Member Reviews

The Scandalous Spinster was my first historical romance by Alyxandra Harvey and it was such a nice surprise. I loved the story, the characters were so great to get to know and it was also a really well-written. In the past I’ve read the author’s paranormal YA books which I have loved but I’m so glad she has branched out into historical romance now.

Lady Clara Prescott, a 29-year-old wallflower and secret author known as The Nightingale writer of the increasingly popular scandalous romance books is part of The Spinster Society. They are a group of women who take down the most dreadful of Mayfair’s lords and fortune hunters to save the young ladies who have no one fighting for them. Knowing she’s easily overlooked and often ridiculed by the ton, Clara volunteers to go on a new assignment to find one of their missing Spinster members. Finally she’s going to have her own adventure. But to do that, she has to attent one of the most notorious house parties known as Devil’s Night, and go up against a malicious Marquis who may be to blame for several young women going missing. At her side is Captain Bram Thorn, ex-navy captain and the only one who truly sees Clara beyond the drab dresses and spinster persona. If only she could see it as well. But one thing’s for sure, he won’t let her out of his sight and walk into danger alone.

To say I really enjoyed this book is a vast understatement. It was quite the page-turner and I couldn’t get enough of reading about Clara and Bram. The chemistry between them was the chef’s kiss as they say and absolutely loved Clara’s confidence building as the story went on. I loved seeing it! The mystery of the missing Spinster member as well as the other young ladies was also really well-written and plotted out. But the romance still was my number one favorite thing in this book. I truly adored these two characters as a couple and will remember them for a long time to come.

My one and only minor point was that in between the mystery of the missing young ladies, Clara also received blackmail notes aluding to knowing who she really was, meaning her career as author of those scandalous romance books. I was curious to see who this mysterious blackmailer turned out to be and for me it was a bit of a let down, I’ve got to say. I hadn’t expected it to be this person but still it didn’t feel quite right with me. But on the other hand this was only a very minior blimp into an otherwise really enjoyable and entertaining historical romance. I really did love this book and haven’t been able to put it down while reading.

If you like historical romances with steamy romance scenes, a mystery solving heroine and a dashing Scottish captain, you will adore The Scandalous Spinster. It was a promising first book in a new series by Alyxandra Harvey and I’m highly looking forward to the next books. I absolutely cannot wait!

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Lady Clara Prescott, Miss Vinegar, is a member of the Spinster Society. A group of spinsters who help other women in need. One of their members is missing. Clara has always been overlooked for adventure, but this time it's her turn, and she won't be alone. Captain Bram Thorne has made himself Clara's protector, soon to be her lover. Going to the most scandalous house party at Eastbourne Hall given by the Marquess of Eastbourne isn't exactly a house party spinsters go to. Clara is more knowledgeable about this party than anyone would imagine. Hidden clues, multiple keys, secret passages, kidnapping and murder. Danger surrounds Clara and Bram a
with little time to solve the mysteries surrounding the marquess.
Descriptive sex at a very erotic house party. Some violence.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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Lady Clara belongs to a secret group of ladies that act as private investigators to other women. Scottish former Naval Captain, Bram Thorn, accompanies her as her bodyguard.

I love the idea of women looking out for other women. All of them have special interests, gifts and strengths that they bring to the group.

I also love that the mcs are older - 29 and 42. Clara and Bram's relationship starts out friends and slow burn, but once it gets going these two are on fire!
Bram is also the kind of hero that says, "Good girl." Swoon!
Thank you to netgalley for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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A Spinster on a Mission

When Clara attends a questionable house party to find a spinster gone missing, she finds danger. A woman does not just disappear into thin air. Something evil is at work. As Clara works to solve the puzzle, she finds love in the midst of peril. Bram is not about to let her face the danger alone. This is an entertaining Regency romance. I enjoyed it and would recommend it.

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Lady Clara Prescott, one of the members of the Spinster Society, is nine and twenty, very firmly on the shelf; orphaned long ago, and with only a small annuity and no dowry, she has long perfected her image as a prim and humorless wallflower, invited to social functions out of habit or pity, then being ignored by everyone around her--while she observes and hears them all.

Unfortunately, her disguise is so flawless, that even her fellow Spinsters underestimate--and consequently underutilise--her. Which is oh so very frustrating for someone who craves adventure--and fun.The pressure inside Clara builds and builds, until, when another Spinster goes missing, she volunteers to find her and her charge, a young heiress whose guardian is suspected of planning to keep her isolated and unwed, in order to steal her fortune.

Although there are many unknowns, and the danger of going missing herself is real, Clara is eager to prove she's a valuable and resourceful member of the Society--to herself, to the other Spinsters, and to a certain retired Navy captain who works with the Spinsters in a somewhat irregular capacity.

