Member Reviews

Talk about a toxic family! This was a very fun mystery. I really enjoyed the use of music and song titles between the characters to communicate. I thought that was very inventive on the author’s part and added a bit of fun to the story.

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"Tell Me You Trust Me" is a fast-paced debut thriller that delivers a truly fun read. The story follows Marissa, a woman whose life is turned upside down when her husband mysteriously goes missing. As she frantically searches for answers, Marissa discovers that her husband has left behind a series of cryptic clues, leading her on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth.

The chapter endings are engaging, keeping you hooked, and the music references sprinkled throughout the narrative add an enjoyable touch. Marissa’s character development is a highlight, making her journey both relatable and compelling. The author’s writing style is sharp and concise, perfectly complementing the book’s brisk pace. The narrative delves into themes of trust, deception, and the blurred lines between friend and foe, with tension that builds skillfully until the very last page.

"Tell Me You Trust Me" is a thrill ride from start to finish. Its fast pace and intriguing plot make it an enjoyable and addictive read. If you're looking for a thriller that’s both fun and thought-provoking, this book is a fantastic choice.

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Loved the premise of this amazing story! Plenty of twists and so well done. Will keep you reading late into the night! Highly recommend.

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Marissa's husband Ethan is missing. The last thing he said to her? Tell me you trust me. Marissa fears that she - and her young son Logan - will never see Ethan again. But then she discovers a message in their shared playlist, and they start communicating using song titles, though Marissa remains in the dark about why Ethan disappeared in the first place. And Marissa's overbearing family is not making the situation any better. Will she uncover the truth behind the lies, mysteries, and subterfuge? This debut thriller from Elle Owens is fast-paced, very twisty, and deliciously sinister. I loved the use of song titles as communication/code. Most of the characters (and Marissa's parents in particular) were not very likeable, and at times quite frustrating, but this all contributed to the storyline. Fans of The Last Thing He Told Me will enjoy this novel.

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This book was AMAZING and I was fully invested the entire way. I didn't want to put it down! All the twists and turns and following the clues with the characters. Made it super fun to make predictions. Thanks again for this early read!

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Elle Owens' Tell Me Your Trust Me is a captivating debut that introduces readers to a world of suspense and intrigue. Owens' writing style is both elegant and evocative, drawing readers into the story with vivid imagery and compelling characters. Her ability to create tension and suspense is masterful, keeping the reader guessing until the very end.

This thriller is a must-read for fans of the genre, offering a fresh perspective and a plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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This book kicks off immediately. We start off finding out that Marissa's husband, Ethan, hasn't been home in a few days and yet his keys and wallet are at home. Ethan works with Marissa's dad and brother and yet they have no clue on his whereabouts either. Everyone finds it hard to believe that Ethan would leave Marissa and their 2-year old son Logan, but things are not looking good.

Marissa feels that things seem off and doesn't think that he's left her on his own. She starts digging for clues when she realizes he has been using his Spotify account (which they share). They are quickly able to connect via songs (which I loved) but there are more questions than answers.

I couldn't put this book DOWN! 📚 It’s full of twists and turns that kept me hooked. Thank you, Netgalley and Elle Owens, for the early copy. This book will be released in February 2025, so make sure to add it to your TBR list! 📅

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I absolutely devoured this book! I hardly ever finish a book in 24 hours and I could not put this one down! Marissa is incredibly relatable and the use of music spoke to my heart. Every move Marissa made, felt very real and not over thought. A lot of times in mystery and thrillers, characters make choices that seem very unrealistic if it were to truly happen. Marissa and Ethan's relationship is absolutely beautiful.
My biggest critique is the ending felt different from the rest of the book. Maybe it is because it was more dialogue heavy at the end. I can't place my finger on it but the tone shifted and felt a little off.

Thank you Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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The concept for this thriller is good. Using a playlist to send clues to your wife about why you disappeared and where you might be? I mean who hasn’t made a playlist with song titles that spell out a sentence and sending it to your friends?

I also really enjoyed Marissa’s growth throughout the story and how she confronted and “overtook” her parents. It was so badass of her after everything they put her through and how they treated her, her whole life. I overall really enjoyed her character and her growth throughout the book as well as how she stood up to her parents after the way she was treated her whole life.

The only reason this isn’t 5 stars is that some of the story seemed far fetched for the context of the story and there was just a LOT going on. There were lots of characters that were hard to keep track of and could have been more well rounded, or maybe a few less because between them and the number of clues you needed to keep track of it was hard to enjoy the story without feeling like you needed a cheat sheet. The twists were a little predictable towards the end of the story, but overall it was enjoyable. I would definitely read more of Elle Owens’ thriller books and I’m excited to see if she will write more!

Thank you #Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for this ARC.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC. I really liked this novel. Had me hooked from the beginning. I thought at first it had a similar story-line to another book I read in the last year but as I kept reading I realized that maybe it started out the same, but then it really switched gears and wasn't. I loved the twists, and just about the time I thought i had it figured out BAM.... Something else happened. Other than a few grammatical errors, I thought it was a great first book. I can't wait to read future books of hers.

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When I saw the description for this book, I knew I had to get my hands on this ARC!

