Member Reviews

Imagine the love of your life/father of your child goes missing. You're relieved to find that he's alive when you find a clue that tips you off to the fact that he's out there and trying to communicate with you, but you can't tell anyone because he makes it explicitly clear you can't trust anyone. Oh... and you can only communicate with him via the song titles you play on Spotify.

While it was pretty clear from the jump who the villains were and the twists were fairly easy to see coming (at least for someone that reads a of thrillers), this was still an incredibly fun read.

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I usually stick to reading romance, but there are a few thrillers I like to try out from time to time. I am SO glad I read this one because it did not disappoint. Once I started, I couldn't put it down and this is the first book in awhile I read in a 24 hour period of time. I love music, and seeing that songs would be playing a big part in solving the mystery of what happened to Marissa's husband after he goes missing instantly intrigued me. I thought it was such an interesting concept to use song titles as secret messages, and Owens executed this well. Throughout the story, there wasn't a single character I didn't suspect. I loved how each chapter uncovered one thing while opening up more questions. It was like unpacking a nesting doll, and by the time the truth of it all was revealed, my mind was blown. The major thing that impressed me is that even though the reader is given every reason not to trust her husband, Ethan, you still find yourself rooting for them to make it back to each other in the end. There's something about their relationship that I found endearing, and I was truly hoping everything would make sense and end up okay for them. But I guess you'll just have to read the book to find out if everything pans out well!

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"Tell Me You Trust Me" is a fast-paced debut thriller that delivers a truly fun read. This story starts with intrigue, suspense, and intensity right off the bat. From the very first chapter, you are sucked in and invested in the story. The author does a fantastic job of pulling us in and not letting go, as we are constantly given clues about where Marissa's husband, Ethan, could be, along with new discoveries that make us question everything and long for answers!

The chapter endings are engaging, keeping you hooked, and the music references sprinkled throughout the narrative add an enjoyable touch. Marissa's character development is a highlight, making her journey both relatable and compelling. The author's writing style is sharp and concise, perfectly complementing the book's brisk pace. The narrative delves into themes of trust, deception, and the blurred lines between friend and foe, with tension that builds skillfully until the very last page.

Overall, "Tell Me You Trust Me" is a gripping thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Highly recommended for fans of suspenseful and fast-paced reads.

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This domestic thriller has me biting my nails. It was everything I expected from it and more. The title couldn't be more apt, and it stayed with me for days after I finished it. It's short, fast-paced, and something rather memorable. I recommend picking it up ASAP.

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I enjoyed this book, thanks you netgalley and the publishers for the ARC. This book was filled with twists I didn't see coming. As a big fan of all things horror and thriller this kept me engaged. The plot and character development were strong and I didn't expect the ending.

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An unusual storyline as the author used song titles for Marissa and Ethan to communicate. Ethan goes missing and Marissa’s family are hovering over her. What is their involvement and where is Ethan. I enjoyed this book and it kept me guessing.

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This book had me from word one and I could NOT put it down! Full of twists and turns and keeps you on the edge of your seat! Thank you NetGalley and Elle Owen’s for my first ARC. Book is released February 2025…read it! You will not be disappointed!

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Wow… I was already familiar with this author from her romance novels, and immediately knew I had to pick up this book when she announced it. I’m such a sucker for Mystery/Thriller that has to do with family, and this book did not disappoint. I found myself second guessing everything right along with the main character. Lovers of mystery, drama, and believing in the ones you love should absolutely check this one out.

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Overflowing with suspense, mysteries, blackmail, and so much family drama!

From the very first page you get absolutely thrown into the action. The pacing was incredible and we were constantly being thrown a new clue or puzzle. I adored our main characters perseverance and hunger for the truth. We watched her grow as a person and realize she is so much stronger than she thought. The added level of having a young child and not knowing who we could trust made this that much more suspenseful!

The only thing I didn't love was the overall lack of knowledge we had of our main characters husband. With him being missing from page one it was hard to care whether he was safe or not just because I had no time to form a positive opinion about him. I well and truly didn't care whether he was found or not and only cared about our main character and her baby.

