Member Reviews

Meg Everly’s debut, Look, Don’t Touch, is a spicy, dark romance that explores complex themes of trauma and therapy, breaking away from traditional romance tropes. The book dives deep into the emotional scars of its characters, making it a standout in the genre.

The story features intense spice and kink, executed flawlessly, with no toxic elements. While the first quarter is slow and the book sometimes feels longer than its 378 pages, the spice is scorching and the chemistry between the leads develops into something truly captivating.

Hailey is a complex and passionate character who grows throughout the book, though she has realistic backslides. Arlo, initially broody and enigmatic, becomes a softer figure with a dark edge, though his motivations can be puzzling.

The supporting characters add depth, and while some threads are left hanging to set up the trilogy, they are intriguing and leave me wanting more. Overall, Look, Don’t Touch is an interesting read that combines deep emotional exploration with sizzling romance, and I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

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All I have to say is that I’m sold and I need more, this book was actually perfect and soon as I moved to my future house this is going to be a trophy buy for me because I love Hailey and Arlo and Hota.. specially Hota

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3.5 ⭐️

"If I was made to be touched, I was made to be touched by her."

I dove into Look, Don’t Touch by Meg Everly and the beginning definitely pulled me in. I loved the dynamic between Hailey and Arlo — their opposite "issues" made for such an unlikely pair! It felt fresh and had me excited.

But I have to admit, somewhere in the middle, my enthusiasm started to wane a bit. The pace slowed down, and I found myself just pushing through to get to the end.

And then the ending came — and wow! It really pulled everything together for me. The relationship between Arlo and Hota and their chemistry added an interesting layer to the story. It was the kind of conclusion that leaves you excited for what’s next 🌶️. Despite the slow parts, the ending made it all worth it, and I can’t wait to continue the journey!

⭐️ Billionaire Romance
⭐️Found Family
⭐️BDSM & Kink
⭐️Tattooed Hero
⭐️Scarred mmc
⭐️Therapist x Patient

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I was genuinely surprised to learn that *Look, Don’t Touch* is Meg Everly’s debut novel. It’s a spicy, dark romance that breaks away from the typical formula of a troubled male lead and an innocent, unblemished female lead. Instead, it dives deep into the complex issues of past traumas, coping mechanisms, and the importance of seeking therapy.

What truly sets this book apart is how both main characters are grappling with their own troubling histories. The story is about more than just smut—it explores their struggle to come together despite the emotional scars they carry. Yes, it’s spicy, but it’s also a thoughtful, emotional journey that goes far beyond the usual tropes. Everly brings depth and realism to the genre, making this a standout read. Well done for a debut!

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I enjoyed the first 40% for the most part, but then everything just felt bland and the relationships between certain characters was a little cringe. The FMC’s aunt in the story acted more like her 20 something bff. The relationship between them was super odd, and I felt having to remind myself that this woman was over 50.

If I’m being honest the dialogue was also hard to read at times. I’m not sure if it was the grammar or how it was written? But I felt like I kept having to reread sentences, which I never have to do.

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This book is easily one of my top reads of the year, and I don’t say that lightly—especially as someone who usually avoids series with the same main characters throughout. But this one felt like a breath of fresh air in the dark romance genre. It wasn’t the usual wild and unhinged dark romance; instead, it focused on the emotional, traumatic, and healing side of things.

The steamy scenes? They weren’t just hot—they were healing and full of exploration. The character development and relationship building were absolutely stunning. And the ending? It left me with the perfect mix of satisfaction and craving for the next part of the story. I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on the next book! Meg, you absolutely nailed it with your debut novel!!

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⭐ - 3.5/5 - ⭐

Hailey Fitzpatrick is a psychologist who spends most of her time at work. She dives in to drown out her past. In walks Arlo Judge, a broken, enigma of a man who occupies too much of her mind. When secrets come to light and histories are shared, these two people collide in ways they never imagined.

Thank you #netgalley for the ARC of this book!

✦ Dark romance
✦ Billionaire Romance
✦ Dual POV
✦ Dom/sub
✦ Therapist/client

⚠️ - SA, abuse, murder, trauma, etc
🌶️ - 4/5
💕 - 3/5
👥 - 3/5
🌎 - 2/5
🗡️ - .5/5
💀 - .5/5

I had a hard time figuring out if I liked this book or not. In the end, yes and no. I liked it enough to be hooked into wanting to read the next book in the trilogy, but not enough that I'd read this book again. The first quarter of the book is sloooowwww. I actually had a hard time getting through it. And while the book picks up a bit, it reads like a 500 page book, versus the 378 that it sits at. There are moments when I couldn't get enough, and moments that I wished were over faster.

