Member Reviews

thank you netgalley and berkley for the arc!!! 🐺💜

4 howling stars!!! i love rosie danan and this was soooo good. so much of a slower burn than id anticipated but oof the wait was worth it!!

the level in which i related to alex was ✨unhealthy✨ but i absolutely adored her character!!!! black cat gal through and through. i loved how devin saw right through her tough girl act (we might have tattoos and scowl a lot but i promise we're big babies!!)

devin, our paw daddy!!! he was lowk kinda mean tho but i'm into it!! smack me around daddy😍 no seriously though he was kinda an airhead sometimes and just didn't understand why what he said hurt alex or whatever and idk it was kinda embarrassing for him at his grown age to be acting like such a dummy but 💀 child actors and all. i did feel super bad for him and the way he was treated by his parents all his life, like a revolving door of money and dependency. id still bark for him tho.

everything in between was fantastic!!! i loved their little agreement and all the shenanigans they got into. the chase in the woods??? HOLY CRAPPPP i was panting. the submission???????????????? BARK BARK BARK

idk why this is releasing in march because this was a howling good time for october and im so glad i was able to read it!!! 💜✨🐺

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This was surprisingly good! The premise is unhinged and hilarious, and I feel like it delivers. I liked the wrap-up!

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would, considering I normally don't read paranormal romances. But I've liked some of Rosie Danan's other books, and the premise of this one intrigued me.

Alex Lawson grew up as a huge fan of a supernatural show called "The Arcane Files." She loved its star, Devin Ashwood, until she overheard him say something unkind about her at a fan convention when she was 17. Their paths cross again in the present day (almost two decades after their first meeting) when Devin starts shifting into a werewolf. He tries to find information about his new condition online but comes up short. In a moment of desperation, he contacts the moderator of an old "The Arcane Files" fansite... who happens to be Alex. He figures if anyone will know about werewolves, it's someone who runs a site about a show where he used to play one.

Devin travels to Florida to meet her, and they go through various trials to try to help him control his werewolf shifting outside of the full moon. To be honest, I could've done with a bit less werewolf stuff and less of him thinking about her with his dick, and more relationship development. The scene of them at the fair was lovely, and I could've used more of those moments to help get me invested in the romance. I bought that these people were attracted to each other. The love part just came a little too late for me and felt rushed.

Despite some of my issues, overall, I thought this was an entertaining read. I especially enjoyed Devin’s POV — he was such a charming himbo with a heart of gold, even if he came off as an ass at first.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC, which was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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LOVE! This is a book for all the fandom people; the ones that had that one pairing that wasn't canon but they would ship until the end of time. And the ones that can understand that jargon haha.

Devin is such a dick throughout the beginning, and even a bit after, but I think that character made so much sense with him being a child star. I do appreciate how much his character grows by the end of the book, and I really adored his discovery over what actually mattered to him, and how he wants his life to look. Also, he definitely had a dirty mouth. Wow.

Alex is the character that I think a lot of fandom people will relate to, even if they weren't as overt in their 'freakiness'. There is something so easy and nostalgic about being that obsessed with a show or book series when you are a teen, to the point that it becomes most of your personality. When Devin unknowingly crushed her as a teen, and her rebellion was to basically make fun of him for 15 years, I could see it and understand. The reality of knowing that an actor is a person outside of their character is sometimes such a blurred line, and as Alex falls for Devin and sees the difference, I think it is all the more sweet.

All of that being said, this is 100% a hilarious paranormal romance. Basically imagine Tyler Posey actually turning into a werewolf in his early 40s and then having to figure out what to do. The trials that Alex and Devin devise were perfection, and the way it brought them closer was my favourite part. I love Rosie Danan books and I am so happy that this one lived up to all of my expectations

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The best from Rosie Danan yet! This was hilarious, quirky, unique and everything good about paranormal romance.

Alex and Devin were too relatable and I just adored this.

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