Member Reviews

"In this latest installment of Alexander McCall Smith's beloved No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi take on an intriguing new case and uncover surprising truths.

In the rolling hills just outside Gaborone, surrounded by a grove of acacia trees, lies The Great Hippopotamus Hotel. With spacious rooms overlooking the Botswanan countryside and a fine and loyal staff, the hotel has served as a refuge to weary travelers for many years. But a sudden string of misfortunes threatens to ruin the hotel's reputation. Food poisoning befalls an unlucky diner, laundry mysteriously disappears from the drying line, and a scorpion stings one of the guests. Mishap after mishap, until it seems these incidents are more than simple coincidences - something foul is afoot.

Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi are on the case to find out who could be responsible for these unfortunate events. The answer at first seems clear, especially when they find out Violet Sephotho is involved. But as they dig deeper, they realize that the solution is not as simple as it initially seems. Meanwhile, one of Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni's most important clients has asked him to source a sports car, putting him in a ticklish position as the man's wife seems to be unaware of the purchase and the client is taking great pains to keep it that way. Nevertheless, with a healthy dose of good humor and kindness, Mma Ramotswe and her associates must help restore the reputation of the hotel and prove that even the most difficult situations can be remedied with honesty and compassion."

Because every once in awhile you need Mma Ramotswe to cheer you up.

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A gentle mystery - is someone trying to ruin the good name of the Great Hippopotamus Hotel? - investigated by Mma Makutsi, who takes the lead when Mma Ramotswe must recover from a bout of food poisoning. Mma Ramotswe remains engaged, however, and helps her husband deal with a client who is suffering through a mid-life crisis, complete with the purchase of an inappropriate sports car. Mma Ramotswe doles out her usual wisdom, while Mma Makutsi learns not to rush into assumptions. It's always pleasant to spend time in Botswana with these well-developed characters, and this is like reading a quick and easy bedtime story. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher Pantheon for the eARC.

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This book did not disappoint. It was engaging with its descriptions of African culture and storyline. It is humorous in parts and serious in parts, which kept me hooked until the very end. I have loved reading this series and wondered if this book would be just as good as the others; and it was! Can't wait for the next one!

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It's like coming home when you read Alexander McCall Smith's latest book The Great Hippopotamus Hotel. This heartwarming novel continues with the ladies of the No.1 detective agency being asked to investigate the mysterious shenanigans that have been happening at the infamous Great Hippopotamus Hotel. You're tempted to drink a cup of tea and eat a slice of fruitcake as you read this gentle mystery.
I was afraid I might be missing too many details as this is only the second book I've read in this series of 25. But don't hesitate to start with this one, you will be transported to Botswana and will soon love the characters and descriptions of their lives as much as I did.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this ARC. It is always comforting to revisit Mma Ramotse and Mma Makutsi and their friends at the Ladies Number One Detective Agency in Botswana. In this episode, the ladies are asked to investigate problems at the Great Hippopotamus Hotel. Meanwhile Mr. J. l. B. Matekoni is dealing with a man who is deceiving his wife. An illness sidelines Mma Ramotse so Mma Makutsi takes the reins on the hotel issue.

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It’s always a great comfort to spend time in the neighborhood of Precious, Grace, JLB, Charlie and Fanwell and Mma P.

Grace takes the lead in a case this time while Precious recovers from food poisoning. Naturally, Grace’s nemesis Violet is somehow mixed up in the case…

Well, I mustn’t give too much away!

I don’t know how Alexander McCall Smith manages to write so many books and still hold my interest in his delightful and insightful characters, but I’m very glad he does.


NetGalley provided an ARC in exchange for this review.

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Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi tackle mishaps at the Great Hippopotamus Hotel while dealing with a secretive sports car purchase. This cozy, familiar entry in the series delivers its trademark warmth and wisdom, though some character quirks may feel out of place.

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This is a very good addition to the series about the Ladies' Detective Agency. When Mma Ramotswe goes to buy her husband new socks, she meets Babuci, who wants to talk to her. He is the manager of the Great Hippopotamus Hotel. The owner is giving the hotel to his two nephews and his niece, and he wants her to check out the new owners. Mma Ramotswe, Mma Potokwa Mma Makutsi go for a meeting at the hotel where Babusi tells them they have had food poisoning, laundry disappearing, and a scorpion in a bedroom. It appears that someone is trying to ruin the reputation of the hotel. That evening, Mma Ramotswe comes down with food poisoning. While Mma Ramotswe is recovering, Mma Makutsi continues to look into things and gets help from Mma Potokwane and a young orphan. The case turns out to be much more complicated than it seemed at first.

