Member Reviews

As always, Grant has written a very enjoyable book with the right mix of sweet love story, exciting paranormal suspense and good versus evil. Still of the Night continues the tradition of the Skye Druids series very nicely.

I love Ariah and Killian. They're complex, have a deep history and need a lot of work to find an HEA. The evil plaguing Skye is intense and has been since the beginning of the series. Ariah has tried not to get involved but now cannot avoid it. She's a key component in the fight. Killian doesn't even know magic exists. Ariah never told him during their summer of love. He's realized his mistake choosing his family over Ariah back then. He's back to win her and he's so sweet working in her shop, repairing it after it's attacked and giving her space. It's a lot to take in when he learns the truth.

Everyone is back from the previous books and they must find a new way to fight another enemy and it's fun to see them all.

I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

Thanks to the author and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was a well-written, entertaining book. It was suspenseful, romantic, action-packed and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by this author.

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This enchanting story of romance, magic, and good vs evil had me carrying my kindle everywhere until I finished it. Highly recommend. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Now I'm hooked and I need to go back and read all of the prior books in the series.

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I love Donna Grant’s Skye Druid Series. Just reading about the Isle of Skye, its beauty and nature is a gift, but add the other elements, Druids, humans, and then the unknown, and each installment of the Series becomes an amazing journey.

“Still of the Night” is no exception. Ariah, a Druid and the FMC is experiencing some extremely unsettling evil events - is this part of what has been happening on Skye, or is it just her imagination? Enter the love of her life, who left her nine years earlier, Killian, who has come back to Skye to reclaim her, and the escalating evil events.

As the evil danger escalates not only is Ariah its target, but so is Killian. The plot keeps growing and twisting, the mystery deepening. I kept rooting for Ariah and Killian to get back together and then the Druids to rid Skye of its evil. This was an excellent read, but I think I need book 6 now!

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⭐ - 4/5 - ⭐ (Holy world building Batman!)

The Isle of Skye is full of magic...and Druids. Ariah is a 'forest child', a child of Skye, and a druid. She lives a simple life with her cat while also running her famous tea shop. When a darkness creeps over the Isle, Ariah must gather with the other Skye druids to figure out what is happening to their home. This is made all the more complicated when her first, and only, love, Killian turns up begging for forgiveness. Can she help stop the evil lurking in the shadows while also protecting her heart?

✦ Druids
✦ Magic
✦ Scotland
✦ Second Chance Romance
✦ Opposites attract

⚠️ - Abuse, death, loss
🌶️ - 2/5
💕 - 3/5
👥 - 3/5
🌎 - 4.5/5
🗡️ - 1/5
💀 - 1/5

I made a huge mistake. I fell in love with this book and now I'm obsessed! Another mistake I made was reading this book before any of the others in the series. For some reason I thought that it was a standalone...boy oh boy was I wrong. Let this be a lesson, DEFINITELY not a standalone.

From the first paragraph I was hooked. The world, the characters, the cozy vibes emanating from the pages...I couldn't get enough.

Even though I read this book first and honestly was minorly confused for a good chunk of the book, it didn't stop me from speeding through it.

Ariah is a strong, independent woman who is more powerful than she knows. The author really leaned into the classic flower child appearance and I wasn't made about it. Her kitty, Moon was an excellent addition to her character as well.

Killian is the classic handsome Irishman with a charming personality and a godlike appearance. He's really sweet and supportive of Ariah throughout the whole book, no matter what was thrown at him. He's the ultimate golden retriever boyfriend.

The world that Grant has created is mind blowing. Her attention to detail and pacing made for a fierce combo. Like I said, I was a little lost at times because I foolishly read this before the previous books in the series, but you bet I'm gonna start at the beginning now.

I'm SO excited to see what comes of Skye and it's family of Druids.

Thank you #netgalley and #DLGrantLLC for the ARC of this book!

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Yet another awesome book by one of my favorite authors. Can't wait for the next book. Highly recommend Donna Grant to anyone and everyone.

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I have been a huge fan of Donna Grant for years! I love that this series is connected to the 5 series before i. She is the queen of interconnecting storytelling. This is the 5th book in the Skye Druids series. I would not recommend reading these out of order. Ariah is a druid on Skye, a child of the forest. And her peace is shattered when Killian, the love of her life who left her for family obligations, returns to try to win her back, but an evil darkness is after Killan and Arian needs to save him. This book is a sexy adventure with a lot of action that will leave you on edge of your seat. Sit back and enjoy.

