Member Reviews

Kate & Frida by Kim Fay ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Putnam Books
Pub Date: 3-11-25

Thank you @netgalley, @putnambooks, and @kimkfay for this eARC.

"That got me thinking about other things that hold our memories – like books. Except books aren’t anchored in one place like a building which means you can read a book that holds your memories anywhere. And food. If you can get your hands on the right ingredients, you can eat a dish that holds your memories anywhere too. If memories are inherent to our sense of identity, does that mean it’s possible to reassemble parts of your identity no matter where you are in the world?"

Frida Rodriguez mails a letter and a travelers check from Paris to a bookstore in Seattle. Kate Fair, a bookstore employee, is "the only person here who’s perky enough to respond". This simple request for a book starts a deep friendship between Frida and Kate, both avid readers and aspiring writers.

Told via letters between Frida and Kate from 1991-1994, what starts as lighthearted correspondence soon grows much deeper as they share a wide range of experiences with each other - from the mundane to the extraordinary.

I can't say more as you should experience the story as it unfolds! I can say that if you were born in the 70s you will enjoy the references sprinkled throughout - including references to Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?, Beezus and Ramona, and Say Anything's Lloyd Dobler.

This is my second epistolary novel this year. Both have been 5⭐ for me. And . . . before I read this story I didn't know that 'War Journo Dames' is a genre I definitely need to check out! I've already downloaded two of the books that play a recurring part of the story.

This is a book I will purchase for my bookshelf and read again and again. After meeting Frida and Kate as they navigate their 20s, my wish is to check in with them again in their 50s.

#kateandfrida #kimfay #putnambooks #netgalley

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Aw this made me want to write letters to my friends and just adore female friendship even more!!! I really loved the inclusion of all the little headers as the women travelled, simply magnificent

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Kim Fay did it again. Another epistolary book between newly found friends Kate, a bookseller in Seattle and Frida, an adventurer in Paris. They exchange letters in the early 1990's and share all the things from relationships, work, the world, books, food, and more. I loved watching this friendship bloom. I loved remembering my time in the 1990's. I loved the history of Bosnia. I loved the food in France. I loved the book recommendations from Seattle. So much goodness.

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons for the gifted e-copy of this book.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the opportunity to read Kate & Frida by Kim Fay.

I fell in love with Kim Fay's writing with her book Love & Saffron. She completely sealed that love with Kate & Frida, which I will be buying in bulk to share with good friends. I laughed and I cried while reading this lovely book, but it also made me think. And the feelings were strong. Oh my, I love this book.

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I absolutely adored Love & Saffron, and I wondered if Fay would be able to replicate that magic in this next offering and let me just say she absolutely has! Frida, the daughter of Joan from L&S, wants to make her mark on the world. She longs to be a war journalist like her heros and so she sends a letter from Paris to a bookstore in Seattle for a request for a book. What ensues is a heartfelt friendship between Friday and the bookseller Kate--a sweet burgeoning writer trying to find her place in the world. I adored both of these women so so much! I can't put into words well enough what it meant to me to see them on the page! If you like 84, Charing Cross Road, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, and, of course, Love & Saffron, you will devour this ! I will be it's biggest champion for sure, for sure, for sure!

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A story of new friends told in letters to each other over many years. One friend works in a bookstore; the other is a journalist. Both of them trying to determine who they are and what they want out of life.

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Kim Fay did a wonderful job expanding her style that she established in her first book with "Kate & Frida". I did not even notice that they were connected until right at the end when reading the authors note. I found these two women to be intensely relatable to those like me in the same stage of life. Not only that, but they were dealing with similar experiences on a global scale as well. It was all to easy for me to compare Frida's experience in Sarajevo to what is going on today in Gaza. While these conflicts have many differences, I know many people are grappling with how they can feel joy while such violence is happening elsewhere. Fay's offering of embracing joy as our duty instead of something to be guilty of, resonated with me acutely. This book was also a love story to bookstores and reading told by someone who didn't have it all figured out from the start and who felt she was playing catch-up. I believe that experiences like Kates are more common than we think and Fay shone a light on that experience for us.

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Such a delightful book about friendship! This book is set in the early 1990s when two twentysomething ladies, Kate and Frida, become pen pals. The friendship blossoms as Kate and Frida share their goals and struggles as well as daily routine things. And books! The power of books is key to this story.