The story begins with Marissa's husband disappearing after a haunting plea for her to trust him. But as more and more secrets unfold during the investigation into her husband's disappearance, Marissa has to wonder if she really can trust the man that she shares a life with.

The way clues were drizzled throughout the book made this a captivating read, and I particularly enjoyed the clever use of the Spotify song titles as well as playlist as a means for communication. It added a much needed witty break in the book, and as an added bonus I discovered some fun songs! There were moments where I found myself internally screaming at Marissa when she didn't notice a few obvious clues (such as the initials in the emails), and moments where it felt like the book was dragging on for a little too long. Other than that, the twists and not knowing who to trust made for an interesting page-turner that I enjoyed reading.

All in all it was a solid debut from an author that I am looking forward to seeing more from.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

((Just in case this review is noticed by the publisher and there is still time to make edits, there is a typo in the acknowledgements sections where the author is thanking Manu. The you're is supposed to be a your <3 ))

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I absolutely loved the premise of this book! The communication through titles of songs is such a clever idea and absolutely gripping for a thriller.

I had a fun time with this book. I was constantly on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. I could not put this down, especially with how Elle ends each chapter - you simply have to know what happens next! The only qualm I have with this book is that the final few chapters did seem a little rushed to me which is the only thing leaving this read at a four star.

Overall, Tell Me You Trust Me is an incredible debut thriller and I can't wait to see what this author does next!

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This book was an absolute thrill that had me on the edge of my seat. I finished the book in tears, this book was able to make me feel so many emotions! Marissa’s love of music and their inside jokes were so heartwarming.This book is definitely one that I will be sharing with others and recommending at my work. I think this would be a wonderful mystery thriller for our local library book club! Definitely a must read for the new year. The writing was so wonderful and amount of character depth that was achieved in such a short time period was truly remarkable.

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This was my first ever ARC read and it did not disappoint! Tell Me You Trust Me is a story about a wife whose husband disappears after saying “Tell Me You Trust Me.” And then she starts finding clues that the husband left her, to try to piece things together on why he disappeared.

This story started with intrigue, suspense, and intensity right off the bat. From the very first chapter you are sucked in and invested in this story. I think the author did such a great job at pulling us in and not letting go, as we were constantly given clues about where her husband, Ethan could be and we were given new things to discover with Marissa, our main character that made us question everything and long for answers! The whole book kept my attention and I wanted to just know more and keep reading to figure out this mystery. When a book gets me that intrigued, I automatically will give it a high rating! I also really enjoyed Marissa’s growth throughout the story and how she confronted and “overtook” her parents. It was so badass of her after everything they put her through and how they treated her, her whole life. I overall really enjoyed her character and thought she had such great intentions with her son, and handled the situation well and with lots of bravery. I’m pleased with how the ending turned out as well.

The only reason this isn’t 5 stars is that some of the story seemed a little far fetched and there was a lot going on. There seemed to be lots of characters to keep track of, lots of clues to remember, and lots of pieces of the story that were empty, that we were trying to figure out at the same time. Some of the reveals as well were a little bit predictable and I’ve had them figured out pretty early on. I was hoping for a little bit more twists and turns, but regardless of this, it didn’t change my opinion about the book too much, I still think this is a great and well written book! I would definitely read more of Elle Owens’ thriller books and I’m excited to see if she will write more!

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This book had one of the most interesting premises ever, I was so intrigued by this one.. The execution did not do it. There were a few inconsistencies and in some parts I just got bored unfortunately. The book is short but it dragged if that even makes any sense..

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From the first chapter of Tell me you trust me, had me gripped!
The way the clues were left behind had me gripping my sit at every page.
I loved the way Elle wrote and described the love Marissa had for Logan I think that that was really well done.
I do wish we found out a little bit more of the after. For instance knowing Ethans family a little bit

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This book was a challenging read for me. The premise was really intriguing but I feel like the execution was poor. The start of the book was really good and then at about the halfway mark it started to kinda unraveled both with the plot and just momentum wise too. Throughout the book I struggled to understand the need for all of the secrecy. The plot felt both bare bones and over complicated at the same time. And I honestly think the whole book could’ve been over way sooner that it was.

I’ve struggled to decide between a 2.75 or 3 star rating because it did keep me reading if even to simply find out what all the fuss the characters were making was about. However, it fell far short of the “aha!” Moment the author probably wanted it to. In the end I decided to give it 2.75 rounded up for Goodreads. I feel like that even is a bit too generous. For a short book it felt like it took forever to get through and I’m still confused about what was so dangerous? Maybe I’m not the right audience but either way I don’t recommend adding this one to your list unfortunately.

Thanks to NetGalley & Thomas & Mercer for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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Tell Me You Trust Me by debut author E. Owens, is written in diary style, an intriguing read. A stor full of twists and unexpected turns.
A bit slow at times it took me a minute to get the story. Lies, smoke and mirrors are what makes the story so intriguing. A good first book that I enjoyed reading.

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What would you do if your husband disappeared and the last thing he said to you is tell me you trust me?

This is soooo good! Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I want to re-read it again already and I’m jealous of people reading it for the first time. I loved it! I hope Elle Owens gives us more books soon…I binged this way too fast.

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This was a great book! It got my attention from the first page and kept it until it was over. The storyline was very interesting and I loved the main character.

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