Member Reviews

Renee and Flo were great characters, neither one fully likeable but also not terrible people, just two normal young women struggling with the transition into adulthood! It’s funny, sarcastic and emotional, definitely worth a read.

This is a continuation of the paper aeroplane series but I read it as a stand alone which completely worked, we were told about an relevant things that happened in the past and nothing was too focused on it. I do think that reading them could possibly add to your emotional investment in the characters as you’d get those back stories in much more detail but don’t let not having read them put you off picking this one up!

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Honeybee - Dawn O’Porter REVIEW 📖

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for providing me with an Audible version of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first time reading Dawn O'Porter's work, and I must say, I was quickly drawn to her writing style. Her wit, humor, and frankness feel like a breath of fresh air, making even the messiest parts of this story enjoyable. Honeybee is a raw and intimate tale about two estranged friends who find themselves back in each other’s lives, navigating the complexities of adulthood and life in their hometown.

The characters were relatable—charming but flawed—and I enjoyed getting to know both of the protagonists as they dipped their toes into adulthood and found the waters deeper than expected. While there wasn’t a major twist, and some parts of the story might feel predictable, that predictability made the book feel comforting. Sometimes, that’s exactly what we need—a story that’s engaging without the need to shock us.

Dawn O'Porter doesn’t shy away from tough topics. She covers a full spectrum of issues: pregnancy, substance abuse, menopause, adultery, aging, sex, and relationships. It’s thought-provoking and messy in the best way.

For me, the story really picked up in the second half, and I appreciated how it evolved, even though it was more about the characters' journey than plot-driven twists. Overall, Honeybee was an enjoyable read that combined humor, heart, and a good dose of reality.

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Renee and Flo, characters returning from earlier novels, find that adulthood at 22 isn’t everything they hoped it would be. Each grappling with personal challenges and the weight of dysfunctional families, they journey back to their homeland of Guernsey in search of stability and a fresh start. As childhood friends, they quickly reignite their connection and decide to share a home.

Through their experiences, we explore the ups and downs of early womanhood at the turn of the century, filled with humor and heartfelt moments, all tinged with a hint of sadness. The characters are richly developed, with notable mentions like 'Mrs. Mangle' (Lillian) and Renee's Aunty Jo, who happens to be a beekeeper, adding charm and depth to the story.

The book is laced with clever analogies—mirrored in its title—symbolizing the quest for the right 'hive' and the supportive 'wingwoman' highlighted on the cover. Both women help guide their younger selves, emphasizing the importance of friendship and empowerment.

Celebrating womanhood in all its complexity, the story addresses significant themes such as menopause, alcoholism, and the impact of 9/11, all grounded in real-life settings (including the ferry from Weymouth to the Channel Islands, which I can personally vouch for!). It reads like an intimate diary, making it relatable and poignant. Now that I’ve been introduced to Renee and Flo, I can’t wait to see where their journey takes them next!

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I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to read / listen to this book in return for an honest review.
I was looking forward to reading this when I saw it was written by Dawn O’Porter. I have always loved the TV programs she’s been involved in.
We get to know old best friends Flo and Renee as they head back to Guernsey where they grew up. The book has highs and lows and lots of laugh out loud moments. It covers some quite sensitive topics such as alcohol, grief and menopause. Dawn covers these really well and tactfully. We see how the girls lives entwine and go through the ups and downs with them.
I’ll definitely look out for more of her books.

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There are audiobooks that I put on for an hour or so a day and listen to gradually. Then there are some that once I start, I'm consumed and I can binge the whole thing in one sitting. This book was a massive binge for me.

At the start of the story, I thought I was in for a coming of age story that was going to be light hearted and some gentle entertainment. What I ended up getting was a story that was hugely relatable, with some heavy going topics but they were covered with in such a sensitive and at times comedic way, that I never felt uncomfortable.

Renee and Flo were two young women that were delightful to read about and I think every woman could read them and see elements of themselves. I have certainly had my own Renee/Flo in my life that has been my ride or die through those confusing and thrilling twenties. I started off feeling slightly aggravated by Flo, but as her story arc developed, my empathy grew and I understood her.

This was such a great story about women in their early twenties; the friendships, loves, decisions and turmoil. It was such a reminder to me of being that age and thinking that I knew myself so well, when I really and truly didn't. Great plot, great characters, great narration in the audio book. I had a fabulous time.

