Member Reviews

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Willow Haven Press for approving me as an ARC reader for this book!

Crown of Slumber was a fast-paced and action-packed Sleeping Beauty retelling turned on its head. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this book- the writing, the plot, the characters- all of it. It had me hooked from line one right up until the end; I was just turning page after page with no realization as to the world around me. This book has everything a lover of fantasy (and romantasy) loves and more- from dragons, fae, witches, and magic to witty banter that's sure to have you crying with laughter and giddily kicking your feet while giggling. I will, without a doubt, be reading more from this author!

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I really enjoyed this book!!!the sleeping beauty retelling was very good and was a spin that I was not expecting! I found this such an easy read, I read over half of it in one sitting without realising!
It has loads of the tropes I love:
Enemies to loves
Forced proximity
Dual POV
The tension that was built between the main characters I thought was very good and the book had just the right amount of spice!!! More spicy fairytale retellings please!

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Firstly, when I heard this was a sleeping beauty retelling I thought it was going to be a sickly romance. Does it have romance? Yes. But it does so in such a pure, slow burn kind of way it’s very satisfying to read.
As for the plot, I definitely didn’t expect it! It kept me glued to the chapters from the beginning which is hard to do for me. The magic system and the different courts/realm was simple and easy to understand yet there were unique parts that gave it its own original feel.
When it came to the spice there definitely wasn’t much of it but the few spicy scenes that occurred were written well certainly had the heat turned up ❤️‍🔥🥵.
The only thing that I would say stopped me giving this a 5⭐️ was that it felt like such a long book I found myself wishing it would hurry up a little bit. I feel like it could have been condense a little and that would have made it 5⭐️.
Overall I really enjoyed this and if you love fantasy, magic, dragons with a little bit of 🌶️ you would love this too.

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I absolutely flew through this book, reading it in just 2 sittings. The writing is very easy to follow along, and the world is fun, it kept me engaged. The book really felt like a fairy tale with all the best tropes including dragons, witches, princesses, and extravagant parties.

I thought Aurelia and Fenn had cute banter with each other, and their romance felt well developed. They both felt like fully realized characters to me and I was rooting for them.

My only real “huh?” moment was the timing of the spicy scene in act 3 (iykyk) immediately before fighting the Big Bad; with the ticking clock I felt like that being a priority in the moment made no sense. And the ending wrapped up a bit conveniently and quickly but that’s not necessarily bad.

Thank you to NetGalley and Willow Haven Press for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An interesting retelling of Sleeping beauty with LOT'S of dragons, action and romance.
Headstrong FMC and an enduring MMC! Loved the chemistery between them!
It was like going on an aventure in "once upon a time..."

All in all, a fairy tale turned into a action-packed romantasy.

Post on IG the 6 of sep 2024 - on Fantasy Friday (one_fairy_tale_at_the_time)

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Thank you to the publishers for this copy !

This was a re/telling of sleeping beauty but with DRAGONS AND FAE !

I loved this so much ! It gave me everything I love Ina. Fantasy story .

Enemies to lovers , fae , steamy , banter , and world building!

I felt like I was doing everything and experiencing the places the characters were !
Not to mention this had some action scenes that I loved !
I appreciate that it was fast paced , and that it’s a stand alone !

I am so happy I read this , and it’s perfect for any romantacy lover ! Can’t wait to read this again !

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This was such a refreshing take on a fairytale retelling. It was uniquely twisted.

It was fast-paced with amazing worldbuilding and lots of twists that shocked me.

I loved how strong and independent Aurelia was and how protective she was with her dragons. And even though she has a lot of trauma, she still powers through.

I also loved the flirty encounters with Fennick and the banter between the two, I was eating it up.

This was definitely a great page turner, from start to finish, and one I will definitely read again.

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3 Stars

Big thanks to the publisher and author for sending me an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book didn’t let me catch my breath. It kept building tension on top of tension right up until the very end. Just when I thought I had the twist all figured out, it totally blindsided me. I was so wrong, and honestly, I loved being surprised like that.

Here’s what I really enjoyed:

1. Dragons: I mean, come on, it’s dragons. Of course, I loved them! Who wouldn’t?
2. WorldBuilding: The world itself was super immersive. The way the magic worked, the political drama between the courts—it all made the world feel real and exciting.
3. Characterization: No helpless, innocent heroine here, thank goodness! And the MMC wasn’t your typical dark, brooding hunk either. It was so refreshing to read characters that broke away from those tired old tropes.

But I’ve got to be honest, there was one thing that really bugged me. At this super crucial, intense moment in the story, the FMC suddenly decided it was a good time to, well… let’s just say she got really intimate with the MMC. Like, why?? It totally killed the vibe and ruined the momentum for me. And don’t even get me started on the cheesy lovey-dovey banter that followed—it was so cringey! Why?? why?? why did it have to happen during such a pivotal scene??

So, did I like the book? Yeah, I think I did. Would I recommend it? For sure, if you’re into romantasy with killer world-building and dragons. Just be prepared for that one weird moment.