I highly recommend and will be buying physical copies (yes multiple, I plan on gifting this to friends and family) when possible!!

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This was such a twisty debut. Marissa and Ethan Creighton both share a love of music. Sharing playlists is one of their things. I won’t go into spoiler territory, but I loved how the playlists play a huge role in this story. Even though since their son Logan was born, Marissa feels a change in Ethan.
Before he leaves for work one morning, he asks Marissa to trust him. She has no idea that he will not come home that night. All of her insecurities come out and her overbearing family does not help. But Marissa is determined to understand why her husband left. Even if it will expose all of his secrets and make her doubt her own family
I enjoyed walking next to Marissa, uncovering clues, and watching her gain strength. I’ve been thinking about how this book ended for days. That is the only part that just seemed to not totally work for me. No spoilers, but after everything was revealed, I personally would have been playing, Going to California, alone.

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Very unique way to tell a story in this suspense filled drama. A husband goes missing after leaving the house and making his wife promise to trust him. He then communicates to her through songs shared on playlists, as music plays a big part in their history. She has to decipher what he is trying to tell her to hopefully answer questions about his disappearance and bring him back home. While I found it frustrating that the husband chose to do this rather than just tell her what was going on (I would be seriously enraged at this if it happened in real life) it truly was a fun way to watch the story unfold.

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What a great thriller debut!

This is gripping from the first page. Marissa is a strong FMC who comes into her own by the end of the book. I really enjoyed her character arc.

I loved the pace of this book, there was never a moment when I lost interest. I flew this book really quickly because even after I had figured out the main mystery, I wanted to know what was going to happen to all the characters involved.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the free arc book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I absolutely loved this read! The suspense and the clues never stop, so I couldn’t put it down! The characters were gritty and real to me. I will definitely be looking for more from this author. Brilliant!

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Great mystery thriller! Really liked the concept of it and the idea of the playlists. Quick and easy to read, I will say this is an 3.5 stars, I think its hard to find thrillers above 4 stars, so this is a very good rating!

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This was my first ever ARC and I was super excited to read it. Tell Me You Trust Me is a thriller which has a lot of music inside it! An unusual combination, right?! The plot is quite original - the main character's husband goes missing, he leaves her clues, and they communicate with each other via song titles on their Spotify playlist. As obsessed as I am with exploring new tunes, finding perfect music for books/events/moods and creating playlists, the book felt somewhat relatable and it was fun reading it. While the plot and pace were very good, I thought the characters and dialogues needed a bit more development. I'd still recommend it for a quick suspense read.

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WOW oh WOW!!! This debut thriller was FANTASTIC! The way my heart was beating just a little too fast during some of the scenes, and having a child involved really added another layer of suspense. Elle captured Marissa's feelings and showed how she dug deep to find all the strength, knowledge, and power to take ownership of her life. I LOVED this book and I cannot wait for the next by Elle Owens!

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Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for an advanced reader copy of Tell Me You Trust Me. Overall, this was a pretty enjoyable reading experience and an interesting plot. However, I think that this book lacked a bit in execution and could be improved. There were a few instances where I thought to myself, “show, don’t tell!”, and was taken out of the writing by the main character which felt inconsistent at times.

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As soon as I finished this book, I went to see if there were any other books written by Elle Owens. First, I would like to say thank you very much for allowing me to have an advanced reader copy. I absolutely loved this book. The mystery, the thrill was just amazing. I am going to purchase a physical copy that’s how much I love this book. It kept me on my toes. it was not predictable. I thought it was going one way, but it didn’t. It was just a good mystery thriller when you think you know who is all involved and have it all figured out, you really don’t! It’s just amazing. I highly highly highly recommend it.

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good mystery about a family company and daughter and husband who wonders if she can trust him. She is on the run and trying to solve the mystery of why her husband has money and why he is left her . she solves the mystery and finds out more about her family and husband and they communicate by song titles off Spotify.

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I thoroughly enjoyed unraveling this mystery. It had me hooked almost from page 1. If i had started this on a weekend, I would likely have finished it the same day.

I do not want to give away any spoilers so I will only say I needed to know what happened to Ethan almost as much as Marissa did!

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