Member Reviews

A plane goes down and a woman is missing from the wreckage. Near the site of the wreckage women are found bound to trees, frozen. Has the killer taken the woman from the crash, has she been rescued by someone, or wandered off into the snow. This book has intrigue and suspense from the beginning of the book. It is definitely a page turner. Altho it is part of a series it could be read as a stand alone. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Maybe Black Rock Falls should be renamed and called Serial Killer Falls from now on. Yes, indeed, for the umpteenth time, one of those despicable human beings has found his way to the otherwise peaceful town to give in to their disgusting urges. 

The killer thought they were real clever killing this time of year and during a blizzard, hoping to get away with it and making themselves scarce before their victims were discovered. It was, after all, by accident their victims were found, while Jenna, Dave and the rest of the team were on a different mission caused by a disaster that struck Wolfe's family and thus affected them all deeply too. 

The weather was not on their side and that made it all a lot more frustrating, not knowing the who, what or where.

With the same determination as per usual, they work hard to uncover the truth, make sure another culprit is put behind bars and they can all start to relax and look forward to celebrating Christmas. Before the party can start, there is one very important thing that has to be taken care of. If not, danger and devastation might lurk around the corner...

Another great addition to this excellent series. I had a wonderful time reading it. As per usual it has everything I enjoy in a good book. 5 stars

Thank you

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Written by a talented author, this novel moves quickly. Realistic characters add to the story. I like this series with these characters. Intrigue and mystery…family and friends. A daughter is missing…will she be found alive? A plane went down…read and enjoy this book. Thanks Netgalley.

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