Member Reviews

The actual mermaid prince story was good - lovely illustrations.

The other stories about high school girls were hella pervy - upskirts, sex, no panties etc. no thanks

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

There are three short stories in this book with entirely different themes. I love Ozaki's style and I have another book by her which I've not read yet called "The Gods Lie" and I might correct this really soon. I was so happy when I found "Mermaid Prince" and I absolutely enjoyed these three odd but beautiful stories.

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This book has 3 different stories in it that are not connected, each story we see that the characters are dealing with their own struggles. The way they deal with them aren't always healthy ways, all of the characters are high school age. I enjoyed the last story. The best which is what the title and picture on the cover is based off.

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Although it’s not a story too complex like other fantasy mangas, it was a nice read.
It was cute to watch the change of attitude of Mugi towards the Island and the people around him.
Very cute indeed.

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Kaori Ozaki's intriguing collection of short stories, Mermaid Prince, explores themes of self-discovery, transition, and belonging. In "A Prince Out of Water," Mugi, an adolescent grappling with his new existence in Okinawa, finds comfort in the tales of mermaids and their appeal. The narrative combines poignant examination of personal development with magical realism. The collection also has "One Snowy Day," in which a librarian encounters an enigmatic father and son amid a bitter winter storm, and "Ametsukigahara," which centres on a girl's battle with shifting friendships. Mermaid Prince is a moving look at finding one's place in a changing world with its complex tale and moving artwork.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

Mermaid Prince by Kaori Ozaki is a delightful and surprising read that I picked up on a whim. It turned out to be a fun and easy palate cleanser after diving into heavier books.

This collection of short stories blends light-hearted humor with unexpected spiciness. The title story follows Mugi, a city boy adjusting to life in Okinawa, and his friendship with a girl who believes he's a prince. Themes of loneliness, friendship, and the search for belonging are beautifully explored, with the art style perfectly capturing the joy and melancholy of the characters' journeys.

While the book has its lighter moments, it also touches on deeper emotions and the complexities of growing up. The spicy scenes caught me off guard but added an intriguing layer to the stories, making them more memorable.

In conclusion, The Mermaid Prince is a solid read that balances humor, nostalgia, and introspection. I’m glad I gave it a chance and would recommend it as a refreshing break between more intense reads.

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Weird. Main girl is just weird. And not in a way that I enjoy reading. The whole panties thing made me question what I was reading. Did not finish.

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Was very rushed and lost the plot, feeling like it transtioned to a whole other book half way through. There was too much of a hyperfixation on this young girl being chaotic without any backstory as to why she was the way she was.

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This volume contains three stories and all three hold a similar thread of not quite fitting in. The first story was the one I chewed on the most, because it was much less straightforward then the other two. It also touches on some uncomfortable topics, but it really stick with me after I finished it. The second story was about a homeless family using a library. I was glad to see the library policy of "For Everyone" transcending borders. Also, that one patron exists everywhere. The third story is the title one, and different family structures and a wish from a mermaid make for a interesting end point. This is good! I have also heard good things about the other series by this author. I think it's time to check them out!

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This was not really for me. Neither the overall vibe of the stories nor the characters were to my liking. The story I liked best, I suppose, was the second one with the boar. And my least favorite was the first one with the manic pixie dream girl character. The art style was very pretty, however

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thank you for the opportunity to read and review this graphic novel.

This graphic novel offers a quick and easy read, making it a great choice for those looking for something light and enjoyable.
The beautiful graphics truly stand out, which really captured my attention and brought the story to life. Occasionally the plot felt flat and could have benefited from more depth hence the 4, rather than 5 stars.
Despite its narrative flaws, the book's aesthetic appeal and engaging tone make it well worth exploring.

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Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for the chance to read this volume.

I was extremely confused by this manga. I didn’t realise it was a collection of short stories until the 2nd story. I didn’t enjoy this one at all unfortunately.

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4 stars, but only because I love mermaids of all kinds.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics | Vertical Comics for the ARC of this beautiful manga.

The illustrations are fantastic and there are even some in colour that are even more impressive than the images without. I even like the cover.

'Mermaid Prince' by Kaori Ozaki is a beautiful manga about a girl named Matori and a boy named Mugi and their quest to find a mermaid. Mugi is from a big city when he moves to a small town and meets Matori at school.

I don't want to give too much away, but it really is a beautiful novel.

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I have been wanting to read something written by Kaori Ozaki for a while so I'm really grateful to have had the opportunity to read this.
The art style is really cute, i love the expressions of the characters and how diverse each of them looks.

I really enjoyed that each story even if very different content wise, had at least in my opinion and underlining theme: hope.
I love seeing the different ways humans can find hope whatever it is on each other or different occurrences or characters.

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A quick and easy read. Beautiful graphics that really captivate you. Plot was lacklustre at times but the atmosphere often made up for what the plot was lacking.

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3 Stars!

The cover and the title of this manga were the main reason why I found myself being very intrigued by it. The story itself was short, sweet, hopeful and interesting in general, but I was so confused by the short stories. In my opinion they didn’t have much to do with the stories, which started many pages later that I had no idea where everything was going. I also thought that this was going to be a part of several volumes. Turns out it was just a one story, with a happy ending, naturally.
The art style was very pretty too.

Overall, I enjoyed reading Mermaid Prince, despite it making me confused a lot of times, but I loved the ending of the story.

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The way that children are represented in this book is weird, which is a shame because it had a lovely art style.

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This was a very good one volume story, that talks about the difficulties of not finding one's own place.
For fans of Shimanami Tasogare and anything mermaidy.
Drawings are very good, not my favorite, but definitely on the better side.

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This was very much not my cup of tea.

The art was fine, but the stories were odd and random. Truthfully, the first one was the worst and prejudiced me against the rest. Which were probably find, but needlessly angsty and whiny for my taste.
(I would have liked the middle one except for the depressing bit.)

One quibble about the art. The female MCs all looked very similar, so I didn't realize at first that the second story was completely different.

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3.5 stars. Life will find a way, but often the journey is bittersweet.

This short story collection would have felt stronger with one or two more stories included. The three that were included, however, were intriguing reads with impactful art. If you’re interested in slice of life with a dollop of angst and the fantastic, this is for sure worth a read, especially if you’re already a fan of Kaori Ozaki’s work.

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