Member Reviews

Thanks NetGalley and Kodansha for the ARC.

This was a super cute manga, I mean a magical library sign me up, but it was missing something. I couldn’t really tell you what, just something that really sucked me in and got me invested. There are a lot of interesting plot lines I want to see where they go so I will pick up the second volume for sure. It could have been better in my opinion if maybe just one of the plot lines were a little further explored so I could be more invested. Right now everything and everyone just feels very surface level.

The art work was beautiful and is my favorite style for manga. Even if it isn’t your favorite though it is so well drawn you will still appreciate it.

If the premise seems up your alley I would check this one out.

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In a land where magical beasts are sealed away in books to assist humanity in their endeavors Tohru and Yan have been accepted into The Spellbook Library a dream come true for many, except instead of being elite Sealers they've been accepted as part of the PR Team. And while Tohru could care less, he just wants to work in the library, Yan's life dream has been to work with the Sealers. Regardless of their disappointment, both are dedicated to doing their job to the best of their abilities, even if that means playing babysitter to a bunch of elementary school brats.

Any manga that's got magical books in a magical library is going to attract my attention, and I'm happy to say I enjoyed every second of this one. While we have some pretty trope-y characters here, Yan, who is loud and obnoxious, and Tohru who is the mysterious kid hiding some high level magical abilities, and finally Emel, the Princess that doesn't want to be a Princess they were still a lot of fun.

And yes, the plot itself (so far) is even a bit trope-y, but again, it was still a lot of fun. I don't think you can go wrong with magical beasts that are sealed away in books that the general population can then check out of the library. The concept is original enough that even if everything else is a trope, I'm okay with it.

Finally, the art is really well done as well. I really loved the character designs, especially since Isaki shows what they could have looked like at the end of manga. The designs they went with fit the characters' personalities to a T.

Overall, I definitely recommend this fun little manga. It's got a magical academy feel to it with some fun characters, and it ends on a perfect cliffhanger that deepens the mystery surrounding Tohru that leaves you wanting more!

As always, thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha!

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This was a nice, if average fantasy series. Granted, this first volume seemed mostly like setup, but nothing so far has jumped out at me that makes it particularly unique. As I like to stress in these reviews, just because I personally was not wowed by something doesn't mean that someone else isn't going to come along and love the fun, breezy read that this is. Maybe they have never seen the concept done quite like this before. There is also a decent chance that this series will find its footing a bit more as it goes along. It's fine! If this looks like your thing, have fun!

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I loved this and can't wait for it to continue. This reminded me of [book:Sorcery of Thorns|42201395] in the way that beasts are sealed within books. The big difference is that the beasts can be benevolent and helpful, where Sorcery of Thorns had the books themselves turning into beasts.

#NetGalley ARC

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The Spellbook Library introduces the fun concept of a world where magical creatures are captured in books, and then used in every aspect of daily life. Our protagonists, Yan and Tohru, are loveable and interesting characters whose personalities bounce very well off each other.

Rating - 3.5⭐
I loved the concept very much, and I am excited to read the next novel to find out more about the characters, their backgrounds and the world. However, the manga does suffer a little for jumping straight into the deep end without enough background or explanation. Stick with it though! The art is beautiful and the characters and concepts are intriguing.

Thank you to Kodansha Comics and NetGally for the ARC.

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Every five years the Spellbook Library has and examination where anyone can come and apply to join the library staff. Ten years ago, Yan had been rescued by Spellbook librarians and wanted to join the library staff to show his appreciation. On the way to the examination he fell in with Tohru and the two were paired up during the examination. A follow-up examination to determine where in the library they would work found them pairing up again. It seems their fate to work together, but will they survive their new position and their new boss? That will be seen in the next volume!

Thanks Netgalley and Kodansha for the chance to read this title!

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Just finished reading **The Spellbound Library 1**, and it was a fantastic manga debut! The artwork is stunning, bringing the magical world of enchanted libraries to life with intricate details and expressive characters. The story follows a relatable protagonist who discovers that books are gateways to incredible adventures.

I loved how the manga blends fantasy and mystery, keeping me hooked from start to finish. The supporting characters add depth and charm, each with their own quirks that enrich the story. There were a few moments where the plot felt a bit rushed, but it didn't take away from my overall enjoyment.

If you're into manga that combines magic, adventure, and a love for books, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a read!

