Member Reviews

This book was a captivating read from start to finish! I went from reluctant to put it down to being completely absorbed in every page.

Liyen, though frail and vulnerable, emerges as a remarkably strong female lead. Her resilience, self-discipline, and caring nature are truly empowering. Despite the heart-wrenching loss of her grandfather, she harnesses that grief to guide her in her mission to support her people and put an end to the pledge her kingdom has to the immortals. Zhangwei, the God of War, is such an enjoyable character who adds depth to the story.

The world-building and character development are flawlessly executed, and the plot twists were incredible and made the book completely unputdownable. I’m impressed by how this standalone novel left me both satisfied and eager for more.

A huge thank you to NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager, and Sue Lynn Tan for this extraordinary e-ARC. I need the physical copy of this book, yesterday! Obsessed and can’t wait to reread this one once it’s out in January.

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I think I will be somewhat alone in my viewpoint but this one did not work for me. I was very excited for the forbidden love slow burn aspect. Except this was more insta love feeling. I did not understand at all why the god of war was into Liyen or vice versa. Thank you to netgally for this opportunity.

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i was sadly unable to finish this one…i gave it my best shot but unfortunately i had to dnf about 30% in. to put my finger on what exactly was not working for me is difficult- i felt as if there was a disconnect from the writing and the characters themselves. either something wasn’t fleshed out enough, or to feel sterile took me out of the story.

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Okay so I loved DOTMG and HOTSW and I LOVED THIS ONE EVEN MORE! The tension of enemies to lovers, the attitude, the secrets, the betrayal. It was all perfect. And I loved so much more, but I'm not going to say because that would be spoilers.

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⭐️ 4.5 (4.5 stars rounded up to 5)

Immortal brings us back to the richly woven world introduced in the Daughter of the Moon Goddess and I believe it is Tan's first adult fantasy novel. This standalone follows Liyen, heir to Tianxia (a kingdom enslaved in servitude to the Gods), as she battles immortals for its freedom, navigates forbidden magic, and, of course, the magnetic pull the God of War. From the very beginning, we're dropped into a high stakes scene with a heartbreaking family sacrifice that frames the rest of the book nicely and the book continues to sing from that moment on. Given how much of a fan I am of Tan's work -- reading this book was a continual comparison to how much I loved DoTMG, but MY did it live up to expectations.

What I Loved:

💖 Antihero FMC: Liyen was a breath of fresh air. Where Xingyin from DoTMG avoided conflict and took a more cautious approach, Liyen charges into the fray with zero hesitation. She’s impulsive, reckless, and impatient—but that’s what made her story so fascinating and so distinct from Xingyin's. Watching her bold (and often wrong) decisions play out against Zhangwei’s calculated nature created such an interesting dynamic. The contrast between Liyen and Xingyin really showcased Tan's ability to craft complex, flawed FMCs who are also incredibly bada$$ and compelling.

💖 Zhangwei as an MMC: Zhangwei was the PERFECT morally grey MMC. Unlike Wenzhi or Liwei from DoTMG, Zhangwei is selfish, driven by his own agenda, and far more morally grey. Yet, somehow, he made the chemistry with Liyen all the more delicious. His "touch her and die" behavior and moments of jealousy had me giggling, and the tension between them was so THICK. It was a constant push and pull, both emotionally and physically.

💖 Family and Sacrifice: The emotional beats in this book hit hard, especially when it came to Liyen’s relationship with her grandfather. Tan excels at portraying familial sacrifice, and the opening scene destroyed me 😭😭

💖 Zhangwei's Handmaidens for the Win: Shoutout to Zhangwei's handmaidens because they were comedic gold and the in-character shippers I didn’t know I needed. Their banter added a layer of fun to the story, breaking up the intensity of Liyen and Zhangwei’s relationship and will-they-or-won't-they dynamic. I loved them lmao.

Areas that fell short for me

😞 Slow Start: The start felt a bit slow for me after the first chapter. I didn't feel like the pacing truly picked up until about 35% into the book. It dragged again between 40-55%, but the last third of the book more than made up for the earlier lulls. The rollercoaster pacing could have been more consistent, but when it was good, it was incredible, breathtaking, and had me sobbing my eyes out.

