Member Reviews

What a refreshing story! This book was exactly what I was looking for: a cute romance with a good plot. Birdie is an interesting and lovable character with flaws and conflicts that keep you entertained from beginning to end. I think that the "super" addition is a creative way to represent the challenges women face in real life.
The writing is good, you navigate through the pages without even noticing, and it makes for a great read. Oh, I'm absolutely in love with Aiden!

The only thing I have to mention is that by the end, I found the FMC's insecurities a bit the repetitive, but it was ok and made sense.

An easily 4-4.5 stars! Can't wait to read more books from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and River Grove Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. 😊

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This was a very entertaining read. I didn’t know what to expect going in. Birdie had quite a few hang ups from her past and her present. She was treated badly for a gift she didn’t ask for or want. Being different from others made her leery of letting anyone in. Forced on sabbatical in a sleepy little beach town she found out what it was like to live a normal life. Finding acceptance from her new found friends she was able to soften her inner bada$$ self that had always put her in a bad light from the media. Love always wins in the end. Full of humor and some sexy times you will not regret reading this little gem on a lazy afternoon. Thank you to NetGalley and River Grove books for this free advanced copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was a unique and fun rom- com to read. I love that this story was all about a female superhero and her journey of being super and having relationships (whether being friendships or romantic). Furthermore, I really enjoyed the banter and tension between the main two characters and the love and support of their squads.

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Thank you, Netgalley, for allowing me to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own

This book had me pumped. I have a realistic (as one can get) look at the life of a female superhero. I found this very unique and entertaining. I found that the first few chapters dragged a bit (after the drunk), but once you get passed them it's smooth sailing

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I was sold on the fun premise of this story and thrilled to find the pages inside filled with just as much smart, sass and spice as the synopsis and cover promised! Definitely keeping my eye out for a sequel.

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A fun and quick read! I liked that Birdie was a superhero who was still trying to find her way. She was grouchy and sassy and just hilarious at times. There was a lot of dialogue going on and it was a little hard to keep up but very entertaining. Sprinkled throughout the story were flashbacks about Birdie’s past, which helped us understand her a bit more. I would have loved a dual pov to hear what was going on inside Aiden’s brain. Definitely one to pick up and read!

Thank you to NetGalley and River Grove for the ARC, all opinions are my own.

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This book was a fun twist on some tropes. Like a Lifetime movie with a superhero twist. And that's not a bad thing. As campy as the book was it was thoroughly entertaining. The love interest was a bit too smarmy for me to fully root for him, but overall this was an enjoyable read.

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"But what if, like me, you don't need anyone to protect you, since there is almost nothing that can threaten you? What if you are better suited to protect him? I'll tell you what happens. He doesn't want you anymore because you're emasculating. I should know - I've lived it."

This book was so quirky, such a fun romp, while still maintaining a strong conversation about what it means to be a woman in a world where femininity is treated as weakness. Birdie Bowden (namewise, can we talk about how the alliteration is a perfect ode to superheroes? Peter Parker and Wade Winston Wilson are quaking in their masks) is a riot, with her foul mouth and tempestuous personality. She's pretty much every single woman: loving romance but thinking she doesn't deserve it, fed up with unequal pay and harassment on the job, and frustrated by double standards. She just also happens to be a superhero, "resilient, but still very much human." With the help of a new friend, who basically accosts her outside of Birdie's first therapy session, she learns who she is outside of being a superhero. And who is she? Probably my new favorite character (and I've never been a superhero fan).

Aiden is an absolute delight of a male main character, just as grumpy and protective as Birdie, with even more of a foul mouth. I love how much he embraced her, warts and all. I hope they are together forever. I mean, he really said "I don't need you to need me, baby. I need you to choose me." SWOON. But also...prepare yourself for the spice. The spice is SPICY. If you're thinking that this is a Marvel movie, well, let's just say that there aren't many Marvel movies that are rated X. But the spice was well-written and had me fanning myself.

I had a grand old time with this one. Thank you to NetGalley, River Grove Books, and the author for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I wish Birdie had the power of wiping memories so I could read this one again and enjoy it just as much.

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Reading a book about a superhero with trauma that needs a vacation because she's stressed I can't say how much fun it was reading this to be honest... Birdie and Aiden were fun has hell and the story was very well built I just loved it.. Also because it wasn't just focus on a specific thing but made the world and some situations to be more explored.. Personally for me the author made a great job

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I wasn't sure waht to expect from from Flipping Birdie, but it was a delightful book filled with a unique take on superheroes and layered with more complex themes about feminity, family trauma, and other personal baggage that added a meaningful depth to a generally fun book. The humor and snark that both Birdie and Aiden exude throughout the book had me clamoring for more. While I personally think it could have benefited from a bit more polishing (occasionally there is a bit more monologuing or flashback that I think could have been woven into the narrative better), this was a wonderfully fun and thoughtful book to read that alternatively pulled at all my heartstrings and made me laugh. I desperately hope for more books in this series and from this author. If this is the debut I can only imagine the heights the subsequent books will reach.

