Member Reviews

“The Queen’s Rise,” by Bethany Atazadeh

I liked the Jinn concept of the book. I wanna say that this is a good book and as a YA I think it’s a good book for the genre and for teens. That said I get overly stressed out by this type of plot; you make a mistake, and you hide mistake and then you make mistakes trying to hide the second mistake and it just keeps getting piled on. My nerves were so shot by the end of the three books that I needed to take a break. 3 out of 5 stars.


Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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Book 3, The Secret Curse, was absolutely my favorite, and definitively the strongest of Atazadeh’s books that I’ve read. Thank you NetGalley for providing me a free ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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DNF @ 24%

I'm sorry, I tried to keep going but something about Jezebel just didn't let me immerse myself in the book. I think I might try again in the future but for now, I unfortunately couldn't get farther than the first book.

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One of the best books I've read this year!!! So so good. Loved the characters, the plot, the storyline is perfect! I totally recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me a free ARC in exchange of an honest review.

Blurb: She’s forced to keep it secret or risk having her ability severed, stolen from her completely. Despite the danger, part of her is desperate to embrace her power.
When Jezebel's friends discover a portal to the human world, she follows them into the strange place, unable to resist the temptation to explore her gift where no one will see.
Except someone does. Someone Jezebel thought she could trust.

Review: DNF 26%, and therefore I won’t give it any stars since I don’t think it right to give a lower review just because it wasn’t for me.

This is the first book I’ve read about the author, and as others have said I think I should have read the other books before trying this one out since I found it very difficult to care for the main protagonist. I cared more about Phillipa than Jezebel. Yes, her home’s situation is poo, and Asher is a a-hole and deserved whatever he got, but the others? Seriously? Jezebel is just too quick to turn on her “friends” in the first book.

I don’t know what I expected, but this was not. And yes, there were parts that left me glued to the pages, but after putting it down it was quite difficult for me to start reading it again. I arrived at the beginning of book 2, and after one and half week of my kindle just staring disappointedly at me I decided that DNFing the book was the best I could do.

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Beautiful. Amazing.
I LOVE Jezebel….until I didn’t. Hear me out. I loved her right until the very end. I knew she was the villain and still a part of me loves her though my heart is absolutely BROKEN. (Which I wasn’t expecting) and I knew my heart was gonna break and I still read it and yes, I am still mad.
My hopes were soaring up up up and THEN BOOM SMACK BANG CHOP I was SoBiNG. So good job Mrs, Bethany and thanks to you I didn’t SLEEP ALL NIGHT trying to go over all the happy times in the book and trying to salvage this poor, betrayed Jinni girl’s life. I felt SO bad for her. She was betrayed, and then betrayed….and then BETrAYeD like gahhhhh. Okay so basically I could continue for ages about how sad I am.
I will say I loved the characters. (Koda is just 😍) I know I mentioned I liked Jezebel, but the way her character grew, and her arc, and her fear and that Pure RAGE moments…..phew. I was mad with her and I didn’t even agree with what she was doing. I really liked her arc tho. And Koda….man somehow this series makes TSK SO much better! I loved how Koda ties into the Cursed Hunter (my favorite of the series) This book was well done, like WELL DONE. The plot was solid and exciting and the romance, should I say romances, were well done. It was a very real backstory for the terrifying villain of TSK.
This is an omnibus of 3 books. I liked them better and better as they went along. Like the first is my least fav, second second, third my best except that terrible….anyways I won’t spoil it for you because I’m pretty sure you’ll love it. The bonus chapters were perfect, and did offer the tiniest and I mean tiniest shred of hope.
The only reason I’m having this 4 stars is bc I just wanted more hope at the end. I think this is just me as a reader, but I obviously cared enough about it to STILL be feeling emotional from the angst of this beautiful, gritty trilogy.
I received a ARC thanks to NetGalley and Mrs. Ethan’s. Thank you, and all opinions are my own. :)

*k, now ima go sob some more😭😍

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I really wanted to love this book. It has a gorgeous cover, a great premise and I was ready to fall head over heels in love. Unfortunatley it just wasn't that for me.

I couldn't get past the first book, and I really tried.

