Member Reviews

This is such a helpful read for anyone who was raised with a stern and shallow view of God. The author, Erin, invites you to really examine what you believe - not to throw it all away - but to build a better foundation. Her words were a balm to my wounded soul and she gives me hope that as I continue wrestling with my own faith, there is a God who loves right there through it all.

With so many reasons to ask questions when things don’t add up, it’s helpful to have the example of someone who has gone first and can speak from experience to be your guide. Even better, Erin will validate how you’re feeling and how you came to the place of asking questions without telling you where you need to end up, which makes sense considering that type of certainty and one-size-fits-all is one of the very things that she challenges and got her asking questions to begin with.

My goodness, I underlined so many portions of this book. For such a weighty, tender, and personal topic -- Erin H. Moon has managed to share vulnerably, infuse laughter into heaviness while not minimizing, and bring hope while not laying out formulas/prescriptions. Would we agree on every last point of every last thing? No, of course not. Who among us would when EVERYTHING is laid out? But she writes with generosity and honesty, and I appreciate that.

The best thing about this book is that it fully delivers on the promise of the title: ALL questions are welcomed here -- God is big enough for every person's doubts, anger, anxieties, and unanswered prayers. Erin Hicks Moon organizes the book around the metaphor of a personal plot of land, one where God shows up perhaps most intimately when we have burned the land to the ground. God wants and deserves our honesty, for as the author writes, "The only thing that will kill you is pretending everything is okay when it's not."
It is important to note that the book moves far beyond personal examination -- instead, it focuses on God's incomprehensible love for us and our obligation to love others, including those who hurt us, disagree with us, or don't believe what we believe. Although Moon shares her own journey, she repeatedly encourages readers to find ways of questioning, doubting, and loving that are authentic to their lived experiences. Some readers may be put off by language and allusions that are centered in the experience of a 40-something white woman, but it's worth pushing past this -- there really is something here for anyone who is intrigued by the book's title.

I've Got Questions was so interesting! It's the conversation about faith that many of us have whispered in our heads, but it's not often open conversation. It's the conversation I need about faith. Moon talks about deconstruction but not in a destructive way.
It's a different take on deconstruction than many resources because it offers more hope than books solely focused on deconstructing your faith. It welcomes questions. It talks about hard topics in a life-giving way. Instead of talking about tearing down your faith in anger, it offers the opportunity to examine your faith, explore your ideas, and rebuild in a way that fits your relationship with God.
Moon knows what she's talking about when it comes to theology. And at times the book takes deep dives into that. But her penchant for humor and honesty makes the discussion accessible.
If you're ready to have conversations about faith and church, and you trust that God can handle your questions, I've Got Questions is a wonderful, deep, grace-filled companion for your journey.

This book resonated deeply, articulating doubts, inconsistencies, and contradictions I've grappled with for years. The writing is both insightful and engaging, making the book approachable and even humorous.
This book arrived at the perfect moment in my life. Erin masterfully captured concepts and questions I couldn't fully articulate myself, leaving me feeling seen and understood.
I highly recommend this book to readers seeking introspection and deeper reflection. And don't miss the acknowledgements – they are truly delightful!
Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a copy.

I wanted to like this one more than I did. It was a skim-read for me as it was full of details and fluff that I found not interesting. Maybe it's a book more for millenials and younger who may want pop-culture mixed with some scripture. Although she is spot-on with her "have no fear to wrestle with God, ask questions, and search for truth", it seemed to drag on. Read if you want permission to question your faith (which you probably already gave yourself if you are reading this book) but there are no real answers... just more permission to seek. That's fine, but it probably could have been summed up in an essay.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. #sponsored

I continually questioned if this book was for me. It is well written and the questions posed are valid. My issue came in with my faith. At times I felt like the book was too inquisitive and could steer new believers in the wrong direction.

I’m definitely not the target audience for this book as someone who lands somewhere between agnostic and atheist but I picked it up because I love Erin Moon. I was not disappointed. This is a book about deconstructing (and also rebuilding) your faith. As someone outside of that experience, I still found a lot of value in this book’s examination of faith and how that drives how you move through the world. I was left with things that I know I will keep thinking about, which I don’t think I was expecting.

“I’m not afraid for you. If you are honestly seeking God, you will find God.”
Erin is exactly the companion you want as you’re floundering.
She takes seriously the work of de/reconstruction.
She’s encouraging, but neither dismissive, nor pressuring.
She realizes how much strength and faith and genuine DESIRE TO FOLLOW CHRIST it takes to scrape the gangrene from your raw/bleeding/callused/scarred soul.
I absolutely loved the Plot of Land metaphor. The weeds. The controlled burn. The rewilding.
I loved that she speaks from experience.
I love that she encourages “open-handed trust vs tight-fisted certainty”.
I love that she still has hope in things unseen.
I think we all need a little hope right now.
“Wresting with God is your spiritual heritage. The wrestling isn’t the problem. It’s the point.”

Five stars! If you read no further, know that this one is a five star read for me. Erin Hicks Moon's writing is a balm to my soul and much needed at this time in history. Although she is younger than me and comes from a different faith tradition, we have had many of the same experiences as we have worked in the church/faith industry. The way she writes about struggling with faith questions and toxic situations helps me have renewed hope in the church and a hunger to connect with God. Thank you for writing this one Erin!