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Thank you to NetGalley and River Grove Books for allowing me to read an ARC of Flipping the Birdie by S.L. Woeppel, in exchange for my honest review.

I see you, Birdie, and I adore you! There were so many things to love about this book. The humor and snarky wit, Birdie's strength and vulnerability, the love and compassion of the main and secondary characters. It would be amazing to be friends with Birdie and Evie (Aiden and Yash are pretty yummy as well)!

I look forward to reading more by S.L. Woeppel.

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Flipping the Birdie was such a fun book. I enjoyed it from the very beginning to the very end. Pick this one up.

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Thank you to NetGalley and River Grove for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Flipping the Birdie was a pretty unique idea for a story, have a superhero in a world just recently embracing them, and show her as flawed because of others treatment of her and her superness. I loved the idea of a kinda making sense otherwise completely normal superheroine, and while this story had some (understandably) darker moments the central theme was one of finding yourself and your value with those around you.

I absolutely loved Evie and wish for us all to have a friend like her as she was exactly what Bernadette needed. I also loved the ending chapters as they were very redemptive and deserved. I recommend this one, especially if you want your superheroes to be legitimately explored!

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You're in for a fun ride with this one. The super hero theme makes it both light and a good place to talk about women empowerment. The romance is well written and quite sexy. I really had a great time reading it !

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Super fun, quirky read with incredibly well written and humorous banter, great characters, and superpowers. HIGHLY recommend this one!

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I love quirky books and this one didn’t disappoint. At the beginning I thought about abandoning the book because of the superhero part of it, but decided to stick it through.

Birdie is in charge of protecting Chicago, but cannot get on the same page with all of the other emergency services. Instead of working together they are butting heads with each other. A situation happens and Birdie is forced to take a mandatory vacation and go to therapy. Before her mandatory therapy she runs into a man that is grumpier than anyone else and after therapy she runs into a woman Evie who is sweet as sweet can be.

I loved this book and storyline. Couldn’t wait to see her what was going to happen.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advance copy!

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Love love love!!! I have to admit, I was a bit turned off by the identity of the main character at first because that's not usually my thing, but I am SO glad I stuck with it!

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In *Flipping the Birdie*, S.L. Woeppel introduces us to Birdie Bowden, a superhero with a personality as sharp as her superpowers. Birdie is no ordinary heroine; with superspeed, immense strength, and a knack for hurling insults as swiftly as she saves the day, she's a force to be reckoned with. But beneath her tough exterior and her record of flawless rescues in Chicago, Birdie grapples with insecurities that hit closer to home. The rumors about her lady parts being a male package crusher don't exactly help her dating prospects, adding a layer of vulnerability to her seemingly invincible persona.

When a viral outburst against a local troublemaker leads to Birdie's suspension, she’s forced into a period of reflection and therapy in a sleepy beachside suburb. Here, the pace slows down, but Birdie's journey only intensifies. Stripped of her superhero duties, Birdie reluctantly swaps her cape for cleaning supplies, working alongside Evie, an infectiously positive housekeeper who pulls Birdie into her orbit. Evie's brother, Aiden, on the other hand, is not so welcoming. His grumpy, no-nonsense demeanor clashes with Birdie's defiant spirit, leading to a delightful tension that crackles with both friction and unspoken attraction.

The dynamic between Birdie and Aiden is one of the book's highlights. Their banter is sharp and entertaining, showcasing Woeppel's flair for witty dialogue. As Birdie tackles her therapist’s increasingly ridiculous assignments, her interactions with Aiden reveal layers of her character that she’s kept hidden, even from herself. The romance that blossoms between them is slow-burning and realistic, filled with moments of vulnerability and genuine connection.

But *Flipping the Birdie* is more than just a romantic comedy with a superhero twist. It’s a story about self-discovery, healing, and the struggle to balance who we are with who we want to be. Birdie’s journey is as much about embracing her flaws and fears as it is about fighting crime. Her character arc is compelling, and readers will find themselves rooting for her, not just in love, but in life.

Woeppel’s writing is engaging, blending humor with heart in a way that feels fresh and original. The seaside setting adds a charming backdrop to the narrative, contrasting nicely with the gritty, fast-paced world Birdie is used to. The supporting cast, particularly Evie, provides warmth and levity, balancing Birdie’s more abrasive tendencies.

In the end, *Flipping the Birdie* is a delightful, genre-bending read that offers a little bit of everything—romance, humor, action, and a heartfelt exploration of identity. Birdie Bowden is a heroine you won’t soon forget, and her story is one that will leave you smiling long after you’ve turned the last page. Whether you’re a fan of superhero tales or simply enjoy a good rom-com with a strong, complex female lead, this book is well worth the read.

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This book was so good! The story was so fun and the banter was top tier. The loved the super hero part of this story! Highly recommend!

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Not only is the title fun, but the book is as well!

Thank you to NetGalley, publisher and author. All comments are my own.

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