The spice is SPICY. I haven't read a book in a while that did spice and kink the way this book does. Praise to the author for getting that right. There was nothing toxic about any of spicy moments, which is saying a lot for a dark romance.

Hailey is a complex, intelligent, and passionate character. I really enjoyed her throughout the book. She grew so much, and like an actual human, had some backslides that didn't deter her from said growth.

Arlo is kind of a confusing character. In the beginning, he's all broody and enigmatic. But soon after their relationship shifts he's a big ol' softy...with a dark side. Sexy and hell throughout, but sometimes his motivations and reactions are...odd.

I loved the supporting characters. The author is setting us up for the whole trilogy, so she definitely had to leave some thing hanging, but there are certain characters that I'd love to see more of, or even see them in their own books.

Overall, it was an interesting read for sure. It was a great dive into the human psyche and trauma. The spice was scorching, and the chemistry of the MCs over time became incredible. I'm glad this book ties off this story with a neat little bow, but definitely leaves us wanting more.

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I believe this was my first taboo trope romance and it didn't disappoint. The premise was interesting with great spice and a dominant MMC that will get you fired up.

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Hailey is a psychologist who has just started to see a new patient. There is an undeniable connection between the two of them that you can sense right off the bat that goes deeper than therapist/patient. It was so fun to watch how they helped each other break down their walls. It was Haileys job to break down Arlo’s, but she wasn’t expecting him to break down hers. The theme of using sex to heal throughout this book was very refreshing. I felt like Meg did a beautiful job describing how healing these things can be for people who’ve dealt with traumas. I will be reading the next book and adding Meg to my list of authors to watch. This was a phenomenal debut novel.
My only complaint was that sometimes the beginning of chapters felt a bit choppy. Nothing that you can’t get past. I’m very much looking forward to the next book!

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3.75 ⭐️
4 🌶️ (explicit scenes- multiple)

Loved until I didn’t, but that is 100% personal preference. Their chemistry, the taboo, and the way they help work through some of their individual trauma is amazing. It’s well written and in a way that makes sense. Nothing about it feels rushed. [ There is a surprise MM element that comes at the end (and continues through the next 2 books) that I’m sure is also healing and wonderfully written. It’s just not for me.

I think the friend scene threw me off because we hadn’t really seen a hint of that. When I started reading it I really thought they may be her other options. That would have hit a little different I think. Not upset about the series of events at all, just kind of seemed out of character. Or off base for what we knew or were led to believe. Even in his POV it wasn’t mentioned or hinted at. Or if it was, I missed it entirely. He was dominant, yes. In every way. But otherwise? I needed to see that earlier for it not to feel like being blindsided.

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*Look, Don’t Touch* by Meg Everly is a sizzling romance filled with witty banter and undeniable chemistry. Everly’s characters are vibrant and relatable, making the story both fun and addictive. A charming and steamy read that’s hard to put down.

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This book is an emotional roller coaster, perfect for readers who crave romance with an unconventional twist. Hailey and Arlo's story is captivating from the start—two individuals closed off from the world due to their own harrowing pasts, yet drawn to each other in ways that defy the norm. Their journey of healing and finding solace in one another is both intense and deeply moving.

While it took me a bit to fully immerse myself in the story, once I did, I was hooked. The execution is excellent, pulling you into a world where the tension and chemistry between Hailey and Arlo practically leap off the page. The spice and kink are next level, making this one of the hottest books I've read. Yet, it’s not just about the heat—this novel is incredibly well-written, with a plot that’s as compelling as the romance.

Hailey and Arlo are beautifully crafted characters, each carrying the weight of their emotional and physical scars. Watching them grow, trust, and love one another is a powerful experience. Their character development is top-notch, and their chemistry is absolutely off the charts—I couldn’t get enough.

This dark romance touches on some serious and potentially triggering themes, so readers should proceed with caution. However, for those who enjoy spicy, intricate love stories with complex characters and a plot that keeps you guessing, this book is a must-read. The writing is exceptional, and the way the story evolves is both surprising and satisfying. If you're into dark romance with deep emotional undercurrents, this book will not disappoint.

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Will I read the second or third book? Probably not.
Would I recommend this book to someone who likes smut/spice/dark romance? Probably.

The story starts off with Hailey being a therapist and he, a man named Arlo comes in to get therapy. His upbringing was terrible and now he has this trauma and does not touch anyone or let them touch him. She's trying to help him but also dealing with her own traumas of her upbringing that was also terrible. (This part of the story I actually enjoyed)

Then the story just gets interesting because since she has trauma she doesn't not want to look at anyone who fucks her, so she goes to a sex club and allows men of her choice to fuck her blind folded. Her giving into him, him showering her with love… kinda stuff you want to skip over. The weird relationship between the aunt who acts like he’s 20 but is truly 50 something.

