Member Reviews

After reading Revelator earlier this year, I was ecstatic to get my hands on this new novel by Daryl Gregory. This story pushes the boundaries of your mind because the world is a simulation ... Think along the lines of The Matrix. How would you cope if you found that out? Would that be in itself a horror? This is a sci-fi, dystopian book but I sometimes think how some things are horrifying in and of themselves? Thank you Saga Press Books and NetGalley for this ARC! #sagssays #sagasayscrew

Check this one out when it publishes April 01, 2025!

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This isn't a perfect book by any means, but I seriously loved reading it and dug the whole concept so it's getting 5 stars from me.

First of all, the title is a little confusing because no one in this story is real. Everyone in the book is (from the beginning) aware that they're living in some sort of simulation (who's running the simulation? well that's a little trickier to ascertain). One way the fact of the simulation is hammered home to its inhabitants are the "impossibles" - anomalies that define all the laws of time and space.

The book takes a bunch of random (dare I say "zany?") characters and puts them on a tour bus to see the impossibles. These people quickly become the story--the Impossibles are merely a framing device. How these characters all begin to interact and the greater mystery that is afoot is the true plot, and it's fun one to follow. Everyone ends up playing an important role in the story--which of course makes sense since it's part of the simulation.

In particular I loved Sister Janet and how she uses the whole tour to explore some very interesting ideas related to faith. (If you're living in a simulation, what room is there for God? Shouldn't you be worshipping the simulators instead? If you aren't, then is worshipping God equally silly?)

This perhaps all sounds confusing, and the book can be at times (shifting from second to third person, etc.) But, once you get into the groove, it all starts to make sense. Everything on the page is serving a purpose in this story and it's a delight to watch all of the threads weave together.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for granting me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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this was such a good book!!! I love the concept, the way that these people were in a matrix/ multiverse. It was so surreal and I cannot imagine how I would have acted or felt. I love this dystopian book. I enjoyed this read, it kept me entertained with its fast pace starting from page 1. I was a big fan!!!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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Everything I've read by Daryl Gregory I've loved. He has a gift for writing great characters and dialogue. His new novel is a good mind-bender in that we find out the world is a mere simulation. How do people living in it cope? An interesting thought exercise that I enjoyed. I do with that it had gotten into the weeds a bit more about the parallel simulations and the people in charge, not to mention the person able to jump from sim to sim.

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What a strange and interesting read. Imagine if you find out that you are living in the Matrix or something similar, a simulation. Further you know that you are dying in addition to not being real. This is the reality of JP, as Dunlin plans one last grand roadtrip. With a whole host of characters both strange and wonderful, the pacing starts fast and doesn't slow down. While exploring the idea of what it means to be both human and real, this novel questions everything in a playful but thought provoking manner. It's strange, funky and absolutely worth checking out.

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I enjoyed the detail of this story. The author paints his characters vividly and I felt that I was on their trip with them. Mr Gregory has created a universe that is part Matrix part Multi-verse and fully engaging. You feel invested with the characters and that is a hard thing to do with so many characters on the bus. Always exciting and thrilling I loved it from beginning to end.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book. What a wild and strange ride. As someone married to a conspiracy lover, this book checked all the boxes. Creepy in all the best ways, definitely makes you wonder.

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I found the blend of sci-fi elements with the tour bus confusing, and difficult to picture. While I loved the cast of characters, the story itself moved at a snail like pace.

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When We Were Real by Daryl Gregory is a novel about a bus trip across the United States after it is discovered or “Announced” that humanity is living in a simulation. In fact, humanity is a simulation. God is still God, or is he the simulator?

At any rate, the bus takes off to see the new landmarks including a gravity defying Zipper, and 6 other new mysteries or wonders of the world. The characters on the bus make it hard to put the book down. There are the men who have been best friends all their lives, the nurse and her cranky mother, two nuns and a rabbi, a very pregnant internet influencer, a father and son pair who are always looking for conspiracies (at least the father is), as well as other memorable characters.

As the bus is ready to leave, there is a woman who gives one of the best friends cash to use his credit card to get on the tour after it has already started. Her addition to the tour makes it chaotic, and that is saying a lot because the others are quite memorable.

By the time the bus gets to the second to last destination, things have gotten so far out of hand that it is questionable if they go on to the last one. The story is a fun read, especially for video gamers and those who love computers.

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I was invited by the publisher to review this book. This book was very intriguing. It takes place in a world in which everyone is aware they are in a simulation. Two main characters in the book are lifelong friends, who go on a tour of the "Impossibles" in North America, which are essentially these glitch-type occurrences in the programming. Secondary characters come into play while on this tour, although a lot of them felt like main characters, as well. Even with all of the people to remember, the characters never got confusing. I loved the creativity in all of the stops, as well. This is a good book for laughter, propulsive plotlines, and a well-developed idea.

Thank you to NetGalley and S&S/Saga Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this amazing book as an ARC on Net Galley and I’m so thankful. I loved it! When We Were Real is incredibly original, weird (in the best way), and imagination blowing.

A tour group from Canterbury Trails Tour Company embarks on a tour of the North American Impossibles, impossible phenomena that suddenly came into existence seven years ago when it was announced to the world that it’s a simulation. Each tour member is dealing with the news in their own way. A group of octogenarians thinks they are in a “Ground Hog Day” type simulation, where every day is repeated, two long time best friends trying to out run cancer, a pregnant influencer who wants to monetize the birth of her child, a “Real Patriot” who plans to expose the Impossibles as frauds, and more. Mysterious Gillian, who seems to be on the run, joins the tour at their first stop. Calamity ensues.

When We Were Real was nonstop and a blast. Gregory stretched my imagination with his vivid imagery of each Impossible. The story of the tour is so much fun and the characters are endearing, even though each one is kind of an asshole. It comes out April 1, 2025!

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You are living in a simulation… 7 years ago this was announced to humanity. Now Dunlin wants to take his best friend JP on a last adventure as he doesn’t want to treat his returning braintumor: A bus tour to North Americas Impossibles, artefacts that defy the rules of physics, a constant reminder of the simulation. From here on it kind of sounds like a joke: 2 nuns, a rabbi, an engineer, a pregnant influencer and some other people go onto a bus…
While the idea of humanity living in a simulation isn’t new, it usually is the big twist at the end and not the premise in the beginning which I find interesting. The book started really strong, mixing practical thoughts, rational considerations and doubting belief systems with philosophical questions exploring what it would be like if you knew for sure you aren’t real while following a colourful bunch of protagonists on their road trip dealing all with their own problems and existential angst. I found a lot of food for thought but the pace went down around 2/3 of the book, which I didn’t like especially considering the (for me at least) kind of abrupt ending.
3,5* rounded up

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the earc!

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