Member Reviews

Okay, so let me just say, it's not often that I recommend a book to everyone, but this one? Absolutely. "Sacred Romance" by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge is a gem that I think every Christian should read. If you've ever read anything by John Eldredge, you probably already know he's amazing at keeping your attention with stories and illustrations that just click. That’s definitely true in this book, and I found myself having “aha” moments left and right.

The main thing I took away from it was this: life is way more than it seems at first glance. The challenges, the arrows, the beauty, the good stuff—it's all part of a much bigger story. And yeah, we all know there’s a bigger story at play, right? But how often do we really think about the cast of characters, the plot twists, and the fact that all of this is a sacred romance between us and God? Are we just going through the motions, checking boxes, and missing the whole point of the story?

Oh, and just to give you a little teaser—intimacy with God? It’s not about religious tasks or checklists. That's not what He wants. This book really opened my eyes to that, and I think it could do the same for you.

Seriously, get the book, read it, and let me know what you think! I can’t wait to hear what resonates with you.

My thanks to NetGalley and Nelson Books for providing an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Are you aching for a grand adventure or a captivating relationship? Great! That’s how God designed you! In 'Sacred Romance', Brent Curtis and John Eldredge thoroughly dive into why we so often turn to cynicism or addictions to satisfy the longing in our hearts, even as Christians. These men use personal testimonies and stories of others throughout the book to bring relatability into a more abstract topic. As someone who's familiar John Eldredge's, 'Wild at Heart' and 'Captivating', this book is both a next level of those combined books and a beginner's guide all its own. I really appreciated how condemnation-free their call is to deeper intimacy with Jesus. Though this book might be longer than some people are willing to read, it covers a concept that I believe is critical to healthy Christianity.

If you are longing for purpose or a deeper relationship with God, then I recommend this book to you!

Special thanks to the Publisher, Nelson Books, and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Sacred Romance drew me right in with its acknowledgment of a universal call to something more and deeper in our relationship with God. The author beautifully portrays God calling to our hearts through our daily lives even though we don’t always recognize Him. This book is an important reminder of God’s love to His people whether we deserve it, or are even looking for it, or not. I give this book 4 stars.

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A life changing book encouraging the reader to develop a closer relationship with the God who loves them. The book give suggestions and guidance to draw in relationship with God.
Originally co -authored with Brent Curtis who was killed in a climbing accident in 1998, John sought to update and remarket the book to reach a new generation.
I have read several of John Eldredge's books , "Wild at Heart" being my favorite.

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Title: The Sacred Romance Revised: Coming Home to the God Who Pursues your Heart
By: Brent Curtis and John Eldredge
Pub. Date: November 12, 2024

Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Christian

Favorite Quotes:
“Aren’t you thirsty? Listen to your heart. There is something missing.”

“No wonder it’s hard to live from our heart! We find ourselves in the middle of a story that is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awful, often a confusing mixture of both, and we haven’t the slightest clue how to make sense of it all.”

“The true story of every person in this world is not the story you see, the external story. The true story of each person is the journey of his or her heart.”

Summary/ Review:
We live in a chaotic and confusing world. This book offers a christian perspective on ways to find peace, belonging, and connection with God. The authors consider this connection – a romance. A necessary relationship with God to rediscover and open your heart back up to not only God’s love for you, but to the way God sees you, your purpose and your potential. The novel is a rediscovery which will reawaken your heart and your deepest desires.I appreciate the author's relatable perspective on the emptiness we experience in life when we depend on the wrong things in this world, such as various addictions, to bring us fulfillment. I have read numerous books by John Eldredge and although this is not my personal favorite, I did enjoy rediscovering the awakens of my heart!

Thank you John Eldredge, Nelson Books, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.


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A very deep book! Lots of phrases/terminology, concepts, & fresh perspectives that were new to me. I found it to be very informative. It explained a lot of the struggles we face as humans & throughout our Christian walk. I love the concept of the Arrows. It also made me see God in a new light & provided a thorough explanation of the whole story & His true character.

“Many professing Christians end up living: as practical agnostics. Perhaps God will come through, perhaps he won't, but I'm not risking living as though he will come through. I'll hedge my bets and if he does show up, great. That would be wonderful. If he doesn't, I've got my bases covered. The simple word for this is godlessness. Like a lover who's been wronged, we guard our heart against future disappointment.”