😞 Trope Overload: While I enjoyed many of the tropes included, some of them felt like they were thrown in just to appease the booktok masses. The "fake dating" trope, in particular, felt unnecessary, and I think the book would have been stronger without leaning so heavily on some of these "trendy" tropes. Immortal had enough strength in its core story to stand on its own without relying on these elements.

😞 Exposition Overload: The beginning of the book had a lot of information to absorb, which made it feel like it dragged. There were moments when I felt like I was wading through too much detail and minutia, which slowed the momentum of some of the scenes. That being said, the payoff by the end made it worth it.

😞 No Epilogue: My biggest disappointment with this book was the lack of an epilogue. After such an intense emotional journey, I wanted like... a little more closure. While the ending was satisfying, I felt like we were robbed of a perfect final moment that could have really tied everything together.

In summary, Immortal is a beautifully crafted, emotionally intense standalone that delivers epic fantasy with deeply flawed and compelling characters. Liyen is a completely enthralling, imperfect FMC, and her dynamic with Zhangwei created such a satisfying tension that, despite the pacing issues and trope overload, I couldn't put down. If you loved the world of DoTMG, you’ll love the way Tan expands it here with an equally rich, if not more dangerous, and slightly more adult narrative. Just be prepared for some slow moments before the heart-pounding climax hits.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon, and Harper Voyager for this ARC!

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[star rating: 3.75/5]
I'm a big fan of Sue Lynn Tan's writing, setting, and descriptions—but I've always been a bit harder to please with her plots (though this is totally on me!—I'm a plot driven reader). So it's no surprise that with IMMORTAL, my favorite part of the story was indeed Tan's writing style, which is just as addicting as her debut. I did enjoy the setup as well—the use of myth and fantasy is so well done here! I liked the main characters as well—with the FMC being dearer to me than Xingyin was. I adored Liyen's voice and the way she handled everything in the book. The prince, I found a bit difficult to fully be invested in—and hence the romance fell a bit flat for me. I also had issues with the pacing, where it felt slow, then lightning-fast, then slow again—I almost felt like the plot was letting the characters breathe at the wrong moments. However, despite my issues with the book, Tan's writing style remains unmatched, and I will read anything she writes. Plus, Liyen is such an amazing MC!

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You don't get it. This book was so insanely good I think it's ruined me from reading all other books. YOU DON'T GET IT. This book is on a whole other level. Every single action of every single character has a reason. It is so well through out and so well written it deserves a standing ovation. I read Daughter of the Moon Goddess a few years ago and it became an instant favorite. But this my MOST favorite book. The main character is kind, witty, bold and so smart. She just emanates with such good energy. She knows how to run the court, she knows how to respond to everyone even people that she should be terrified of she knows how to sneakily put them in their place. Now, THE GOD OF WAR. He just matches her energy so well. He knows how to push her buttons but also he does it because it makes her a stronger person. I love everything about these two. They are so well written and so perfect for each other. Both would go to the ends of the earth for each other. You guys this book has so many twists and turns I literally was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I love a book that keeps you engaged the whole time through and makes you feel so much for the characters.

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i am now a Sue Lynn Tan fan for life. Liyen is officially my favorite FMC I have ever read. I felt like the book started off slow but by the middle i truly couldn’t put it down.

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Sue Lynn Tan delivers a rich story with beautiful prose once again in her standalone fantasy novel, Immortal. I came into this read with high expectations and wasn't disappointed. This novel has solidified Sue Lynn Tan as an "automatic buy author" for me.

This story follows the protagonist, Liyen, heir to the Tiaxiana throne, on her journey to fight for her people's freedom from the Immortal's they are bound to serve. An incident that takes place very early on in the story finds Liyen at odds with the powerful God of War, Lord Zhangwei. Though she is resigned to hold a deep hatred for the God of War, Liyen finds that she may need to make him an ally in order to strike a deal with the immortal queen her kingdom is bound to serve.

