Member Reviews

In the second installment of R.L. Perez's 'Crowns of Fae' series comes a tale of fueding kingdoms and stopping at nothing to protect those you love.

Crown of Slumber is a dark Sleeping Beauty retelling where you meet Aurelia who just wants to be able to spend time with her sister and her dragons, especially Mal. She longs for the freedom of the forest and the open skies on top of her dragon. But she is thrust in to battle of dark magic, witches, a peculiar sleeping curse and an enemy prince who just happens to be super attractive....nothing could go wrong right?

Will Aurelia be able to set aside her differences with an opposing kingdom to save those she loves? And is she ready to meet the countless dark and terrifying creatures along the way?
This book is definitely one of my favorite of the year so far and I absolutely could not put it down. It's full of all of the things I love most in a fantasy and I'm sure this will be a book that I would wish to read again for the first time. If you like fae, dragons, witches and magic, this book will be right up your alley of steamy romantasy to binge!

Thank you to NetGalley and R.L. Perez for the chance to read the arc of this amazing book!

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This book, a Sleeping Beauty retelling, I must say I enjoyed reading this book.

The Princess of the Summer Court (Aurelia) one day realises everyone in her court has been cursed, being made to sleep and never to wake up... unless she finds a way to break the spell. Fortunately enough, with the Prince of the Midnight Court (Fenn) by her side, they embark on a journey across courts in order to save her kingdom, and also his... since it turns out his court, too, is in dire need of help. And they decide to make a blood bargain, to help one another out. They had what the other person needs in order to save their kingdoms. Aurelia grows suspicious of Fenn since he turns up just before her court has been put to sleep. But during this journey, they go through experiences that strengthen the bond between them, and maybe.... just maybe... they'll fall in love? They may as well since they're pretending to be betrothed, in order to make their journey together not to look so suspicious (since these kingdoms have always been hostile towards each other), and it also helps them carry out the journey to save their peoples. Do they end up saving one another's people? Will Aurelia and Fenn actually get married? Who put the people in the Summer Court to sleep and why? Why doesn't Aurelia have any fae powers... unless she's hiding them? You'll end up having all of these questions answered, and more if you decide to read the book!

I found it easy to get hooked on the book, however I did start losing my interest approaching the middle of the book. I found the relationship between Aurelia and Fenn to be immature at points, which was putting me off a bit. But I was soon again hooked approaching 3/5th of the book, since there was more action involved, and more secrets spilled, and some questions being answered. It was keeping me entertained til the end, and I ended up loving the book as a whole. The story is one of self discovery, trust, magic, DRAGONS, and sadly some betrayal. I find Aurelia's past very interesting, and I hadn't saw it coming. I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions with the dragons and Aurelia, it was so wonderful. Overall, I think parts of it reads like a YA, but like I said, I found myself really enjoying the book by the end. How they end up saving themselves and their kingdoms, I found engaging and exciting! I'd love to read the next book!

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I dnf'ed this one at 48%... let's talk about it.

I was given this ARC courtesy of NetGalley. All opinions are my own. I was not told to give a positive review.

Triggers: mentions of sexual assault, graphic sexual content, mild language

If this book hadn't been marketed as a "Sleeping Beauty" retelling, the plot would have been almost impossible to follow. Even with that premise as the backdrop, I found it incredibly hard to get into. The elements I loved from the original fairytale felt poorly handled in this "retelling," and I often had to remind myself which scenes were supposed to echo the original story.

The writing was another major issue. It's heavy on telling rather than showing, which made me feel like the author thought I wouldn't piece together even the most obvious details. She also used the same adjective phrases and hardly ever switched them up, so it was pretty easy to deduce what was being talked about... But the author lays it out for us as though we can't figure it out. For example, the same three-word phrase — "pine and mint and the fresh scent of waterfalls" — is repeatedly used to describe the smell of Fennick (the prince). During a scene where the protagonist wakes up next to him, the author uses this exact phrase again to describe the scent, as if readers couldn't figure out who was there:

<blockquote>When my eyes opened, registering the faint fuschia and amber glows of sunrise filtering through the curtains, I found myself encased in warmth. It pressed close to my skin, wrapping me in a cocoon of <i>pine and mint and the fresh scent of waterfalls</i>.</p><p>"Mmm." I burrowed further into the warmth.</p><p> Only to realize it wasn't a blanket or fur.</p><p> It was a person. </p><p> <i>Fenn.</i></blockquote>

<i>Of course</i> it's him — the same. exact. adjectives. are used every time. And this kind of redundancy wasn't the only frustration I had with the writing.