I did however love the short chapters, as a mom those are amazing. I will try again, as I know several state that the first book is slow and the rest are better. So I will try again at a later time.

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*thank you to net galley, the author and the publisher for the ARC*

⭐️/5 stars

DNF @ 20%
while i was once excited about reading this book, it did not meet up to my expectations. i felt that it was too long and complicated to understand or maybe this book just wasn't for me. I just felt that a more compelling hook could have been added in the start of the book so that I could have been motivated or interested in reading the same. i really tried to pull through cause I don't DNF books easily and try my best to always finish them. I would have loved if we would could see the book from different perspectives (characters) in the friend group. I LOVED THE FACT THAT IT HAS SHORT CHAPTERS but I just could not get myself to continue reading. Overall, I think that maybe this book just wasn't for me and you might actually enjoy it so do give it a try!

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I really liked the idea behind this series but I couldn't get past the first book. Jezebel's story gives good insight into how her circumstances set her up for hardship with a forbidden power and no one to help her navigate a world where her very existence is a crime. The problem for me was how things in the story were so aften repeated that I felt like maybe the ebook had jumped back some pages, but it hadn't, there was just redundantcy as if I needed a recap of the beginning of the book just a few chapters later. It was hard to find characters in the book to sympathise with which is probably on purpose so that a villain is created.

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I absolutely love villain origin stories, and this omnibus about the making of a villainous queen didn’t disappoint!

When we think of the evil queens in our favorite fairy tales, we never consider what happened in their lives to change them into the villains we love to hate. We might even assume they were born wicked. This collection of novels follows the life of Jezebel, an innocent Jinni girl who never cared about power or revenge. All she ever wanted in life was to escape her father’s wrath and keep her special abilities hidden for her own safety.

When Jezebel’s secret is revealed, she finds herself making impossible decisions in order to stay alive. But self preservation and rationalization can be a slippery slope, and Bel quickly finds herself falling into the dark.

I loved following Jezebel’s story and even felt sympathetic towards her and all the things happening in her life. Betrayal and bad decisions bred even more bad decisions, and by the end of the series she was the embodiment of the baddies we know and love.

The only negative thing I have to say about this collection of novels was that the third book seemed to drag a little bit, and I was just ready for her to embrace her evil nature long before she did. But overall it was a captivating series and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!

Thank you to Grace House Press for providing this ebook for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

My review will be posted on Goodreads and Amazon on release day, October 1st.

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“What if the evil queen in your favourite fairy tale wasn’t born wicked”

This book did not disappoint! There are three books in The Queen’s Rise, and I’m glad to say that nothing in the story felt dragged out. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. It’s brilliantly written, and the plot twists get crazier with each book!

The Queen’s Rising started strong with an intriguing world and a compelling protagonist, Jezebel. Betrayed and used by those she trusted, her heartbreak and lost friendships heavily influenced her actions and decisions. Like many fairy tales, the darkest queens aren’t villains in their own stories, and Jezebel’s story is no different. Everyone has their own agendas, and Jezebel had to fend for herself because no one else would. In the end, I genuinely felt heartbreak not just for Jezebel, but for the other characters as well.

I don’t want to give away too much because it’s so much crazier if you guys read it and experience the story as it unfolds with all the wild plot twists. The first book can be a struggle to get through (that’s why it’s not a 5 star for me) but trust me when I say it’s worth it—it’s just the beginning of a wild and twisted fantasy story.

Note: Reviews have been uploaded on Goodreads and Instagram (Readsbyjuli)
I will also be reviewing this on Amazon when it gets released

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I would this book series! The story’s were very well written and had a unique story line. I loved the world building and the setting of theses books! Would highly recommend!

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this was a DNF after 20% for me

i just could not get into the first book of the three, i tried to carry on considering a few reviews say that the first book wasn’t as good as the rest but i really struggled
the one thing i did like tho were the short chapters, i love a short chapter

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Thank you to NetGalley and Grace House Press for the ARC

I was pleasantly surprised by the series. It started off a bit confusing and not very captivating, but then everything got so much better in the next book. Good worldbuilding and great characters. An interesting storyline and a enjoyable read. I'm happy I received all the books because I immidiately wanted to jump into the next book and then the next book.

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