Member Reviews

This book is a very emotional book for I absolutely know where he.was coming from. Drinking and drugs were a.thing for me back when I was younger. Everything started during college for me but now I have been clean and sober for 20 plus years. Kevin's story is so unique. Not everyone has the.same tale my story is totally.different from mime and everyone else's. Short book but alot of impact I'm the words. I cried and understood where he.was coming from. Its great he found the support of the.higher power and other people. Great story great ending. I loved the book so much and hoping I can buy this book in a paperback if I can find it.

I received a free copy of the book and is voluntarily writing a review

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Pennies from Heaven for Kevin is a very honest account of a father's journey towards redemption along the way of a troubled life. Author spoke so honestly about his struggles and his feelings on the loss of his son, his addiction, and relationships. I am giving the author a lot of grace in the review as he is writing from a place of pain and wrote it while in prison as he describes. I do wish more parts included more dialogue between the characters because it felt too rushed. There are lots of big events that happen that are merely explained as a passing thought when they can de elaborated more in-depth.

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I should start my review by stating that I love biographies. They are my favorite genre. I’ll read any biography that sounds good. I dont care what it’s about. I was gifted this book through Netgalley.

I think the content of the book has merit. Unfortunately, the book itself was a slog for me. What should have been a touching story of redemption after the death of his son, was instead a disjointed mess of a read written in seventh grade English class over the course of a week.

The author tells the story of his very interesting life in an exceedingly dull way. Sometimes it was out of order…which is normal in autobiographies…but this was done so incongruently that it was hard to even know what happened.

For such a short book it took forever to get through. And the sad part is it could have been so good! Even with basic editing the entire pace could have been different. Some synonyms and a few metaphors could have transformed it. I’m hopeful someone will come along and clean it up somewhat.

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Such a unique book page turner , the characters the story the emotional ride was just beautifully written!

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An honest, raw, real story about grief, addiction, and overcoming. This story gave me all the feels. A detailed perspective on drug and alcohol addiction that I had never heard before. The vulnerability by Kevin Hyde as he gave insight to not only his actions but also his mindsight and emotions that led to the actions - wow! So real and heartbreaking. To see the depths of his despair that God pulled him out of was truly miraculous. While the title refers to pennies from heaven, this is only a small snippet of the story. This was more of an autobiography/testimony of how Kevin came to accept Jesus Christ as his savior. Such a beautifully broken story and so brave of Kevin to share it with the world.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kevin Hyde for the ARC and chance to give my honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a short book but it packs a punch. Kevin's life seemed to be always in the brink of destruction and it took a turn for the worse after his young son died. The drug and alcohol abuse was meant to self medicate and stuff down his feelings. He really went through a lot of crime and jail time before he finally cleaned up. Quite the journey for Kevin. I hope he's able to remain clean and sober and not blame himself for his son's death.

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Fascinating read. Loved it.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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Pennies from Heaven for Kevin was both a heartwarming and heartbreaking true story. Don’t miss this one.

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A very quick read at just 70 pages. It’s a brief outline of good going bad and tuning things around. How grief can control you, and how you neeef to find that thing that will see you through and find a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

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