The first-person past tense narration also felt awkward. It's not that first-person past tense is inherently bad, but it often creates a sense of detachment, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story. This approach seems more suited for third-person narratives or flashbacks, not an entire novel where sensory engagement and emotional depth are essential.

Beyond the writing style, I found the handling of sensitive topics — particularly sexual assault — to be troubling. Aurelia (the Aurora character) is sexually assaulted by her former betrothed, and every time it’s mentioned, it feels like she’s begging those around her to ask her about it, and she opens her mouth, then shuts it, thinking better than to spill the tea so early on in the book... About halfway through the book, she shows little signs of trauma beyond a head shake to rid the thoughts that she doesn't want to think about. She doesn't seem triggered by any touch from Fenn, who later disrespects her in front of hundreds of people. Despite this, she quickly transitions to begging him to bed her after he describes what he wants to do to her in graphic detail.

The sexual scene, described in other reviews as "tasteful," felt tasteless to me and lacked realism. The chemistry between Fenn and Aurelia is supposed to be there, but their relationship swings wildly from hate to instant passion without any acknowledgment of fear, mistrust, or flashbacks from Aurelia’s trauma. This aspect, among others, ultimately made me put the book down. I regret not stopping sooner when the first signs of my disappointment crept in.

Overall, this book felt like a missed opportunity. The writing was lackluster, and the story seemed to be caught between wanting to be a faithful retelling and trying too hard to be original. The insensitivity in handling serious topics made it difficult for me to continue. Once I put the book down, I found I had little desire to pick it up again.

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I received this ARC of Crown of Slumber by R.L. Perez from NetGalley and am so thankful! I absolutely adored this retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty. I loved the world building and character development. The plot never got lost in the details but it was still a very atmospheric and enjoyable read. This is a perfect read for anyone who adores the romantasy genre. There was a bit of spice too, I’d personally say about a 3/5 amount of spice. It was all tastefully done and made you really love the characters and their journey. I loved this book so much, I’ll still be purchasing a physical copy for my bookshelf because it belongs there 💗

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Crown of Slumber: A sleeping Beauty Retelling


I really couldn’t put this down. If you’re into fantasy and romance with a Disney twist - this one is for you!

The world building was well done. Enough detail to get me invested without it dragging on.

This is also how you write a gorgeous enemies to lovers story. From the initial meeting I was squealing at my Kindle! The development of the two main characters and their love is magically done. I cannot wait to pick up more stories by this author because it was such a great and smooth read.

Goodreads review is posted. Instagram to be posted September 14.

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First things first, I am a cover ready and so when I saw this on NetGalley I knew I had to apply.

But I was blown away by how much I loved this book. A fantasy romance that keeps you guessing the hole time. I did not find any "down time" or slumps (even though I will probably be in one now after this book).

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This book is an absolute gem for anyone who loves fantasy romance with mysterious twists and turns.

I loved that the ‘drama/action’ started early on in the book and was kept consistent throughout (no boring bits, thank god). The twists were genuinely surprising, so much so that I couldn’t even guess how it would end!

I loved the small references to Sleeping Beauty without copying the story completely, the author did a great job at making it feel fresh and captivating. The romance was beautifully woven into the plot (I’m in love with Fenn!!!) and the world-building was fun however wish we could of seen a bit more of it.

Downloading her other books right now!! Highly recommended for fans of fantasy who enjoy a bit of romance and unpredictable storytelling!

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Crown Of Slumber worked for me as someone who struggles to follow more dense and intricate fantasy stories. It started really strong with me flying through the first quarter, though my excitement waned as the story went on. I wasn’t crazy about where the plot ended up but I was entertained.
I saw room for improvement in the writing and dialogue, but it was easily read and the depiction of dragons as beloved violent flying pets is always welcome in my home.

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I was honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed *Crown of Slumber*. If you’re a fan of *ACOTAR* and love enemies-to-lovers with a good slow-burn romance, this book is definitely for you!

The romance is what really hooked me. Enemies-to-lovers is always a favorite of mine, and this book delivers on that slow-burn tension. But I have to say, Fenn felt a bit too boyish and even whiny for the first three-quarters of the book. It kind of pulled me out of the romance at first, but luckily it got better as the story went on and Fenn started to mature.