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I am unable to finish the book as it says page not found.

The first 21% was very relatable and enjoyable.
The Narrators voice make the characters more intriguing.

My star rating is based on what I got to listen to

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Even though this book covers quite a few difficult topics (alcoholism, grief, menopause, family feuds, to name a few) it is laugh out loud funny! The main characters are really likeable ~ I loved the girls’ friendship and the way they stuck by each other no matter what! I also adored Renée’s friendship with their elderly neighbour Lilian (when she farted in public 😆) The book is mostly set in Guernsey, which is now on my list of places I’d like to visit!
This is the first Dawn O’Porter book I have read and it definitely won’t be my last! In fact I have just discovered that ‘Honey Bee’ is actually the third Renée and Flo book - so I have just ordered the previous two (Paper Aeroplanes and Goose)
A solid four stars from me! 🐝🐝🐝🐝

Thank you to @harpercollinsuk for providing a digital ARC of this book in return for an honest review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Childhood best friends Flo and Renee find themselves back on Guernsey, the island they grew up on. After being seperated for a while, they soon fall back into best friend ways and end up loving and working together at a local marketing office. Together, they navigate all the fun that comes along with early-twenties life.

This was a cheery little listen, despite covering some pretty serious subjects, and I think most people will either know a Flo or Renee!

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Renee and Flo is a heartwarming story about two best friends who reunite on a beautiful island. As they navigate adulthood, they face challenges like work relationships and personal struggles. This book celebrates female friendship and reminds us that experiences are more important than achievements. It's a relatable and enjoyable read.

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Had to download twice as first had errors in the ending transcript. I’ve read all of Dawn OPorters books so far and enjoyed them all, this is no exception. As always great and enticing cover art. A believable and ace set of characters and a fun and engaging plot. Loved it as much as dawns previous novels. Five starts!

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I listened to the audio version of this book and what a lovely story it is.
It tells the story of two best friends, Reene and Flo that having lost touch, go back to their native island of guernsey for a funeral.
They end up getting a job in the same office and sharing a flat and through different events realise what they want from life.
The narrators are amazing, with lovely voices that make the story come alive and clearly distinguish which character is talking.
Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK Audio for letting me review this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I listened to the audiobook version of this story and I really enjoyed it. I liked the narrators, they kept me interested and gripped.
I've read reviews stating that it may be for the younger audience, at 42, I enjoyed it, and was able to reminisce about when I partied a lot!
It covered a lot of different issues, alcoholism, affairs, bereavement, not being comfortable in one owns skin.
All in all, I think it was done well and I'm happy I read it. I liked all of the characters. I wish I'd got to see a bit more of Lilian, as she was a hoot.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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“For best friends Renée and Flo, adulthood isn’t the party they expected.
Renée’s dreams of being a writer are going nowhere. Flo’s hiding a secret shame. They’re both failing in work and love.

Why did nobody warn them? Why does adulthood feel less like freedom, and more like a trap?

Careening from one disaster to the next, and learning to spread their… wings, Renée and Flo must uncover the secret to living their best lives.

But maybe we never stop growing up. And maybe they’ll survive the course – if only they stick together.”

Many thanks to Harper Collins UK Audio and NetGalley for the audio version of Dawn O’Porterks Honeybee narrated by Céline Buckner and Sarah Ovens in exchange for an honest review. I am a huge fan of this author - I love her writing which is a bit risqué yet also funny and sad. The characters develop well and I felt a real connection with their feelings throughout this story. A really enjoyable book I would recommend!

I have reviewed on Goodreads, unable to review on Amazon. I absolutely loved this - thank you!

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Renee and Flo are childhood best friends that find themselves back on the island of Guernsey. On the cusp of adulthood, they navigate living together, office romances and confronting their demons.
This book feels like a real celebration of female friendship and relationships. From the people you work with in the office to the less than conventional mother figures you may have in your life. Renee and Flo feel like opposing halves of the same person at time, yin and yang. I adored reading the turbulence and ultimate resolve of this friendship and found I could relate to aspects of Renee and Flo throughout.
When Dawn wrote "experience is more valuable than success" it's something I feel a lot of people will get a fuzzy feeling reading.
Delightfully relatable.

