Member Reviews

This book revisits the familiar story from Greek mythology about Persephone's abduction to the underworld.

Growing up with her demanding mother Demeter, Kore is amazed to find out the real story of her antecedents. But she is entirely unprepared for what awaits her as consort to Hades, after he abruptly spirits her away to his Kingdom.

Meanwhile, although Demeter has been a difficult mother for Kore, who ultimately chooses the name Persephone for herself, her daughter will discover just how ferocious Demeter is when it comes to retrieving her daughter...

The title refers to the pomegranate seeds that Persephone consumes, which determine her fate in terms of her time she must spend with Hades and the time during which she is allowed to leave the underworld.

The exploration of the parent-child dynamic and the slow burn of Persephone's relationship with Hades add a lot of texture to this retelling.

This is an absorbing story, well told - and definitely worth checking out for lovers of Greek mythology.

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I think that my favourite genre of books has to definitely be Greek mythological retelling, and Seeds certainly was able to satisfy my love for it.

The book focused on the journeys of the Greek goddess, Demeter, and her daughter, Kore; otherwise known as Persephone.

The book was well written, and explored so many different feelings and scenes. Each character was well described and I could picture a lot of what Angie Paxton was describing.

The only thing that I thought should have been included was that Persephone ate only 6 pomegranate Seeds, therefore she would spend six months in the Underworld and six months in the Upper World. Although the Seeds were mentioned, it didn't indicate how many were eaten, and those who thrive on Greek mythology may be a little disappointed that although it was implied, it wasn't stated

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I love a good retelling of mythology. I enjoyed this book, thanks you netgalley and the publishers for the ARC. The plot and character development were strong and I didn't expect the ending. This is a Hades and Persephone retelling that I felt was one of the stronger ones I have read.

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Big thanks to Rising Action Publishing Co. for this ARC via Netgalley.
I really enjoyed this. I felt it was written very well and kept me mostly engaged. The beginning of the book and Persephone's very VERY slow burn of Hades took some getting used to, as romance is not the main plot of this book, however I do understand why the author portrayed the story in this way.

I personally didn't know much of the lore between Persephone & Demeter other than the very basic "she was kidnapped and her mom was mad" storyline. So to see this story delve into more between Demeter & Persephone, and also the relationship with Hades was absolutely lovely.

This truly isn't a "regular" book about the mother-daughter relationship, nor the story of Persephone and Demeter, and Persephone & Hades, it's much deeper. There are many emotions encompassed in this book and various subplots that come together to enhance the deeper meaning of this book.

I am rating it 4 stars only for the fact that I struggled to be engaged for the first 50%, however after that I devoured the last chunk in a day.

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Seeds is that book that you don't want to put down for a second. It's really good omg. I totally recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can because it's really good.

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I've read quite a few Hades/Persephone retellings but this one is my new favorite. The writing was beautiful and I loved that it was such a unique and fresh take on the classic story. I really enjoyed how complex the story was and I loved watching Persephone's journey to self-discovery. I don't like when authors write Persephone as just a boring one-dimensional victim so I am relieved and pleased to see that that was not the case here. I hope the author continues to write more Greek Mythology retellings!

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I am a sucker for Greek myth retellings, and Seeds was no exception. I love Hades and Persephone novels, and this was a very enjoyable one. I loved the story and the characters. I think showing Persephone's and Demeter's POV was a very good take on a story that many know very well.

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I am the biggest sucker for retellings of Hades and Persephone, this was a great read in my opinion. It was different than any other I’ve read and I loved how it was from Demeter’s and Persephone’s POV.

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Unfortunately this retelling of hades and Persephone did nothing for me. I actually disliked their characterisations, especially Demeter, who was hateful and disdainful to everyone but especially her own daughter.
The romance was also icky and not believable.
There was a lot of exposition and I didn’t care for the story.

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Thanks for the advanced copy of this book! I really really like retellings of Hades and Persephone, each one is unique in its own way. I really liked it and how it also showed the relationship between Persephone and her mother. I really feel like so many people can relate to it as well. I would recommend to fans of H & P retellings!

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Blew this this book in a day and absolutely loved it! There are a lot of Hades and Persephone retellings out there, but this one sets itself apart with its unique take on Persephone's backstory and its engaging dual perspectives! Definitely highly recommended for any fans of Greek mythology out there! Thank you to Rising Action Publishing Co. and NetGalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I received this book as an ARC but the review is entirely my own opinion.

I really enjoyed this novel!

The story follows the POVs of mother, Demeter, and daughter, Persephone after Persephone is stolen by Hades into the underworld.

I loved the juxtaposition of the characters and their points of view. I really felt for Persephone and her plight not only with her mother, but as her relationship with Hades developed.

I could have kept reading more into the life of the couple after Persephone came into herself as they were heartwarming!

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Disclaimer: I am by no means well read in Greek mythology but my 11-year old daughter is and so I like to try to expand my horizons to try and carry on conversations with her. Persephone and a Demeter are a common topic of conversation at our dinner table and so Angie Paxton’s new novel Seeds seemed like a perfect book to dive right into!

A mother’s love is powerful but it is not without mistakes and countless errors made along the way. Told in dual perspectives, Seeds re-examines the classic Greek myth of this mother and daughter in a dynamically fresh and in-depth perspective that will resonate into a whole new millennium. The concept of paying for the sins of our parents is still one that our generation tackles and Paxton does a brilliant job making Greek mythology relevant and poignantly beautiful in a riveting manner. Hades is also written in a beautifully gripping fashion that provokes reevaluation of the archetypal portrayal of the god of the underworld. Kudos to Angie Paxton on an absolutely captivating and beautiful novel!

Review is on Goodreads and will be posted on instagram closer to publication date and on Amazon when published!

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