this by saying that I'm not a big fan of time travel books in general, but I found this book to be a little confusing to follow at times and overall lacking in logic. If you read this just for the vibes, the book is decent, but if you look too close at the logic it all starts to fall apart. Overall the characters and atmosphere were pretty good and I think those aspects kept me the most intrigued. Unfortunately, I found there to be a plethora of typos (though that might have been fixed in the final copy idk) and the story was reasonably predictable (there were definitely some moments where I think I was supposed to be surprised and I wasn't). There's something here that's pretty enjoyable and unique, but it gets a bit overshadowed by the rushed pace of the story.

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Time travel is the best! Bertie attends Everwhen School but wasn't prepared for it. How did he get there? Well, that's the mystery aspect of the book. The plot was both funny and educational with historic events. Great adventure and start to the series.

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This was such a fun adventure that I was looking for and enjoyed the children’s fiction element to it. It had what I was looking for from Thomas Wheeler and had a charm to it. It uses the inter-dimensional school element perfectly and enjoyed the time-travel. The characters worked overall and was glad I got to read this. I hope there is more in this world as I really enjoyed this.

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