Member Reviews

Book 2 of The Nashville Sisters series is available. If you enjoyed the first book, you are in for a treat with Perfectly Us.

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I'm going to be honest even if I liked this book this has some adult themes and some people can understand or relate to it.. I understood the warnings and for me it made sense but I can understand if not everyone feels connected the same way I did,.. This is about two broken people and doesn't matter the money or how you look/dress, what others may think everyone can hurt and can feel pain and can struggle with certain things.. And this book really show that.. Ally and Joshua are both adults but they also broken and in each other they found a connection

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thank you net galley for the arc copy. such a good read ally and joshua were such likable characters.

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I received a copy of this for my honest review.

Our FMC has a falling out with her parents, which led to them cutting her off financially. She goes to a club with her rich friends and runs back into our MMC. They met a few months ago when he came into the diner she works at and tried to get her number. Our MMC has had a rough childhood and moved to Nashville to chance his pace. They connect at the club and have an amazing night. But right after she kicks him out of her house. He spends the next few months kind of obsessing over her until the connect again and she gives him a chance. The decide to be honest with each other and dump all their trauma. She thinks shes too much with a past inappropriate relationship with her father's best friend/teacher and he has spent many years in therapy working on himself after growing up in foster care. This story shows the benefits of communication and healing - but also how difficult it can be.

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Tengo sentimientos contradictorios con el libro, al final estuvo entretenido, sin embargo, fue raro leerlo. Por momentos la escritura era muy juvenil e inmadura, luego tomaba en serio los temas que eran importantes para el desarrollo indivual u de pareja de los protagonistas y luego regresaba con la parte juvenil.

Al final parece que fue un trabajo en equipo en el cual todos hicieron sus partes por separado, las juntaron e intentaron que no se notará que no lo hicieron juntos, pero después de todo quedaron partes que no encajan.

El principio no me gustó, pero cuando Joshua y Ally se volvieron pareja mejoro todo y me encantó como él la apoyo tanto con la terapia como con lo de sus padres, me gusto ver el crecimiento de ella y la aceptación por lo que paso y el entendimiento de que no tuvo la culpa por lo que pasó. Luego volvió el tono del principio y decayó la historia, y al final se volvió a recuperar.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What an exquisite cover! I know that is only a small part of the book but I just had to comment on it! I think the story is so gorgeous and focuses on so many different themes and overcoming obstacles. I couldn’t get enough. I could relate so much to many of the issues and loved their beautiful love story, I know readers will as well. Please pick this up! You won’t regret it!

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