Their alliance with one another breeds a journey together that forges a remarkable tale filled with twists you won't see coming (I definitely didn't). The pursuit of happiness is not an easy journey, and this story takes the reader through that difficult journey.

"Life is often a chain of small events with large consequences." -Zhangwei

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Thank you Netgalley and Sue Lynn Tan for an eARC in exchange for an honest review


"There are lies of necessity and those of malice. Those you choose to tell will define your character"

As someone who read the Celestial Kingdom Series, I am familiar with Sue Lynn Tan's eastern drama genre of writing. Some aspects were predictable, such as certain character betrayals, yet some were fresh and exciting. Our main character LiYen is a breath of fresh air compared to our previous main leads. True, they were headstrong, but Liyen showed a level of maturity, wisdom, and cunning that I was drawn towards. Most similar types tended to have a bleeding-heart character, and although both can be true, I liked the way she was quick on her feet, not reckless. She values every advice given, and with her weak constitution, she did not grow bitter, but pragmatic.

Not a fan of our love interest, as part of their romance functioned off of miscommunication, and I had hoped that with her headstrong "my kingdom and people come first" ideal, she would cast him aside and move forward without him (but I understand it wouldn't be a C-Drama book without some romance!) Since this is a standalone, it felt like a lot of information, but it resulted in a complete drama all in one

Taken in with the side characters, I loved Chengyin, Aunt Shu, and countless others. There was no unnecessary love triangle with the dark Wuxin, and not anybody was completely good or bad. Platonic and familial relationship dynamics were explored, and valued as much as the romance. It also explores themes of war, and how often times its just preservation of your own people that could lead you to make brash decisions. Finally, destiny and fate is never the master of your life/lives.

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Sue Lynn Tan is a master of sweeping quests and magic that leaves you enraptured. This romantic fantasy will leave you swooning.

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The Celestial Kingdom duology was my gateway back into reading early last year, so when I heard about a new title from Sue Lynn Tan, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I was eager to return to her lush, magic world, vivid writing, and her very lovable, very human characters.

The first 30% of the book left me a bit winded and disoriented. The plot was rough, and I didn’t feel a connection to the world or characters the way I did with Xingyin’s story. However, as the plot opened up and we spent more time with the characters, things began to feel a lot more familiar. I was very satisfied with the worldbuilding, the magic system, and the personalities, relationships, and dynamics of the supporting cast. I need a Chengyin in my life.

Liyen is written very well - she is strong and fierce but knows her weaknesses, she is eager to learn and begrudging in admitting her mistakes, and she is honest with herself (and the audience) about her feelings towards the God of War. Her mental back and forth became a little annoying at times, but I think that was fitting for a girl who was thrust into a situation that flipped all her expectations on its head.

The dynamic between the two protagonists is delicious. The enemies to lovers banter had me giggling behind my hand - mutual hate, tension, and flirtatiousness from the very start. The training sessions together with a Big Situation looming over them? Perfection. We never get Zhangwei’s POV (reasons), but we see so much of his emotions through Liyen’s eyes. I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading their early interactions after finishing the book with the new context.

This book is an excellent read for lovers of romantasy and enemies-to-lovers, and a good standalone addition to the tales of the Celestial Kingdom. If you’re looking for a new fantasy and lush world grounded in Chinese Mythology, look no further :)

Thank you Avon/Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the eARC and for the opportunity to read Immortal before its release!!

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I loved the Celestial Kingdom series so I have been really excited for this! I loved the world building, the characters, and the romance. I couldn't put this one down! It was a wonderful romantic fantasy and I hope that Sue Lynn Tan has more standalones set in this world up her sleeve!

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3.5 stars

When I learned that Sue Lynn Tan was writing a new book, I was like, “sign me up!” My love for the Celestial Kingdom duology cannot be put into words. So naturally, the second I found out I could request her newest book on NetGalley, I jumped at the chance. While I enjoyed the book as a whole, it wasn’t as captivating as I thought it would be.

