Member Reviews

A fun and inventive fantasy with a strong emotional core! Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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**I will post my reviews after publication date on goodreads**

From the publisher: Somebody cursed Lucinda’s Abuelita.

But who? And why? And why are the authorities and her family too frightened to investigate?

When Lucinda recognizes she is Abuelita’s only hope for survival, she and her best friend enlist the help of the most unlikely ally, the son of the gang boss Abuelita killed.

Using forbidden bruja witchcraft, Lucinda and her friends open a magic gateway to Abuelita’s memories, only to find she has terrible secrets and powerful enemies who pose an even greater danger than a single curse.

Can the teens outsmart the threat and find the answers they need before it’s too late?

My thoughts:
This was a really exciting and faced paced read for me, for the most part. The mystery of Hermina's memories along with the ancient magic kept me hooked! I was especially intrugued by the new take on brujas or witches and the three kind of magic systems. I also loved the mix humor in the writing (e.g. the whole scenario when Lucinda, Eva and Mateo was on the stakeout) and there were times I laughed out loud. I do have a very basic sense of humor so it could just be me 😂 Finally I loved the author's descrption of the beauty of the wilderness of Cali. It felt like I was there with Herminia and Lucinda on the mountains. Lucinda's love for her grandmother and her bravery kept me rooting for her.
There were some minor things that I wanted to see more of. I couldn't connect Lucinda's lack of empathy for Mateo for most part of the story, especially when he is depicted as a kid who was severely abused by his father. I also had a similar perspective on Herminia and her lack of empathy for Santiago. We see her memories later and at the end, she is tearful, but I would have liked to see some more reactions from her, considering she adopted him. Also the last fight dragged a little bit for me. Finally, I felt Lucinda made a lot of rash decisions without thinking. But I guess that's how 15 years are supposed to act :)
Overall a great read! I would love to see if there will be a next book since the ending kept open for a whole new exciting possibilities. Thank you BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for the advanced Kindle copy!

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