“What if we saw God not as Author, the cosmic mastermind behind all human experience, but as the central character in the larger story? What could we learn about his heart?”

“And so we live with the fear of not being chosen, the burden of maintaining whatever it is about us that might get us noticed and the commitment never to be seen for who we really are. We develop a functional self-image, even if it is a negative one.”

“We’ve never been wanted for our heart, our truest self, not really, not for long. The thought that God wants our hearts seems too good to be true.”

I also enjoyed the combination of scripture, poems and experts from books, and personal stories.

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This book is an updated and revised version of the Christian classic coauthored by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge, that was first published in 1997. Sadly, Brent lost his life in a climbing accident in 1998; however, John has now solely undertaken the task of this latest revision. The main idea of behind this book is that God calls and desires everyone to join in a sacred romance with Him. It explains that our role is to join God on this journey to a sacred romance by drawing near to His heart and experiencing an intimate and beautiful adventure. I found this book to be both an interesting and insightful read.

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This book wasn’t so much for me. Though the message is good, it was hidden behind lots of words and pages and pages of description of things that weren’t really so important to the point. This writing style works for some, for sure, but not for me.

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I am always looking for material to read that will keep me in close relationship with God and will deepen my faith and my understanding. I have read many books by John Eldredge before and enjoyed them. This is apparently the first book he wrote, co-authoring it with Brent Curtis who tragically died not long after publication.

The attempt to make their message allegorical like the classic series the Chronicles of Narnia fell short for me. I also found their naming of things (like The Message of the Arrows to discuss things that hurt us and impact us in a negative way, and the Sacred Romance to describe a closer relationship with God) and the continual use of these names throughout the book to be artificial and distracting from the overall material.

Many other reviewers have said that this book is one of the most meaningful if not the most meaningful book they have read in their life. I personally did not find it so, but mine is but one voice in the churning sea. I have learned through the years that timing is key in life in general, and it is no different with books. A book read at one point in our life can have a totally different impact than the same book read at another time.

I rejoice for those who love this book and will give it another chance at another time.

My thanks to Thomas Nelson for allowing me to read a DRC of the paperback version of this book via NetGalley. Publication is 11/12/24. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own and are freely given.

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This is a revised edition of a classic. I'm not clear on what is different in this edition from the earlier one but it is a worthy read. It's a beautiful emphasis on the sacred romance we have in our relationship with God. It offers a fresh perspective on the gospel.

#SacredRomance #NetGalley

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Enthralling, deep, life-changing. This is the book I've been looking for.

Such a meaningful yet approachable read.

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Thank you to Thomas Nelson and Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book. This book is one of the staples that I recommend to anyone who is curious about what it means to have a relationship with God or maybe if you've just fallen off the tracks and need to get back on. It's more than just a worldly relationship, it's eternal and has eternal benefits. In life we have to decide what is really important in our short time here. I pray this book blesses all who see and read these words and sparks that desire in your hearts to run to Jesus.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advance copy of the Sacred Romance. Even though this is a revised edition, it was a new book to me as I hadn't read the original. It honestly took me a little bit to get into the book due to the story telling elements such as the arrows. However, I knew I wanted to finish it because you could tell that it followed the storyline of God's love for us and desire to woo us. By the time I reached roughly halfway through I was able to follow their story elements a bit better and really enjoyed the last half of the book. It left me with wanting to re-examine my own relationship and intimacy with God. I think if a book can make you stop to think about where you are, and where you could get to on your own walk with God the book did a great job.

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This book needs to be read! It's really a reminder about the real Story we're living in and all the reasons we fall prey to false stories. Brent and John get back to the heart of our identities, our deepest longings, and our hopes. I really enjoyed the use of narratives and the other books mentioned. I really want to pick up Milton and the Pilgrim's Progress after their mentions in this one. It is critical to remember that our walk with Jesus is a romance, and God is a great pursuer. This book really highlighted to me both my own identity in Christ and God's character, both of which are so easy to forget. I highly recommend! It's a much needed book for this age!

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Curtis and Eldredge examine the relentless pursuit of humans by God, who seeks to satisfy the longings and fears of the human heart. This book exposes the need to be known and to know, the quest for love and intimacy, and the ways God comes near to us personally and in community.

Eldredge is known for his call to a personal relationship with God, and I found this book summed up best in this verse:

But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? Galatians 4:9

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