Meanwhile, Mr. JLB Matekoni has a customer who wants him to buy a fancy sports car for him without telling his wife about it. This has an unhappy result, but turns into a good lesson helped by Mma Ramotswe, who has such a wonderful way of seeing the good in everything and everyone.

I thank Netgalley and Pantheon books for allowing me to read an ARC before publication.

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Another delightful episode of the Ladies Detective Agency series finds Mma Romotswe and Mma Makutsi investigating nefarious events at a luxurious hotel.

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This is the twenty fifth in the simple but charming No. 1 Ladies Detective series. All the familiar characters are here. And, yes, the talking shoes do make an appearance!

Mma Ramotswe is contacted by the manager of a hotel set in the Botswanan countryside. Someone seems to have it in for the hotel; nefarious things are happening there. When the Ladies #1 Detective Agency investigates, it is no surprise that one of the suspects is involved with the malevolent Violet Sephotho. But, are things always as they seem?
Sidelined by an illness, it is up to Mma Makutsi to do most of the queries on her own.

Mma Ramotswe always manages to come up with clever and successful solutions to problems. Her gentle way and penchant for always finding the positive in a situation is balm for the soul. Her wisdom is profound in its simplicity.

With interesting plot lines and colorful characters, this is another feel good addition to the series. It makes a nice afternoon or evening read while curled up with a pot of tea. Fans of McCall Smith’s gentle prose and perceptive musings will welcome this latest endeavor.

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This is my absolute (without exception) favorite book in this long running series.
As we expect, Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi are going to find themselves
involved in a very complicated situation. and the most interesting and serious
case of their careers, as I see it…
These two woman, along with their husbands, have a most interesting time
with their health, their friends and their eventual discoveries, which feature
the life lessons we always find in these wonderful stories crafted by the
talented Alexander McCall Smith.
My thanks to Knopf Pantheon Publisher via NetGalley for the download
copy of this book for review purposes

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I have been a fan of this series for several years and have read each one, finding comfort and joy every time. This book excels similarly to the others in this series, Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi skillfully navigate the case of the Great Hippopotamus Hotel with compassion, understanding, and a gentle approach. This time I felt the focus was more on Mma Makutsi solving the case, though Mma Ramotswe also played a key role. I am thankful to the author and publisher for a chance to read this book and it will be added to my collection to read and enjoy several times over.

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I'm always so excited to see another outing with the wonderful characters from the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. In this most recent adventure, the two ladies in charge of investigating the problems of the people of Gabarone are tasked with finding out what is going on at a small hotel outside of town. The manager happens to see Mma Ramotswe out shopping and asks if she can help him. The hotel has recently been turned over to three cousins to run after their uncle retired from the business. Since that time, many problems have plagued the hotel, including food poisonings and creepy crawlies discovered in guest rooms. Word has gotten around and the hotel has started to lose business. The manager asks if they can try to get to the bottom of the problem. Unfortunately, when they go to the hotel on a fact-finding missing, Mma Ramotswe herself is struck down with food poisoning so it's up to Mma Makutsi to try to get to the truth. At the same time, Mma Ramotswe's mechanic husband, Mr. JLB Matekoni, has been tasked with finding a flashy sportscar for a client. This client's brother is responsible for most of the business at the garage, so he doesn't feel like he can refuse the request. Mma Ramotswe isn't too pleased when she hears that this is a clandestine assignment, meant to be kept secret from the man's wife.

This book has the trademark gentle humor and endearing characters that we've come to love. There were some strange things with this book, however. Mma Ramotswe didn't act like her normal wise and kind self for part of the book. She was calling out behaviors to people who offended her right to their faces, when before she would be more laid back and forgiving. She also was quite harsh with Mr. JLB Matekoni and treated him as if he were her child rather than her husband. While Mma Ramotswe was ill and off work, her husband forbade others to visit her but he himself brought people to the house and had her out and about. It was all very strange. Still, the overall tone and action of the book was pretty much what we've come to know and love. Even Mma Makutsi's talking shoes made a reappearance! I just hope next time out Mma Ramotswe's character will revert to her former placid and benevolent demeanor.

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One of Mr. JLB Matekoni's customers wants his help in getting a fancy sports car, with the strict instructions that his wife is not to know. Mma Ramotswe feels that the truth is the best option--will the customer listen to her wisdom? Another case involves the Great Hippopotamus Hotel, where bad things seem to be happening. When Mma Makutsi learns that her old nemesis Violet Sephoto may be involved, she is determined to solve the case. These books always provide a relaxing read and comforting gentle wisdom. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this advance copy.

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