Beware: phonetic spelling to denote a Scots accent; explicit sex on page; women in danger; some on page violence; swearing.

This book is the first in a new series set in a shared universe with the Cinderella Society trilogy by the same author; the basic premise is that there's a group of women of the ton who have created a mutual aid society for women. By making use of the very qualities that make them vulnerable, they have built a network of people who help women in danger, and who keep each other safe. They make known the names of men who cannot be trusted not to ruin an innocent or defraud a widow, and they take pains to ensure that men who abuse their privilege and harm those who can't protect themselves, suffer commensurate consequences.

The story is told mostly from Clara's point of view, with a few chapters from Bram's; while, as a genre romance reader, I appreciated having both of the leads' perspectives and inner dialogue, this slant makes it clear that this is a heroine-centric romance. And what a heroine Clara is!

The novel opens with a line that gives us an instant and full portrait: "Lady Clara Prescott was invisible. It was useful if a little demoralizing."

Because it is useful to be so unremarkable one might as well be part of the furniture, but it does get old after a while. Especially when one has more imagination and intelligence than many of the ton's darlings.

"Even her parents had not been particularly fond of her. And then they died and she was left with a small annuity. And her reputation, of course. Popular opinion had it that it was worth more than gold. It was not. And it did not put food on the table. Or friends in her parlor. Or adventures at her door." (Clara, chapter 2)

Clara is a bit disconcerted when Bram shows up to accompany her to the infamous house party. Although they have known each other for a while through the Society, she has never before been in a position to need backup. Not that objecting to his company would have done her any good, had she actually wanted to.

Which she doesn't, as she has been attracted to him for as long as she's known him. An excuse to have his undivided attention for days on end? Bring it on!

"'You are not going to that house alone,' he repeated. He did not sound angry, did not raise his voice. He did not even sound impatient. Just certain, as certain as he would have been proclaiming the sun rose in the east and set in the west. Facts were facts. ...He took up space quietly, unapologetically. With nothing to prove." (Clara's thoughts about Bram, chapter 5)

And so, off they go, to a luxurious estate built on the grounds of a much older residence; a house with many locked doors and far too many menacing footmen, where a good two hundred of the more affluent and less respectable members of the ton have flocked to. The house party, with all its debauchery, culminates with the famous Devil's Night, where fortunes are won and reputations destroyed at the turn of a card.

Bram is a lovely hero; he's completely and obviously devoted to Clara's safety; having seen him acting as backup for other Spinsters before, she's at first mostly convinced that there's nothing out of the ordinary about his protectiveness of her.

Except for the nagging sense that he sees beyond the proper façade that the real Clara has been hiding behind for so long.

"He knew better than to want what he could not have. She was fine porcelain, and he was clay." (Bram thoughts about Clara, chapter 9)

Bram is in his early forties, a commoner from Scotland who worked his way from cabin boy to captain through many campaigns, finally selling his commission after Waterloo. He works with the Spinsters in a volunteer capacity, partly out of gratitude after they had helped his youngest sister out of a tight spot.

He knows he's too old for Clara, and too far below her station, with his sailor tattoos and lack of education, but he can't help but admiring her, both her person and her resourcefulness and intelligence.

Shenanigans, of course, ensue.

"It had taken Clara barely a few days out of London to succumb to ruination. It was shameful. Delightful. Not remotely sustainable. But that was a problem for tomorrow...she would not let her worries and wishes taint a perfectly decadent evening." (Clara, chapter 16)

What a fun book this is! It harkens back to some of those really old skool genre romance, where the plot is just farfetched enough to be fun, and the reassurance of a righted universe helps us navigate the darker elements that, sadly, reflect the real world just a bit too clearly. Wealthy men do get away with as much evil today as they did two hundred years ago, after all.

There are secret passages, sex grottoes, chases in the rain, making out as cover for other, less fun, illicit activities, and a lot of fun banter between the two leads, and I had a fantastic time going along for the ride.

The worldbuilding is vivid enough to distinguish it from the wallpaper Regency we see in so many historical genre romance; from the way Clara and Bram move through the different settings--the house, the grounds, the road, and so forth--to how they interact with other characters, there is a feeling of realism that doesn't depend on excessive detail.

The same with their backstories; we know enough to see how they became they people they are now, but we don't know the story of every scar on Bram's face, or how or when Clara started writing her infamous sex stories. And we don't need to.

With a couple of exceptions, the other characters in the book are mostly sketched in; it works because the romance is the center of the story. In fact, parts of the plot don't bear close scrutiny, and the villain's comeuppance, while absolutely deserved, can only take place in a genre romance.

More's the pity.

