Member Reviews

Emma leads a very busy and structured life. Then she meets Matthew, a man who makes her think of a life not just revolving around work. The relationship becomes serious quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they are married.
But Matthew is a widower, and Emma feels second best to his deceased wife. So much so that soon she believes that she is being haunted by her. Strange things start happening, and Emma might be losing her grip on reality.
Is Emma the problem or is there more to Matthew than she knows? A twisty tale and one that made me want to shake Emma more than once. She was such a smart and driven woman, but love can truly make you blind…….

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Even the title is intriguing. Shadows of mystery…written by a talented author, this story moves quickly. Realistic characters come alive n the pages…secrets…what is real? One wonders…Thanks Netgalley.

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Emma is a single wealthy business woman who meets the man of her dreams. Unfortunately he is not the man she believes him to be. Weird things start happening and Emma believes she is being haunted by Matthew’s first wife. Lots of strange things start happening to her. My thought was in this day and time why would you not take a picture with your phone of weird things to prove they were real. Instead she just keeps on believing Matthew when he says they didn’t happen. I got a little irritated that she went from a successful CEO to someone who was fooled by weird things.

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Gina’s friends are happy for her when she begins dating Matthew, a widower, that is until she agrees to marry him just months after they meet. Soon Gina believes that she will never measure up to Matthew’s first wife, and becomes obsessed with trying to compete with the dead woman. She begins to question her sanity while her friends question Matthew’s part in the slow mental disintegration of their friend.

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