One of my biggest gripes was the pacing. It moved way too fast, which is unusual for me to say! I wanted more world-building, more character depth, and more insight into the witches and dragons. The book had so much potential that I honestly could’ve read 100+ more pages if it meant diving deeper into all of that.

All in all, *Crown of Slumber* is a great read for fantasy romance fans, especially if you’re into enemies-to-lovers and slow-burns. Despite a few issues, it’s definitely worth picking up if those are your thing!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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“You are a firebird,” I whispered to her. “Magnificent and fierce. No one will quell your flame.”

🐉 Sleeping Beauty Retelling with a Twist
👑 Feuding Kingdoms
🐉 Deadly Court Schemes
👑 Fae, Witches & Dragons
🐉 Forced Proximity
👑 Enemies to Lovers

Overall Enjoyment: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️
World Building: 🌎🌎🌎🌎
Romance: ♥️♥️
Characters: 👤👤

“I loathe you more intensely than a thousand burning suns.”
“So what you’re saying is… you have strong feelings for me?”

I was instantly drawn to this book with its twist on the Sleeping Beauty fairytale, and Crown of Slumber did not disappoint. You’ll instantly find yourself swept up in fae politics, dragons who will steal your heart, and a romance that had the perfect balance of tension and banter.

“Dragons made much better company than fae nobles.”

With a first line like this you bet I was hooked from the first page. I too would prefer a dragon. Especially with how Perez writes hers, they are giant affectionate puppy like terrors and I loved every scene they were in! They definitely tugged on your heart strings while also adding great comedic moments. Who doesn’t love dragons?

“I find your sour attitude quite endearing, little firebird.”

I will never get enough of the banter that accompanies the enemies to lovers trope. I loved how prickly they could be with each other while still slowly letting down their walls. They are complex characters with intense history’s and their relationship was done in a very believable way. Even if I wanted to knock their heads together a time or two

“It was easy to don the mask everyone expected me to wear. But I had grown accustomed to taking off that mask for her.”

This was a great standalone and introduction to this world and I’m really glad I had the chance to read it!

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An amazing retelling of Sleeping Beauty! I loved the take on it! There were elements I definitely wasn’t expecting and I love it!! I loved the banter between the characters, it was easy to imagine. The FMC was strong yet still vulnerable. I any recommend this book to enough people. The romance and the entire book really is well written. I liked the alternating POVs. For my spicy lovers I’d give this a 2/5 chili pepper rating, but those point are just *chefs kiss*

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Thank you NetGallery for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I’m such a sucker for a fairytale retelling and when I hear that this was a sleeping beauty retelling mixed with flipping dragons AND fae I was sold. Straight away I loved it. I am OBSESSED with dragons at the moment and I loved the begging of the book, I was hooked the moment the author wrote about Aurelia and her bond with her dragons.

I really enjoyed the romance in this book and how it was written. I liked how this was truly a retelling but it was also loyal to the original fairytale. I feel like this was a really really good way of doing the story justice.

I loved the twist and I didn’t actually predict that it was going to be what it was. I feel like it kept me on my toes and I loved that about this book.

My only issue which is so tiny and probably my fault, was that I was really confused with the dual POV and who was who but then I realised it literally tells you at the start. Loved the dual POV and the short chapters. It really kept me enticed.

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I loved this retelling of the magical sleeping beauty.

Crown of Slumber is a romantasy based around Princess Aurelia (Princess of Summer Court) and Prince Fenn (Prince of the Midnight Court), who together tackle a sleeping curse that has befallen over Princess Aurelia's family and court.
The whole story is very captivating, and the world building is amazing. I truly felt like I could picture everything. The MFC is strong and independent whilst the MMC was witty and charming.

The playful banter between the two characters was great, and their slow burn romance was sweet.

Overall a GREAT book!

Don't forget to check out the authors note at the end of the book to see all the little 'nods' the original fairy tale.

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What an action packed book. I thought the pacing was great and kept me at the edge of my seat. Aurelia and Fenn were great MCs. I was invested in their relationship from the beginning and although it is a bit of a slower burn. It develops pretty quickly. Also the magical aspects are so fun even though the book was a little on the darker side. I definitely recommend it.

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4⭐️ 2🌶️

Thanks so much to Netgalley and Victory Editing for the ARC!

