Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Wildflower Books for my copy of When Wildflowers Bloom by Ashley Manley.
Don’t grab a couple of tissues when you start this book, grab a couple of boxes.
This book broke my heart over and over. It made me laugh and cry.
How would you live your live if you thought everyday could be your last?

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ugh i wish i could rate this more stars. i think this is my absolute favorite book i've read all year. this will be my new roman empire. when birdie's mom and grandma both pass away at 37 from breast cancer- she discovers she also carries the mutation for cancer. on her 37th birthday all she wants to do is keep her head down and continue with her normal life as much as possible- until she meets bo at a bar. this books takes you on an emotional roller coaster through birdie's life and opening up and letting bo in. this book had me laughing and crying my eyes out but in the best way. this book was absolutely beautiful.

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Thank you to Wildflower books LLC & Netgalley! An honor to read another one from Ashley Manley. This girl has my whole heart in the way she writes and delivers such beautiful stories.

Recommend, to the moon and back.

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This book was just so beautifully written. I cannot express how much I loved it. It really had me all in my feels the whole time. Smiling like a lovesick fool one minute..tears the next. I loved all of the characters that became a part of her life. I have had family members battle cancer and this story really hit hard for me personally but the way it was written by Ashley was so accurately portrayed on what it's like for the cancer patient as well as the family members who see that decline in health. I felt so many emotions reading this and truly loved it. Would highly recommend.

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This book had me feeling all the emotions!

I hadn’t heard of the author before and have found myself going to her social media pages looking for more books written by her.

This book feels like real life when you read it! The characters have their quirks, baggage and you just fall in love with them! It’s a complete opposites attract story that has you willing for the characters to fine their true love! And just when you think you can’t fall in love any more a beautiful little boy named Huck steals your heart! You’ll also be praying for Mabel’s own story to come out!

I will be recommending this book to anyone that will listen, it’s heart warming, tugs at your heart strings and brings a tear of joy to your eye!

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“Wildflowers don’t hide when they bloom, Birdie.”

Gahh! Where did you even come from, Ashley Manley? This jewel (much like EBM) gouged me with its Harpy eagle talons, pulled me in, drug me around and had its whole way with me.

I mean, I hand out 5 stars about as often as parentals hand out prophylactics to kindergarten princesses and super heroes at Halloween. AM really blew my hair back and I never saw it coming.

When Wildflowers Bloom is romance/women’s fiction, but it’s really so much more than that.

Going in, you assume you’re likely going to ‘witness’ some sort of meet cute and then of course the journey, as it unfolds.

But Manley takes storytelling to another level. Like Machu Picchu level. Somehow she manages to bring the most random, merry band of misfits together in a way that feels completely natural. But I know it can’t have been easy, putting all these moving parts together so seamlessly. Like assembling a puzzle that has pieces you’re not quite sure belong. Until you realize those odd pieces are the edges, creating a perfect frame and without them, it wouldn’t work as well or be nearly as perfect.
You just have to read her work to understand what I’m trying but failing to articulate. She’s a got damn weaver. A magician. A Weacian? A magiver? I don’t know and I have no idea how she pulled it off. But she did and beautifully so.

Naturally, as readers, we all want to connect with our F/MCs when tucking into a new book. We hope for it. We wait for it. But it’s certainly not a given. I have personally wanted to challenge many F/MCs that were supposed to be charming and witty to cage fights, because I found them completely repugnant, written all wrong and unintentionally so.

But not AM. She makes damn sure you fall in love with every single character she creates. And I mean EVERYDAMNBODY. I wanted to be friends with all of them, even hornball Mabel and grouchy ol’ Sam and George Straight the Goldendoodle. I wanted to make ugly art with Veda while she judged and criticized me the whole time. I wanted to squeeze Huck in a bear hug & hang out, high-five & do power yoga with Birdie. And I definitely wanted do dirty things to Bo🥴 Have forkin mercy. How the hell does a toothpick rollin’ around the mouth of a bearded hunk manage to ring the Devil’s doorbell, FFS?!?🥴

This book was life. The good, the bad, the ugly and all the in between. It’s a hurricane with a boundless range of reach and emotions. I laughed til I wheezed and yelled at my kindle as though it knew wtf I was saying. I smiled and swooned often. And boyyy, did I ugly cry.

(Random but honorable mention: I have a new appreciation for post-it’s, toothpicks and grocery stores.)

Seriously. Y’all read this book AND Every Beautiful Mile because they are both so damn worthy.

Huge shout-out to Ashley Manley! As if I haven’t said it enough, you are incredibly gifted & I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!🙌🏼 {I’m not too ashamed to say that I am your Annie Wilkes😌}

Big thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op | Wildflower Books LLC for this amazing arc in exchange for review!

