Member Reviews

The third book in this Regency-set series sees Amelia dealing with more family drama, this time in the shape of a sister who gets into trouble when coming to London to escape some trouble at home. Amelia again has to step in to save the family name and protect loved ones when murder and theft ensue. As if that’s not enough she has complications of her own in the form of her relationship with Simon, her former husband’s best friend. This is a quick, enjoyable read. The mysteries are engaging and the personal relationships keep the story moving along at a good pace. It’s not clear if another book in the series will follow, but even if not, things are wrapped up nicely at the end. The Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy. All views are entirely my own.

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Amelia gets a surprise visit from her mother and her sister Madge. Her mother has brought Madge to London so that she can have a season looking for eligible men. At her debut into society Radcliffe is murdered after a fight with Madge. Although claiming her innocence the police are looking to find evidence against her. Amelia and Simon work together to find the real guilty party.

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I must be honest, the first thing that got me into reading this book was the cover - straight out an old magazine: I loved it. I think I needed this book, a regency romance story where I can enjoy the plot while I empathize with the characters. I mean, times are different but relations between people and emotions never get old, never change. Relatable situations, relatable reactions, relatable mistakes.
I enjoyed this book, will totally read other titles from the author.

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