Crown of Slumber is an action packed sleeping beauty re-telling with a strong FMC and likeable MMC. From the very start it’s fast paced, with vivid world building that draws you in. If you’re looking for an easy read romantasy with dragons, delightful fae princes, and magic then look no further!

The romance is slow-burn , and I enjoyed the development of Aurelia and Fenn’s relationship as they navigate the fulfilment of the bargain between them.

The Dream Mage is a sinister presence throughout, although she’s seemingly very quickly disposed of at the end.

I need to know Azure is ok, for this reason alone I’ll be reading the next book!

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This one was really interesting. I didn’t know what was going on at first but then as I continued to read I got a better understanding of the plot and characters. I really did end up enjoying this one! The plot was good, character development was also good

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I really wanted to like this story as I love dark fantasy and retellings. But I found myself really struggling to finish this book.

Let's talk about what I like first. The cover is really beautiful. Second, the writing is really easy to read, and the plot is fast-paced with an immersive world building. Despite that, in my honest opinion, I didn't find any unique elements. This book seemed like a mash-up of all popular romance fantasy tropes; it was enemies to lovers, strong females, dragons, faes, witches, even one room/bed tropes; and I love them all. But I couldn't find any distinct nuance in this writing; something that would make me think 'Oh, this is what the writer does best' or 'Only this writer writes like this.'

The book was in the new adult category due to the spicy scenes and the dark fantasy theme. However, I found the characters acting like young adults; reckless and stubborn and honestly, a bit (if not very) annoying for me, but with the lust and passion of new adults. Aurelia is obnoxious, loud, and prejudiced. And yet she has been given an Overpowered card in this story, with a tragic and powerful background. So for me, there was a disconnect between Aurelia's past, her inner struggles, and how she behaves in the current timeline. I know, she had forgotten her past... but the natural inclination of personality couldn't deviate that far. For me, it would be better to have more foreshadowing; for example, Aurelia feeling like something was amiss in her life; a hollow ache she couldn't find; or glimpses of her past. This foreshadowing could develop her inner struggles better and create more connections with readers, at least for me.

The Midnight Prince wasn't better... he was even more obnoxious, childish, and some of his remarks made me cringe. In the last third of the book, he suddenly took interest in the kingdoms politics and suddenly he had gained all of the court's votes. This seemed a bit... overreached for me. I think it would be more exciting if he was shown struggling to get his court's support behind his mother's back at the beginning of the story; to show the readers that he was trying and meeting Aurelia was the final push to overthrow his mother. I think it would be much better to show that this prince wasn't as ignorant and as powerless as he was described throughout this book. At the end of the book, everything fell perfectly into his palm just like that.

Also, the banter between the summer princess and the midnight prince wasn't really 'bantering' for me; it felt more like two teenagers shouting at each other throats and then dealing with all of their problems by having sex. Even when Aurelia was in a dream comma, she managed to suck the prince's cock -- and all throughout that time, the villainess just stood still? The villainess literally waited until they were finished having sex before she appeared to tell both Aurelia and the prince that they were fucked. LOL I found that funny actually

The plot itself and the concept were enthralling. But unfortunately, this wasn't the book for me.

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I've just finished ARC reading this absolute masterpiece of a book.

It is hands down one of the best, if not the best ARC I've read.

I'm absolutely speechless.

The writing was just impeccable. The main characters were multi-layered, deep, and strong. There was so much more to them than what you see.

The world building was done so well that it played out so vividly in my head. The plot was rich and so full of twists and turns that it had me on the edge of the seat. I didn't want to put the book down because I was so enthralled by everything that was happening.

I honestly didn't want the book to end, I just wanted more. I'm still not ready to part with the characters and the story.

It was such a beautiful retelling of Sleep Beauty. I highly recommend this book!

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I loved this book! It was such an interesting, fast paced and enjoyable book and it was EXACTLY what I needed to pull me out of my reading slump! I had such a fun time reading this and got through it all in one day.

I really loved the 2 main characters but, Mal wad my favourite by a mile. I have a soft spot for animal side characters! The story was really fun but did keep me guessing with a lot of twists and turns. I've never read a Sleeping Beauty retelling but I really liked how it kept elements of that in but wasn't an exact copy of the original story.

Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for something fun, quick and easy to read!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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This was a general retelling of Sleeping Beauty with spice and dragons mixed in! Aurelia and Finn are from opposing kingdoms but both need something from the other. They have to work together and pose as a betrothed couple to save their kingdoms and families. This was a great story with a strong and confident FMC which I really loved.

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