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Still of the Night is the fifth Skye Druids Book by Donna Grant. The theme of the series has been unknown enemies as well as known ones. This author is a master of stories who never disappoints even when the overarching theme ends with more questions than answers. So do not expect all to be solve or all enemies to be conquered in this book.

Ariah’s and Killian’s story is both brilliant and exciting. They have a history form almost a decade ago. Still, they have made their way in life, fulfilling goals and dreams. Second chance stories are some of my favorite, so these two characters are now close to my heart. Some of the dangers that they face as human, and druid are close and nearby but also elusive. While their story is complete the suspense and danger are only ramping up more and more. Looking forward to the next Skye Druids book.

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Donna Grant keeps upping the ante in this Skye Druids series and the other series in her Dark Universe. There’s romance, action, and lots of Druid magic. With additional story lines and new and ever increasing evil characters and situations, the tension builds in this fast-paced novel. It kept me guessing how this story would end and how many threads would remain open for further exploration in novels to come. I always eagerly look forward to Donna Grant’s new releases!

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I received an advance reader's copy of Still of the Night by Donna Grant from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, I quite enjoyed the book and it made a tedious morning at the airport fly by while I read. There was action, intrigue, chemistry and romance. The characters were well-crafted, the pace of the novel was steady, and there were some surprises. Definitely worth reading.

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Loved reading the mesmerizing and spellbinding paranormal story. When Killan comes back to town to reconcile with Ariah, Killan will do anything to win back his love, Ariah, but an evil darkness is after Killan. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting story full of mystery and romance by the phenomenally awesome author, Donna Grant.

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Love these Skye Druids! Always waiting for the next one! When Killian decides he made a mistake in leaving the woman he loved to follow his family’s wishes. Ariah has secrets. Secrets that could get them killed.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you for allowing me to review

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Still of the Night (Skye Druids, #5) by Donna Grant
If you are looking for and edge of your seat fantasy, romantic suspense with tons of action this is the book for you. There is angst, baggage, deception, discovery, mystery, plenty of steam some answers and more questions. The main story revolves around Ariah and Killian with all side stories with all all the friends and a few enemies. We get to a HEA for Ariah and Killian but the story goes on.
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Romantic Great world building Tear-jerker Wonderful characters Haunting Informative Action-packed Witty Scary Easy-to-read Entertaining Page-turner Happily Ever After Unpredictable Steamy.

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Author Donna Grant never ceases to amaze me with the wide variety of storylines and characters in her book series. The Skye Druids series is no exception with it's fast paced and interweaving plots that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat and constantly guessing how the book will end.

Chapter 1 starts on the Isle of Skye with the main female character, Ariah running in fear from the unknown. Instantly the reader is thrown into wanting to know what is scaring her and why.

Chapter 2 introduces a lost love from Ariah's youth and the main male character, Killian who is seeking forgiveness and a new beginning while trying to keep Ariah and himself alive.

The next chapters unfold with instant drama and turns and twists as once again evil tries to eliminate Skye Druids with a vengeance. What I like about the plot is the authors continued use of characters from previous books to this series and other series that creates an eclectic family and many interacting plots.

This author has a mind that never stops and I admire how she keeps every series fresh and interesting. I did stay up to the wee hours of the night finishing this book in one sitting because it was that good.

What I got from this book is that sometimes the freedom from past mistakes and a future you will love comes with a heavy price that not everyone is willing to chance. Are you?

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Skye is the mysterious island of the Druids. This community has been under attack and the war is still ongoing. This time the forest child is under attack along with the love of her life. These series are interconnected but this one is my favorite and it’s just keeps getting better and more complex with each new story. Just when you get one answer three more crop up. I’m eagerly awaiting the next book in this amazing series.

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I did not want this book to end. It was such an awesome read! The trouble on Skye seems to be worsening. The big bad just out of reach. Ariah is a calm centered druid. Her peace is shattered when Killian returns. Together they face so much but love conquers all. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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Ariah has been called a child of the forest for as long as she can remember. The woods is where she feels calm and the magic. She owns a little shop on the Isle of Skye where it draws people to its magical shores. This is where she met Killian, a guy just visiting. Killian and Ariah fall in love but when Killian’s family pressures him to come back he does. Years later Killian has returned to win back the love of his life. There is something evil on the isle and Killian feels as if someone or something is watching him. Ariah doesn’t want Killian around but when he is gravely injured, the walls around her heart crumble and she realizes she doesn’t want to live without him. But the evil presence might just take out one of them before they can live happily ever after.

I loved this story but there is a slight cliffhanger, well I don’t know if you’d call it a cliffhanger but left some things unanswered. Action. Sex. Magic. Two people getting a second chance at love. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this. Received a copy from Netgalley *

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