Member Reviews

Fascinating read by an author who is so close to the subject matter that it is of life-altering importance that he gets it right. Love that the book includes information on depression, bipolar, and schizophrenia and the heritability of these diseases. Love even more the hope the author imbues for others who travel what can be a sometimes devastatingly difficult, lonely road.

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The Inherited Mind by James Longman is a deeply personal and well-reported look into the science of mental illness. Longman pulls no punches in detailing the tragic impact of mental illness in his family. He laces that with explanations of the science of mental illness that is highly understandable and accessible for the lay person. No PhD required to get a feel for genomics or other scientific principles that guide the study of mental illness. The deeply personal nature of Longman's make this a book that is hard to put down. It's one of the most accessible looks at the science of mental illness that I've ever read. Thank you to #netgalley and #hyperionavenue for the opportunity to preview #theinheritedmind

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