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I love standalones and dragons. This book was perfect for me. The pacing did feel somewhat slow at times and that's why I knocked a star off; otherwise, it would have been five stars. The characters are all dynamic and are full thought out. It has just enough spice for me. Absolutely enjoyed this read.

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I received this book as an arc from NetGalley. I thought the book was rather good, however I don’t think it’s something I’d read more than once or twice.

I liked that it was a standalone but I also think because of that, that there were a handful of plot holes that could have been resolved if the book had been stretched into two books.

It contains a few popular tropes such as enemies to lovers, fake relationship, and forced proximity. It also has dragons which everyone loves and the way the dragons are created in this story are very interesting.

I enjoyed seeing the banter between the two main characters. I liked how their relationship grew, especially after starting their fake relationship.

Aurelia did get on my nerves at times when she would start fights for seemingly no reason. I’m sure the fights were meant to further the plot but at times they seemed unreasonable. I felt bad for Fenn every time it happened.

Overall I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to someone if they asked about it.

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Who doesn’t love a good sleeping beauty retelling and a book full of dragons! I absolutely loved this book, honestly more than I thought I was going to!! Read it in 2 days.

It was definitely a new spin on the classic fairytale. The characters and plot of the story were thought out, the world building was complex but not to complex that it was hard to follow. Dragons play a huge part in this story, which added to my love for the book.

It had just enough spice, could have had even a little more between the characters! Loved that he fell first! My heart ❤️❤️ this book definitely kept me on my toes the entire story!

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I was given the opportunity to read Crown Of Slumber by R.L.Perez as an ARC for an honest review. For anyone with triggers, please note that the book includes elements of SA.

*No spoilers.*
The story is loosely based on the fairytale of Sleeping Beauty, and it was fun finding some of the Easter Eggs. For me this book had some of my most favourite elements: Enemies-to-Lovers with a healthy amount of spice, Witchcraft and Dragons, as well as politics/feuds between neighbouring kingdoms. The book is written in a dual POV which made it easier to connect with the two main characters. I was immediately sucked into the story and it kept me interested throughout, with several twists and surprises. I believe that the book will be part of a series, but it is a stand-alone story which does not end on a cliffhanger, though that made the end feel slightly rushed.

Total rating for me is 4.5 stars. Definitely one of my favourite reads this year so far. (I will leave a copy of my review on Amazon after publication.)

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A great first book for a romantasy series based on fairytales. This one is loosely based on Sleeping Beauty, and i enjoyed every second of it!!
The pacing for this was just perfect, with the action kicking off almost immediately. There was never a dull moment when reading through this, and i enjoyed the dual pov a lot more than i thought i would.
Both of the characters were really fun and interesting, and they had almost entirely opposite personalities which made for some really funny banter/teasing/flirting back and forth between them!!

I adored all of the tropes that were present in this book too. We're talking; enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience/arranged marriage/fake marriage, he falls hard and fast, and THE DRAGONS!!!
This book definitely felt like the love child between ACOTAR and Fourth Wing, with a lot of overlapping themes and events, and even a lot of world descriptions and elements that felt like they were inspired by those books. Saying that though, it worked really well to give this book a slightly unique voice in the retelling of a classic fairytale like Sleeping Beauty.

The one thing i wish had been done differently, or was included more in this book was build up and tension. Like i said, i really enjoyed how quickly paced this book was, and the fact that we were thrown into things almost immediately, but i do think that a little more time could have been taken right at the start of the book to lay out some ground rules, paint a very clear picture about the different courts dynamics and politics, and exactly where the main characters were at in their lives before meeting each other. I only say this because being thrown right into the action less than 50 pages in just meant that i didn't form that deep connection or understanding with either of the characters before everything kicked off. It just meant that everything that was happening didn't have such a big emotional impact.
Overall things also felt a little rushed in the end, but they usually are for standalone romantasy books so this isn't by any means out of the ordinary. Some things could have more than likely been left out in the middle of the book to give it a cleaner and less rushed ending, but it was still a very enjoyable read!!

Thank you to netgalley, the publisher and the author for giving me the chance to read a copy of this book <3

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Book review Crown of Slumber by R.L. Perez
A Sleeping Beauty Retelling
Pub Date Sep 15 2024
Rating ⭐️: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spicy 🌶️: 🌶️🌶️

I am grateful to have received this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Spoiler alert

Wow this book was brilliant, it was enemies to lovers, sleeping beauty curse, healing through trauma, loss of memory.

They hit it off from the start until they found out who the other person was. They strike a deal that will help them both protect their people and save them.

They hated each other but had to pretend to like each other, they fight side by side, they had to share a room, her bathing while he sleeps in the best beside her. They then fell in love, although he fell in love first and he protected her, he helped her with her trauma and was there for her through it all.

The description and detail of the dragons, the different courts I felt like I could see it and feel it, I left I was at the midnight court and I was experiencing the fete fires and partying.

This book was captivating the whole way through. I am definitely buying this book when it is released as a I need a book trophy for my book shelf.

