Member Reviews

This author did a really good job keeping up the Parker tradition for Jesse. I love the fact that almost a decade after the passing of Parker, we are still able toot read stories where authors let his voice shine through.

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I’ve enjoyed every one of the Robert Parker Jesse Stone novels. Some more than others (I am thinking of a few written by ghost writers), but all left me entertained and better for having spent time with Police Chief Jesse Stone and his solid moral core, his undeniable sense of justice, his unending energy, and the sense of humor to get him--and everyone--through even tough times. In Buried Secrets (GP Putnam's Sons 2025), twenty-second in the series,  Stone hires a new cop to replace several on the City of Paradise's force who have found greener pastures. He admits to not taking enough time to interview the new guy, but instinctively feels good about him and takes him on. From Day One, things don't go as well as Stone had hoped, but he is wrapped up in a complicated case involving a man who died atop millions of dollars and hundred of crime scene photos. Trying to untangle this odd situation makes Stone less attentive than he should be to his newest officer. Plus, Jesse is trying to improve his life, make its job-centric pieces allow him a more fulfilling personal life. Juggling all of these balls is almost more than he can handle, until his laser focus figures out what to pay attention to and what to ignore. This is the Jesse readers love.

Writer Christopher Farnsworth does a good job reproducing the voice and feel of the original Jesse Stone books. Of course, there are a few differences, but nothing that made me lose interest. This was an excellent story and I am eager for the next in the series.

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This eARC was received through and I am providing an unbiased review.

By my reckoning, and help from some other book sites on the interwebz, this is the 22nd novel in the Jesse Stone series originally started by Robert B Parker. Once again we are following along in the steps of the Paradise, Mass., police chief Jesse Stone as another crime happens in the peaceful town. If you have read previous novels in this series, and have been able to catch at least one of the several movies made from the books (featuring Tom Selleck) you will more than understand how I picture our MC to look.

This is Farnsworth's first endeavor into the realm of Robert B Parker novels (Spenser, Sunny Randall, Jesse Stone) and he does what I consider a very fine job of doing so. I found the writing style similar to previous novels (by other authors, and Parker himself) and the story moved along at the pace that Parker intended all his stories to go (in my opinion). I really liked how he brought into play the issue regarding 'hoarding', as it seems to occur more often these days, or at least we hear more of it happening. I also liked how he brought up issues with the main character himself, and fears he might be facing (spoiler: being old and alone and dying but no one would notice).

I definitely enjoyed this read, and another trip into the world of Jesse Stone, and I think Farnsworth has done a wonderful job with his first novel into this realm.

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Another Jesse Stone book, this time from a new author. I'll have to say this was a bit more a) emotional and 2). Violent. What a combination. A satisfying conclusion but what a road. I am going to be cautiously optimistic for the next one.

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The discovery of a dead body strewn with photos of murder victims and placed atop $2 million cash incites the Jesse Stone sequel ROBERT B. PARKER'S BURIED SECRETS.

As fans expect of Parker continuation authors, Farnsworth's prose flows. Setting up a plot of mob men coming to Paradise after the evidence and money, he also has Chief Stone bring aboard tarnished young cop Derek Tate, whose past reminds Jesse of his own. Jesse's eagerness to give Tate a fair shot at redemption gets him grief at work and in town.

As familiar as Jesse Stone's viewpoint is, I'm most impressed that Farnsworth leaves it often enough to flesh out Tate and the mob men and widen the range of the action. I look forward to his next entry.

Thanks to Putnam Books for the NetGalley. ROBERT B. PARKER'S BURIED SECRETS will be published February 4, 2025.

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Robert Parker would certainly be proud of this latest installment of the adventures of Jesse Stone in Paradise. All of his usual characters (Jesse, Molly, Suit, Daisy and Rita Fiore) are present and have important roles to play in this stimulating tale of murder, arson, police brutality and vengeance. I particularly enjoyed the sessions Jesse had with his psychiatrist and found them to be very enlightening. The story is interesting and the writing is superb and I thank NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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Police Chief Jesse Stone investigates the mystery behind a dead body found strewn with photos of murder victims and placed on top of $2 million in cash, before a mob of hit men converge on Paradise! Great read!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had a bit of everything! It had great suspense, intriguing, murder, mystery, serial killers, hit men, mobsters, a sort of who done it and some great twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting! I highly recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This book presents a more “noir” Jesse Stone, angrier and more hostile. It’s Jesse without a sense of humor. The novel connects to a hoarder found dead in his home, full of mob secrets and millions in mob cash. This discovery sets off a frightening chain of events.

Embedded in the book is a subplot dealing with a bad cop, new to the force who stirs up the town of Paradise and becomes involved with the mobsters trying to retrieve the evidence and spoils found in the hoarder’s house.

This is a novel that reminds readers of Jesse’s alcoholism which becomes inflamed by the events.

As always, the regulars play a part in the plot. The author even introduces a possible future romance.

Thank you Netgalley for a great read in the reinvented Parker world.

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