**3.5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC!
Erin H. Moon has been a part of my life for over 5 years; I am an avid listener of the PMG’s podcasts, The Popcast and Faith Adjacent. Erin is a joy to listen to, so I was very excited when she announced her book.
While Erin and I did not agree about everything, it was interesting to read about her faith journey (drink). While I haven’t, personally, done “deconstructing,” my faith has changed and grown over my whole life, so I understand the questioning and trying to figure things out for yourself, instead of just believing everything you are taught.
I did find it a little repetitive, but I can’t wait to see her on her book tour!

YES YES YES. This is the book I’ve needed for years. I’m so thankful for Erin’s honesty, and she beautifully works through BIG questions with humor and wisdom. Will enthusiastically recommend to everyone and anyone.

Thanks to NetGalley & Baker Books for a digital advance reader's copy. All comments and opinions are my own.
While I recognized her name, I wasn’t really familiar with Erin Moon as a podcaster, writer, or speaker before reading this book. But I immediately liked her writing style, personality, and sense of humor. I felt like I was having a conversation with a very honest and outspoken friend about faith, God, about finding your identity as a Christian, and feeling comfortable with your own spiritual life no matter what others are saying/doing.
Although there were times when reading that I felt like Erin was whining and complaining, I stayed with it and eventually she moved on and I recognized the point she was making. And while she is sort of negative (or maybe that’s just her being honest and sharing her viewpoint), she ends the book on an upbeat note.
Erin quoted several authors and referred to many books that I want to check out. She brought up numerous intriguing questions about faith and shared her thoughts but never in a “this is the one and only correct answer.” This is a book to read if you’re looking for an honest conversation about spiritual growth.
Plus – the footnotes were entertaining and worth reading! Now that’s the sign of a good book!

I’ve been waiting for this one and it did not disappoint. Erin asks the serious questions we’re all asking then kindly walks us through how she came to her answers or at least helps us find a soft place to land. Her writing style is funny and wildly entertaining while still carrying the weight this topic deserves. Her advice is never prescriptive, but somehow written in a way that feels like it was meant for me, personally. I’m on my second reading, for note taking purposes, and still super excited to listen to the audio when it’s available.

This book is for anyone who has ever questioned their faith, struggled with doubts, or felt disconnected from the church. Erin Hicks Moon reminds us that faith isn’t a fixed point—it’s a journey. Uncertainty isn’t a bad thing, and curiosity is a gift.
With humor, honesty, and relatable cultural references, Moon’s writing feels like a friend walking alongside you, making space for hard conversations and deep reflection. She reassures readers that asking questions doesn’t mean losing faith—it can actually strengthen it.
If you’ve ever wrestled with faith and wanted a thoughtful, compassionate conversation about it, this book is worth picking up.
Read and reviewed from a NetGalley eARC, with thanks.

"I've Got Questions" is a breath of fresh air for people who are diving a little deeper into understanding their faith. We are often taught that asking questions about are faith is well, unfaithful. But Erin helps us know that we are not alone and that it can be quite normal. This book is well researched and full of heart. She doesn't tell you what to think but helps get you thinking and feeling good about it.

"It's only when you grow up and start looking around a little bit that you discover it's our actual spiritual inheritance to deconstruct and reconstruct. Scripture is filled with stories of people who had one notion about God, actually encountered God, and then completely changed course." (pg. 96)
If that resonates with you or makes you go "Yes... that's what I've been trying to say..." then I'VE GOT QUESTIONS is a book for you.
I'm verrrrry familiar with Erin's work with the Popcast Media Group shows and practically feel like a friend released a book (Hi, Erin! You don't know me, but I have one-sided conversations with you during your podcasts multiple times a week!), but you don't have to know Erin or her work yet to read this book. And if you do know Erin already, this book is NOT just a recycling of everything you've already read and heard from her.
One of the ways I'VE GOT QUESTIONS felt fresh and special to me was that while Erin's personal story is a part of the through-line of the book, it's not at the expense of depth. I don't mean to throw shade at any other books... I really don't... but I think those of us who have read a lot from the "Christian living" shelves at Barnes & Noble have experienced the let down of picking up a book that sounds like it's really going to help you consider a new perspective or make some headway in an area of your life and then it's just kind of a bunch of stories about that person's life. And maybe that's more of a marketing failure than anything else, because personal stories and testimonies have their place, but all that to say, Erin doesn't just tell us about her own life, she leads us into rich places and gives a Biblical and thoughtful framework for walking through the process of asking big questions and "having it out with God."
Many thanks to Netgalley and Baker Books for a free review copy of this book. I had already pre-ordered my own hardcopy, but was very excited and grateful for the early sneak peek.
(Review on Instagram forthcoming)

I’ve Got Questions already feels like a book I’ll return to over and over again. My audiobook will serve as the friend in my ear when I feel things are going a little sideways and I need the courage to allow myself to feel angry at God and/or the Church. My e-copy will travel with me and be the occasional pickup when I forget to download another, and I expect will nudge me to not ignore my feelings (as I am so wont to do). My hardcover will live beautifully on my shelf until I retrieve her to thumb through, searching for one of the countless highlights I’ve made when I’m sharing Erin’s ideas with a friend. And the other 2 copies that are on the way are for as-yet-unknown friends who most surely will find themselves where I did a few years ago — equal parts broken-hearted and angry, unsure of the ground beneath my feet and feeling surrounded by those who claim to love Jesus but look less like them when it matters most. Thanks to netgalley for the early access so I could get started on this journey and to Erin for writing the book that literally millions of us need.

Erin's kindness and authenticity shine through every word. If you've ever felt isolated by your doubts and questions, this book is here to remind you that you're not alone.
I've basically highlighted the whole thing, but what I'm taking with me as I move forward is this: "We joyfully affirm nothing less than this: we are the people who have it out with God"