**Rating: 4 out of 5 stars**

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When Yan was a little kid, he got attacked by a spellbeast, but was rescued by a group of Spellbook librarians. Yan vows to join the library so he can help save others and seal spellbeasts. On the day of the test to get into the Library, Yan meets Tohru, a small boy who also wants to join the library. They team up and join the library. Now, they just have to learn what being a Spellbook librarian truly is!

I’m giving this 3 stars because I don’t fully understand the magic. The beginning just felt out of place and I was left confused very easily. Once I read more, I was less confused but it only helped so much. Tohru already has magic and apparently knows how to use it but it feels like a completely separate magic. Yans tenacity was a nice contrast to Tohrus calmer nature. The magic is interesting, especially how there are completely new creatures to explore. A little guide after the end of the book about the creatures mentioned and shown would have been great. I’m hoping that things will make more sense eventually which is why my review isn’t lower. It did keep my attention but I wouldn’t say I was truly invested and that I need to read the next book right this second. Overall, I’m just left with more questions than answers but I have a feeling that the answers won’t be simple.

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Rating: 4.69 leaves out of 5
-Characters: 4.75/5
-Story: 4/5
-Writing: 5/5
Genre: Fantasy
-Fantasy: 5/5
Type: Manga
Worth?: Yes

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.

This was kind of fun. If you like those manga/animes where people have to take this big exam I think you would like this one. I have watched/read many like this so it wasn't much new, the story is still really good though! Well worth the read.

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While I loved the concept of this story and enjoyed the artwork, I found the pages too crowded and had difficulty deciphering what was happening in some parts. I think the idea of the spell book library is really wonderful and there’s a lot of potential here. Hopefully the second volume is a little clearer.

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3.5⭐ rounded up!

Such a quick paced manga!! I loved the concept of magical creatures being sealed in magical books! It gave me slight Pokemon vibes. I really enjoyed the characters and im excited to learn more about them in the future volumes. The art is lovely and the translation was well done. I think fans of Witch Hat Atelier and other magical mangas will really enjoy this series!

can't wait to get my hands on vol 2 cause I MUST know what happens next!!!!

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I thoroughly enjoyed my stint in this world. I was laughing and smiling the whole time. I enjoyed the character dynamics and their interactions together, one dramatic and the other logical, it blended well and was the main reason I found the novel so funny. As well as the side characters building our two protagonists own development as individuals and a duo. The premise is also super fun, a whole library dedicated to spell books, and spellbeasts that can be cast into the books! Love. The art for these spellbeasts was extremely cool and unique, I can’t wait to hopefully see more of them! I flew through this book, engaged the whole time by the comedic aspects as well as the overarching plot.

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Unfortunately, I don’t have fun with this volume.
I felt bored most of the time and nothing held my interest for long I don’t even see where the story is going.

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Intriguing, the concept is interesting, the art style is great. I think it would have benefitted from being a bit longer to help establish a bit more of a connection between the reader and the characters but overall I liked it.

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This was a very fun read! I loved that the characters had to fight monsters by sealing them in books. I also really liked all the characters in this. Definitely a good start to a series!

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An entertaining graphic novel for YA readers who love fantasy – and perfect for those who are fascinated by libraries and all sorts of magic.
Excited for the next part of this book!

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"Spellbooks, spellbeasts... they all sounded like fantasies to me."

The Spellbook Library 1 - Uta Isaki
Pub date:

This book has an interesting idea by combining library and magical creatures. Despite the horrendous attack on the past, Yan is one of those comical characters who the total spotlight and immediately catch your attention. As for Tohru, not gonna lie that i thought he was a girl judging by the style and features, it's hard to see him as a boy. I feel like the first volume of The Spellbook Library is a pretty good start to gain reader's attention for what's gonna happen next!

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Loved the graphics of this comic but the story was a little flat for me. Understanding this is only Vol. I, but this wouldn’t justify to me to continue on with the series.

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DNF. It was so repetitive in the dialogue, plain characters full of clichés, and a predictable plot. I lost interest before the end of the first chapter.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Kodnasha comics for the ARC.

I really enjoyed this and the magical system was very intriguing and different. My one complaint is that in some images it was hard to tell what exactly was happening because there was so much going on. That being said, I can’t wait for the second vol. I have theories on who Tohru might be and I’m interested to see if I’m right at all.

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