Then of course the story must take a turn before it ends. Because of these events she's believes she is broken and can't be loved. Within one or two chapters she's like I want him I need him but can't, he can't be with me because I am broken and he shouldn't love me (annoying as fuck) he confesses his love and says that she isn't broken and basically says anything you do won't scare me away. She says shit like "what if I have sex with someone else and cheat"

Then to end the story super weird. That's when he brings her to that sex club where they both have participated in. Brings her to this room and proves to her that she is allowed to participate with other people if that is what she wishes.

Then it finally ends.. they have Christmas at Arlo's mansion. Arlo, Hailey and hota(the man who is in love with arlo) are under the mistletoe. Hailey goes and kisses both men, and it's this weird circle thing where all three lips are touching. (Also another thing that I am confused about and not enough information was given. But I suppose that is what the second book will be for)

I also am super confused with the gentleman who is on suicide watch and then dies? Did I miss something? I feel like there was NO background story? She breaks down and cries when she finds out he has passed away…. But how did it happen? Who is this man to her? Why is he SO important?

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and publisher for the eARC!

This is going to be the next rave for those who love dark romance with so much spice. It’s raw and emotional at the same time as well. I don’t know how the author does it, but this was amazing and had me hooked from the very beginning!

Check your triggers!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing the ARC.

This book was a roller coaster of emotions, and great for someone who loves their romance a bit more on the unconventional side.

Hailey and Arlo are two people closed off from the world in different ways and for different, completely messed up and valid reasons, but they gravitate to each other right from the beginning. The tension jumps right off the page and their story is utterly fascinating. They are both healing from the horrific trauma of their past, and seem to find comfort in each other, even if it is a bit outside of the norm.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It took me a while to get into it, but the execution was excellent. It really felt like I was drawn into this book and it never let up until it was done.

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This book is so hot and it’s absolutely delicious. The spice and kink are next level and there is plenty of it. But I really enjoyed the story itself because it’s incredibly well-written. Hailey and Arlo were both emotionally and physically damaged but they were great lead characters. It was amazing getting to watch them progress and work through their past issues and be able to trust and love one another. I loved their character growth and their chemistry was absolutely off the charts - couldn’t get enough. I can’t wait for more of this series!

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This is a dark erotic romance with amazing spice and tension. The story was so well done and I really enjoyed the writing style.

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For so many love is conditional. I’ll love you if… that’s fine for them. Not for me. I love you unconditionally.

Chokehold. Literal chokeholddddd! The execution of plot and character development was done beautifully. I loved everything about it!!!

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Look, Don’t Touch, written by Meg Everly, is the first book in the Pieces of Us series.

Format: NetGalley ebook
Genre: Contemporary fiction, Romance
Overall score:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice level:🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Characters: Hailey (FMC) & Arlo (MMC)

This is one of the absolute hottest books I have ever read!! The chemistry between Hailey and Arlo was unbelievably written, I was extremely impressed with this first book. I cannot wait to finish the series!

There are a lot of triggers in this book so be cautious going in. Sex club, group scene, bondage, child abuse, and much more. There is no cheating or third act breakup, but the story continues on into the next two books that will be released over the next six months.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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Ok ok ok, Ive just finished this and I needed a minute. It took me a while as some scenes didn’t feel appropriate to read in the family room 🤣

A intricately written dark romance novel, with beautiful characters, and an underlying wisdom that shows sometimes it’s worth pushing yourself and taking a risk for those you love.

Hailey is a Psychologist who specialises in sexual, relationships, and the more severe areas of psychology. She is not without her own trauma though, with a dark past she refuses to fully face, she sets strict boundaries in her life and dives into her career and her favourite 🌶️ club, Crave. Her new client, Mr Arlo Judge is as mysterious (and gorgeous) as a man can get. For reasons unknown, he cannot stand to touch or be touched; he wishes to change this after finding a woman he wants to be better for; this marks the beginning of a strong relationship, and one which evolves into something neither thought they were capable of.

This book is SPICY. It is definitely a smutty book which touches on some dark areas, so please check trigger warnings before proceeding.

I adored both the FMC and the MMC, they are both such strong, independent and intriguing characters. Their traumatic experiences are both horrifying, and it makes their connection even stronger; they are survivors.

The plot itself is great and easy-to follow, twists and turns happen when you don’t expect them, but at the same time some hints are slowly fed to you, so you are hoping, waiting and praying for something to happen!Its so rare an author can do both so well, the writing by @megeverlyafter is exceptional! The way the story evolves and the ending is beautiful.

This is a great read if you enjoy dark romance, with some even darker tropes, but maybe not for those readers not used to this genre.

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