I enjoyed how this showcases honesty, vulnerability, encouragement, compassion, and so much more, between Kate and Frida. The Yugoslav Wars are also central to their character development. As such, many statements sprinkled throughout the letters are wise in that they seem applicable to today’s world conflicts as well. What I thought would be a fun, cute afternoon read became a timely, thoughtful read full of quotes I want to remember. For that reason, 5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley and G.P. Putnam Son’s for the advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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I love a good epistolary novel, and Kim Fay's Kate and Frida: A Novel of Friendship, Food and Books is topnotch. I enjoyed the author's earlier book, Love and Saffron (also epistolary), but I loved the new book even more.

Communicating by mail in the early 1990s ever since Frida--living in Paris--ordered a book from the Seattle store in which Kate worked, the two 20-somethings have clicked on an ever-deeper level. Each aspires to become a professional writer--Frida a war correspondent, and Kate a novelist. They first bond over the books they recommend to each other and gradually become fast friends, finding they are able to communicate with each other far more easily than with some others in their lives. As time passes, both experience challenges, some with family or romantic relationships and others with their worldview and whether it makes sense in their lives. The perspectives they gain from each other are often invaluable, but they must still deal with crises in their own way.

Frida and Kate are very different in how they approach life, and both are equally appealing. Each undergoes significant character development throughout the book, which is fascinating to read. Secondary characters are are also poignantly drawn and come alive on the pages. There are serious issues to be dealt with, but there is also an abundance of humor. I finished this book in a day and found the ending to be perfect--heartening and gratifying. Highly recommended.

My thanks to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam/GP Putnam's Sons and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book.

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This is completely written in letters back and forth between Kate and Frida. Kate works in a bookstore in Seattle and Frida is an aspiring journalist living in Paris. They strike up a friendship over a book order and continue their friendship through several tough times for both of them. I always love an epistolary novel. This one was a quick read and I enjoyed it.
Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for a copy of this book for review.

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This was a good book! It was based on 2 friends that wrote letters to each other and they talk a lot about books and food! It was a cute quick read. It was not really plot driven but it was entertaining and kept me reading it. I think it was cute and made me nostalgic of the 90s

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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Thank you to the Publisher for approving me to read Kate And Frida. I was drawn to this book by the cover and enticed by a story around food, books, and letters. This lovely book brings you into the building of a connection/friendship that happens unintentionally. I loved the use of letters as story. This book had me from the beginning. I was happily fed, food, books, friendships, and family. At times it could be a little predictable and fluffy. Other times it brought tears in my eyes as I resonated with moments and and family stories. I also read Laurie Colwin’s books at a younger point in my life and am inspired by the references to go back for a reread. I am also inspired to try the recipes in the back!!

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Putman eARC
I absolutely adored this novel of friendship and what it meant to be a young woman in the early 1990s. I just loved Frida and Kate's openness and honesty with each other. They both struggled their way through some big life events while writing to each other and it was easy to imagine these penpals sharing their lives slowly with each other. Of course, there was delicious food, but also so many big cultural moments - and some I knew nothing about. I appreciated the honesty and vulnerability showed between these two women. There's such freedom that can come with writing letters and Fay shows that so well in her novels. The author's note was such a great addition to this story. I loved it.

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I enjoyed these quirky characters and their talks about books. I liked reading their letters and experiencing the different places they went and the different books they talked about.
I think this will be a great book for book clubs, as it is entertaining and talks about books.

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC.

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I expected to really enjoy this from the description. Unfortunately not for me. In a world with SO many books being published, I just don't see this as a must in our collection.

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Kate & Frida was a great read. Kim Fay hit a home run with this book. I loved it! A five star read! Don’t skip this one.

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I loved everything about this book! Wonderful character development and a real sense of place. I found myself wanting and needing to research the time period to fully understand the characters. A thoughtful and very insightful book.

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As a booklover I adored Kate & Frida and the story Fay crafted. It's told in a series of letters sent back and forth between the two characters. The writing is charming, and I became invested in what would happen to each character. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A beautiful tribute to friendship. The story is set in the early 1990s and told entirely through letters between Kate and Frida. A routine inquiry letter to a book store becomes something so much more when a cheerful bookstore employee responds.

This was so charming and heartfelt. It was lovely to see how Kate and Frida changed over the course of the letters, and how they changed one another with their book recommendations, musings, and encouragement. Recommended to anyone looking for a sweet, nostalgic read.

Thank you very much to Putnam and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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