Member Reviews

If you historical books you’ll like this one. A bit slow but picks up halfway through the book, well written but could be a bit more edited.

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A historical fiction book in the same vein as 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo.

It was a little slow to start but once it picks up you become invested in this Hollywood tale. Some of the descriptions feel like they need more editing. The author needs to show more rather than tell it to us.

The authors note is really interesting too.

It’s got a solid story

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It’s been a great month for historical fiction reads. My latest was the Girl Made of Stars. This was a great book that historical fiction fans will enjoy.

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- historic story of generations and how controlling true stardom can be, where you really can rely on only your core group of friends to protect you
- story was a bit slow to start, but then really picked up maybe 55% of the way through
- i could have done with more detail of lola's life ex. parties she went to or the fashion, but she did a great job describing specific pieces of jewelry
- became totally enveloped in this book and wanted more more more!

highly recommend this book for your next historical fiction read, you will LOVE it!

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Girl made of stars
Kathryn LeVeque

Brilliant book. It’s a parallel story involving 2 women from different eras who end up effecting each other lives in a phenomenal way. It’s about women struggling to come into their own. This book is so well written, the characters so alive, even the secondary ones, plot so unique it’s actually startling in its beauty. This book affected me in such a way, I think it is right up there with one of the best books I’ve ever read. Congrats and bravo to Ms LeVeque.

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I'd heard about this book from the author's website. I have to say that I was blown away once I read it. Just wow.

I won't give a book report on it because that spoils it for others sometimes, so I will say that I enjoyed the plot of a movie star, the biggest in Hollywood, and how she was treated by everyone around her. Lola was a normal girl who wanted normal things but she happened to be a star. The people in her life felt that the owned her. It was like death was her only escape from them.

Then a writer wanted to write a story about Lola's life and she found out some things she probably didn't want to find out. One thing led to another and another until she found what she wasn't looking for. The whole process of how she got there was amazing.

I thought the book was so well written. I couldn't put it down. It exposes things that might be better left buried, but then they come to light and you feel such relief for Lola. The ending was beautiful. If you have a chance to read this book, read it. It's worth it.

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3 stars ✨
Thank you to Netgalley, K.E. Le Veque, and Dragonblade Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

If you love historical fiction with a Hollywood setting, you will enjoy this book.
Set in a dual timeline, we see the current star in Hollywood in the 1920s and 1930s Lola Grayson, and Joey Cabot, a novelist who bought Lola’s home. Watching Lola’s journey in Hollywood and experiencing what her life was like including how the studios controlled majority of her life and in her death was one of the most interesting parts of the novel. It was truly my favourite part of the book to look inside how Hollywood at the time worked, and in some ways how it works in modern times.

If liked stories like 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo… you might want to pick this one up.

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I thought that the overall storyline was good, but I felt as though the writing style could be a bit more polished.

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