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As soon as I started this book I knew immediately that I wanted more than 400 pages! I do wish there would have been more world building up front - the storyline could have felt stronger than that. The plot was easy to follow and wasn’t confusing when the plot twists came up. The enemies to lovers trope was well done and believable. I liked how it wasn’t a circle of repetitive reasons why she couldn’t like him. Not too much spice, but the spice we got was good.

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I am grateful to have received this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

✨Spoiler free✨
From the very first chapter this book had me hooked! There was no slow world building before you got to the good stuff, it took off running and never slowed down. That fact had me a little nervous at the start, I won’t lie, but I honestly thought the pacing was consistent for the most part.

When Prince Fennick travels to the Summer Court to strike a deal that will save his kingdom, he discovers a connection with a nameless woman just outside of the castle. Once their identities are revealed though, Princess Aurelia is disgusted to learn that she felt drawn to the vicious prince of the Midnight Court.
She doesn’t have much time to dwell on that though since the entire castle soon falls under a sleeping curse. With no other options, Aurelia and Fenn bargain to help each other, and throughout their journey they can’t help but gravitate to one another.
This story is filled with magical creatures, twists and turns that I genuinely did not expect, heartbreaking events that brought tears to my eyes, banter that literally had me kicking my feet and giggling, and scenes that had me sitting up in bed reading anxiously. Witches, goblins, ogres, dragons, fae, you name it and this book had it.

I would definitely recommend this book to those who love an action packed romantasy! The only reason this isn’t a 5-star read for me (4.5 but I can’t do half stars lol) is the increase in pacing toward the end that made it feel a little rushed, this in turn made major events feel more brief than I would have liked. Otherwise it was a smooth, quick read and didn’t have me doing mental gymnastics to remember all the names and places and logistics that usually comes with a fantasy book. Seriously in my top five favorite reads of the year, and RL Perez is now definitely one of my automatic-buy authors!

*This book discusses past experience with SA.

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I didn't read this book, I devoured it! I love the retelling of old fairy tales, could be because I read the fairy tales as bedtime stories to my kids (I've got 6 kids, so I've been reading bedtime stories for a while now). This book had it all spice, adventure, romance, a strong FMC, a loveable MMC and dragons.

When a deadly sleeping curse befalls her family, Princess Aurelia's only hope lies in the hands of the wicked Prince Fenn. His kingdom maintains the only known supply of stardust, a rare substance that is the key to breaking the spell. But Fenn’s aid comes with a price: Aurelia must pose as his betrothed to secure an alliance that will protect his court.
As they embark on their journey, weaving a web of deception, Aurelia begins to see through his charming facade. Beneath his flippant persona lies a depth she never expected—a prince she could grow to care for. Perhaps even love.

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Crown of Slumber
Due to be published 15/9/2024
ARC Review
✨️7/10✨️ A great romantasy read

When a sleeping curse befalls Princess Aurelia's family, the only one who can help her is the Prince of her court's greatest enemy.

In return, the charming Prince Fenn requires the flame of her dragons to protect his lands.

They weave the deception of their betrothal to protect both their Courts. But there is more going on behind the scenes than either of them realise. Together, they must face the past and their families to truly save their Courts.

Crown of Slumber is described as a spicy sleeping beauty retelling. Although there are some common elements between the two stories, I honestly think it is strong enough to stand under its own merit.

Aurelia and Fenn have great chemistry and banter. They both jump off the page at you, and you are rooting for them the whole time.

I love the personalities of the dragons, and the sprinkling of unseelie beasties, which gives the world more depth.

There was one twist in the tale that I did not see coming - and I absolutely love that! When it happened, everything clicked in to place. I could see the foreshadowing, and loved that it caught me off guard.

I have some gripes with certain tropes, and bits of miscommunication - mostly when the MMC needs to regress his perceptiveness and realisation for a chapter or two to make story beats work. But I can overlook that when the plot and themes are otherwise solid.

The resolution felt a bit rushed, and therefore a little too easy. But the ending itself was satisfying.

Overall, Crown of Slumber is a solid romatasy read that draws you in and manages to surprise with its twists and turns.

Given how much I enjoyed this, I will definitely be picking up R.L Perez's other books.

Thank you so much Willow Haven Press, NetGalley, and the author, R. L. Perez for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review. All opinions are my own.

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I received an advanced reader's copy of Crown of Slumber by R.L. Perez from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The summary was intriguing, but the world building was lacking, the pace was uneven, and the characters were lackluster.

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the story follows aurelia princess of the summer court and fennick prince of the midnight court. Aurelias kingdom soon falls under a wicked sleeping spell and she figures out the only one who can help her is fennick of the midnight court, which sucks because the summer court and midnight court are sworn enemies.
Together they must figure out a way to lift the sleeping spell but they soon find out its much deeper than they think.

The story is amazing it has everything a romantasy retelling should have, great romance, dragons, fae, witches and magic. The writing is amazing and so so captivating.

I genuinely enjoyed this book as my first retelling story ever and i would for sure pick up the next book in this series or other books by this author.

The only thing I did not really like were the spice scenes. They were not written in a way that was enjoyable for me to read but they were such minor scenes it didnt really affect the overall feel of the book

if you like romantasy retellings i recommend to pick this book up when it comes out on september 15th!

⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 /5

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