The first 30% of the book was rough, I’m not going to lie. The plot felt extremely rushed, and I, as the reader, didn’t have enough time to get to know the world and the cast of characters. However, once we got over that hurdle, Immortal became the book I expected from Sue Lynn Tan. The world was lush, the characters were electric, and the romance was addicting.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Voyager, and Avon for gifting me an e-ARC of Immortal before its official release.

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Spice: 0.5/5
Romance: 5/5
Single POV
Enemies to lovers

From the very first chapter you are immersed in such a rich and beautiful story. It is paced perfectly to keep your attention but not get over boarded with excitement. I found myself tearing up in the first chapter when she loses her grandfather, someone I wasn’t even attached to, because of how powerful Liyen is written. As someone who has NOT read anything else from Sue Lynn Tan, I was afraid I would feel left out and confused but this book is truly a standalone. It does a perfect job of explaining the world, the characters, and the magic system so that you don’t feel like you need to do research before reading it. And now I have to binge read every single book she wrote because of this stunning book.
What can make or break a book for me is how realistic the author can write a female character. Liyen is the golden standard of what you want your FMC to be; she is strong but accepts her weaknesses, she makes mistakes and acknowledges that it was her fault, and most importantly she is realistic in her emotions towards the God of War. She doesn’t just look at him and swoon and forget everything she felt, she stays angry and emotional while trying to understand why she starts to feel something towards him.
As for the romance – I was truly kicking my feet and giggling like a little kid. Their banter was exactly what you want from an enemies to lovers, it’s hateful but filled with soooooo much delicious tension. Their feelings toward each other felt very natural and paced perfectly and in the end it was better than I could have ever hoped. While you don’t get his POV, you still see so much emotion and get so much from his character that you also end up falling in love with him.

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Liyen is the heir to Tianxia but has been weak and sickly since she was poisoned as a child. Her grandfather, in order to save his previous granddaughter and heir to the throne, heals her with an enchanted lotus that was meant to be given to the immortal queen. With renewed strength and determination, Liyen ascends the throne and vows to regain her kingdom's autonomy by . But her task is made difficult by the stoic God of War, who stirs something in her that she can't quite accept. Working together in a precarious alliance, they are forced to reckon with the electrifying passion between them, unraveling secrets that could destroy their trust, and a dangerous threat that could mean the end of both their kingdoms.

Sue Lynn Tan is amazing at writing vivid, lush, and mystical worlds, and Immortal reenforces that. It was an amazing mix of romance, mythology, culture, and political intrigue. The characters were well written, and the romantic tension was to die for. The story was jam-packed with action, and there were so many twists and turns that keep you on your toes. The messages that are woven into the story are ones that can be extrapolated to real world issues as well. I loved reading this, and I recommend this to anyone who enjoys watching xianxia Chinese dramas or anyone who enjoys reading romantasy with male leads who will do anything for his love interest.

Thank you to Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Harper Voyager for the ARC. I'm so lucky I got to read 2025's greatest book in 2024. This was an amazing read, from the first page we are launched into the story and it was exciting! This book really fits into the kind of romantasy I like which has a good balance between fantasy, plot, and romance. I loved the way all the threads of the story were intertwined together. I also loved Liyen's character! I really enjoyed the scenes where Liyen schemes, plots, and shows us her determination to do right for her people. World building was magnificent as always. The prose is lush. The plot was fast and thrilling and twisty. And the romance was everything, it was so good, I love the journey Sue Lynn Tan takes us on, this book is a beautiful rollercoaster ride of emotion.

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A deeply engaging and lushly gorgeous new tale set in the world of Sue Lynn Tan's best-selling Celestial Kingdom duology! Highly recommended for any lovers of East Asian-inspired fantasy! Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Publishing for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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i decided to dnf this one at 46%. the writing, world, and cover are all beautiful. however, this one just wasn't for me. thank you so much netgalley & harper voyager for the arc, always much appreciated!

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I liked this but I feel like I wasn't the target audience for this book. The pacing was a bit slow at the beginning and I ended up losing interest by the end. The writing was beautiful but the romance didn't convince me.

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