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From the moment I pressed play on the audiobook of "Honeybee," I felt enveloped in the warmth of friendship, laughter, and the bittersweet messiness of adult life. Dawn O’Porter has created a delightful narrative that resonates deeply with anyone navigating the chaotic waters of early adulthood, and the narration by Céline Buckens and Sarah Ovens made the experience feel like catching up with my favourite girlfriends over a relaxing afternoon wine.
The story revolves around best friends Renée and Flo, both grappling with the harsh realities that come after the carefree days of youth. All their aspirations—writing careers for Renée and a fresh start for Flo—seem to crumble under the weight of their expectations. As I listened to their stories unfold, I found myself chuckling, cringing, and empathising in equal measure. Their adventures are riddled with mishaps and heartbreak, yet their unwavering support for one another shines through, making it impossible not to root for them.
O’Porter’s writing has a distinct humour that kept me engaged, even when the themes ventured into weighty territory like insecurity in relationships and the pressures of adult responsibilities. I appreciated how she tackled these serious topics while still allowing moments of levity to break the tension. The dual narrative perspective gives depth to the characters, and I enjoyed how their struggles—Renée's longing to escape to London and Flo's hidden secret—intertwine as they navigate their way back to each other.
However, I encountered some technical issues with the audiobook that disrupted the flow of my listening experience. Unfortunately, some sections went completely silent, including critical moments towards the end. This frustrating hiccup made me wish I could hear the conclusion of Renée's journey as she copes with a missed period and Flo’s determination to change her relationship with alcohol.
What stood out to me was how O’Porter captures the nuances of female friendship. It’s beautifully messy and complex, reflecting the ups and downs that come with growing alongside one another. Watching Renée and Flo rekindle their bond and redefine their priorities illustrates a powerful message—that having a true wing woman can make all the difference when life stings.
Overall, "Honeybee" is a free-spirited exploration of what it means to be a young woman today—filled with hilarity, heartache, and the occasional perplexing moment. It celebrates the journey of self-discovery amidst the chaos of adulthood while reinforcing the value of sticking together through thick and thin. I look forward to picking up a physical copy to see how the stories of Renée and Flo unfold in their entirety and to fully appreciate the ending that I, unfortunately, missed in the audiobook.
I wholeheartedly recommend "Honeybee" to anyone looking for an uplifting read that balances laughter with insight. If you’re seeking a story about friendship, growth, and the imperfect journey of becoming an adult, this one is not to be missed!

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Honeybee by Dawn O'Porter

Rating: ★★★★☆

Honeybee is a good book that touches on incredibly important and often overlooked topics. I loved reading about everyday issues that no one really talks about, like grief, menopause, and yes, even fanny flaps! Dawn O'Porter’s candid approach to these subjects was both refreshing and thought-provoking.

The audiobook was fantastic, but it would have been a 5-star listen if the narrator brought a bit more emotion to the performance. That said, the story itself is compelling and well worth the read!

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Listening to *Honeybee* felt like a bit of a missed opportunity for me. Daw O'Porter delivery is very straightforward, which kept the focus on the story, but I couldn’t help but feel that it lacked the emotional range I was hoping for. There were moments in the story that, in my opinion, needed more intensity, but the neutral tone she maintained made those scenes fall a bit flat. Because she wrote the book, I expected her to bring more depth to the performance, but that connection didn’t always come through. Her narration felt authentic, but also a bit too subdued. I found myself wishing she’d pushed a little further in certain moments where the protagonist’s emotions should’ve hit harder. The technical side of the production is solid, but for me, it didn’t make up for the fact that the tone stayed pretty much the same throughout. If you prefer a more understated, subtle style, this might be right up your alley. But for me, it didn’t quite hit the emotional highs I was looking for. The more restrained approach left me feeling a little disconnected, which was a shame considering how powerful the themes in the book are.

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This was more of a slower burn that her other books but I found it very hard hitting and my god the laugh out loud moments! I loved the audiobook, the narrator was perfect! The female friendships in this were perfect and I adored it. I am very drawn to plots with difficult mother/daughter relationships as it reminds me I’m not the only one that doesn’t have the perfect ‘my mum is my best friend’ life

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Really nice audiobook that was funny in parts. I enjoyed the narrators and the voices were easy to listen to. The story was easy to listen to and follow. Had me laughing out loud in a few parts!

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Dawn O’Porter’s Honey Bee is a sweet (but not too sweet) story of female friendship, with some serious stuff and humour too. Nicely narrated by Céline Buckens and Sarah Ovens.

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