Honey badger😉

Pub date: 9.17.24.

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I read Ashley's first book, Every Beautiful Mile, and it will be one of my all time favorite books. So, when I saw this one pop up, I knew it had big shoes to fill! I read it in a day, because I just had to keep reading. You will love the story of Birdie as she navigates a life that she protects fiercely, because of a medical diagnosis. The story unfolds as she begins to unfold and let people in. It is heartwarming, spicy (lots of spice), beautiful and oh so good to see how she grows as she comes out of her shell. The characters are hilarious and add to the fullness of the story. Pick up both of Ashley's books... you won't be disappointed! Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the ARC.

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I absolutely adore Ashley Manley’s storytelling! Thank you, NetGalley and Ashley for providing early access to this still, which will definitely require every reader to have a box of tissues nearby.
From the onset, I fell in love with the characters. It probably had a lot to do with the sheer amount of humor this little darling leads with. Birdie, the FMC, carries such a heavy weight on her shoulders as she navigates multiple relationships in her life. I was invested in all of the relationships, including the side characters, each with their own quirks. I’m not sure I could confidently pick a favorite character because I love them all for different reasons.
Manley did a fantastic job of ripping my heart from my chest and leaving me numb by the end of it all. I’m not ashamed of how much I cried, or that I needed to hydrate afterwards, or that maybe I stayed in bed, staring at the ceiling afterwards. It was perfect! I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.
“Then it’s not a romance story, it’s women’s fiction, and nobody wants to read that horse shit.” Mabel (my new bff)

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Thank you NetGalley and ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op | Wildflower Books LLC for this ARC.

This is by far one of the most beautifully written books I have ever read. It was such a captivating story. Definitely 5 stars.

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Wowza!! What a wonderful book!! While some of the topics were hard, the romance was steamy!! I loved it!

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*When Wildflowers Bloom* by Ashley Manley is a poignant and introspective novel that delves deep into the human condition, exploring themes of mortality, love, and the courage it takes to truly live when every day feels like it could be your last.

The story centers on Birdie Rose Hawkins, a woman who has spent her life in the shadow of a genetic mutation that claimed both her mother and grandmother. As Birdie turns thirty-seven, she’s convinced that this year will be her last. Up until now, she’s lived a life defined by strict routines, detailed lists, and self-imposed isolation—a life that, while safe, is also profoundly lonely. But on her thirty-seventh birthday, Birdie does something completely out of character: she has a one-night stand with a handsome stranger named Bo.

What begins as a fleeting moment of spontaneity evolves into something far more complex when Bo reappears in Birdie’s life, this time offering friendship. Bo, who comes with his own set of emotional baggage, challenges Birdie to step outside her carefully constructed comfort zone. As their connection deepens, Birdie is faced with the terrifying prospect of living her life fully—embracing the things that scare her most, including the possibility of love.

Ashley Manley crafts Birdie’s journey with tenderness and authenticity, capturing the inner turmoil of a woman who has lived in fear for so long that she’s forgotten how to dream. Birdie’s transformation from a life governed by fear to one open to possibility is gradual and believable, making her a character readers will root for. Her struggles are deeply relatable, especially for anyone who has ever felt trapped by their circumstances or past.

Bo is a compelling counterpart to Birdie, offering her a lifeline just as much as she offers him one. Their relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding, and Manley doesn’t shy away from exploring the complexities of their connection, especially when secrets threaten to unravel everything they’ve built together.

The novel’s exploration of difficult topics—such as genetic illness, mortality, and the fear of the unknown—is handled with sensitivity and grace. Manley doesn’t sugarcoat the realities of Birdie’s situation, but she also infuses the story with hope, showing that even in the face of overwhelming odds, it’s possible to find beauty and meaning in life.

Manley’s writing is vivid and evocative, painting a rich picture of Birdie’s world. The symbolism of wildflowers, which bloom even in the harshest conditions, is woven throughout the narrative, serving as a powerful metaphor for Birdie’s own journey. The romance scenes are tender and well-crafted, balancing intimacy with emotional depth, while the explicit language adds to the raw, unfiltered nature of the characters’ experiences.

*When Wildflowers Bloom* is a deeply moving novel that will resonate with readers who appreciate stories of personal growth and emotional resilience. It’s a reminder that life is not just about surviving, but about truly living—embracing the unknown, taking risks, and allowing oneself to love and be loved.

Ashley Manley has written a story that is both heartbreaking and uplifting, a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of connection. For those willing to embark on an emotional journey filled with heartache, hope, and ultimately, love, *When Wildflowers Bloom* is a must-read.

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