Member Reviews

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read the arc of this book early!! I absolutely love Ashley flowers and am so excited to have been able to read this! The whole beginning of the story you think one way and then towards the last third of the book everything changes! I was shocked and did not expect that ending AT ALL. Way to go Ashley! I could not put this book down. Please continue to put out novels!

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I don’t have words for that ending. The final moments of this story were truly moving and well written. I enjoyed Ashley’s last book but this one was on another level. What her last book had in complexity, this one had in heart and overall the pacing, intrigue, and characters were more well rounded in this book. I cannot wait to get another Ashley Flower’s book in my hands. Grab this with both hands and don’t let go. You’re in for a ride.

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I thought this was a really great read. There were some great twists, and I truly was not expecting the ending in the slightest.

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