I can't wait to read the rest of this series, and I will certainly read the trilogy that precedes it.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention how well consent is treated between these two; Bram is very protective, which means that on the "your safety is paramount, end of discussion" issue, he doesn't give in to Clara's "but I'm the agent here" statements. On the other hand, when it comes to any intimacy, sexual or otherwise, between them, he's all about her agency. Just lovely.

The Scandalous Spinster gets a 9.00 out of 10.

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Oh my goodness! I loved this book! Clara is a spinster on a mission, Bram is a scarred navy man determined to protect her. Clara had to find her missing friend and the action that ensued was a great part of the book. Loved both the characters and enjoyed the story.

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The Scandalous Spinster by Alyxandra Harvey is the story of one colorless woman (so she thought) coming out of her shell to take down a notorious criminal and find love for herself. Lady Clara Prescott was sent to find another of the Spinsters, Sybil, who hd gone missing on her latest assignment. It seemed simple enough: protect a young lady. Then they both disappeared. Lady Clara went to the house party at the home of the Marquis of Eastbourne, the gentleman in question, followed by her protector, Captain Bram Thorn. There she remained the same colorless spinster she had always been and started looking for clues. They appeared in the form of keys. She collected quite a few until their use became obvious. One of the people Lady Clara met was a notorious madam; one she quite liked. Selene proved to be a lovely woman who was quite helpful. She hoped they would remain friends. Lady Clara infuriated the marquis when she beat him at cards and was able to wrest the stolen money away from him. His anger knew no bounds.

Lady Clara was a steel butterfly in disguise as a grey caterpillar. She came alive on this mission, not only by accomplishing her goals but by falling love, something she had assumed would never happen for her. There are lots of twists and turns in this story,. Personalities are not what they appear to be in the beginning. The Society of Spinsters is out to do good and they are doing so. Selene was a good character and I expect to see more of her. This was a very steamy book as well as a decent mystery with enticing clues. Good read. Full to the brim.

I was invited to read The Scandalous Spinster by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #AlyxandraHarvey #TheScandalousSpinster

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Well, this historical romance is very different. Our heroine is a spinster. That, in this case, doesn't just mean an unmarried lady. The Spinsters are a group of ladies who actually do something to protect the innocent, uncover, and punish the men who prey on them. I won't tell you too much about our heroine in this one because it would spoil the story.

Our hero is a retired Naval war hero who has attached himself to the Spinsters and is especially drawn to this one.

An action-packed, steamy story full of danger, excitement, and wonderful characters. This is the first book in a new series, and I can't wait for more.

I loved it.

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This is the thrilling introduction to 'The Spinster Society' - a group of single woman, each with their own talents, gathering intelligence, spreading the word and working together to protect Society’s Ladies from nefarious, cruel and lecherous gentlemen.
Much to her regret, Lady Clara, a 29-year-old earl’s daughter, is their most inconspicuous member. Dubbed Miss Vinegar by the Ton, she’s miss prim and proper, knows all the rules and is easily overlooked, but behind her boring veneer she hides a popular author of naughty tales. She’s had a tendre for Bram for a while now, but how could a rugged war hero ever be interested in an invisible?
He’s a 42-year-old Scottish retired Navy Captain who works as a kind of bodyguard for the Spinsters. They once helped his little sister, and now he keeps a watchful eye out for them - he especially likes watching Clara… even if he’s far too old and way beneath her.

Together they set out on a risky mission to save one of the Spinsters and her protégé who have gone missing. Enter a miscreant marquess, more missing women, a salacious house party, keys, clues, blackmail, gambling and the Devil himself. Clara is clever, creative and over the moon she’s finally experiencing something real. Bram is determined to keep her safe, but this wily lass is a handful!

I love this dynamic duo’s chemistry! Playful and protective with a dash of sarcasm, teasing, dry wit, tons of banter and a deliciously slow burning sizzle with a few steamy sidesteps - a spy’s gotta do what a spy’s gotta do 😉 - and some major fireworks!
There’s also danger, evil and blood, but always with a humorous undertone. The mystery part of the plot - well-crafted and intriguing - kept me spellbound until the end, and the grand finale - both the mystery and Clara & Bram - is excellent! They all go out with a bang!
A marvellous start to what promises to be a very entertaining series!

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Lady Clara may play the part of a proper wallflower, but in reality she writes the scandalous romances taking Society by storm. No one knows, not her fellow members in the Spinster Society, not her friends. Only her blackmailer. Luckily, the Spinster Society takes great delight in knocking down the fortune hunters and powerful lords of Mayfair. Who better to deliver a comeuppance than the very ladies who are overlooked and ignored? So when the need arises for someone to attend an extremely notorious house party, Clara jumps at the chance. One of the Spinsters has gone missing on assignment, and Clara knows no one will even notice her. Except for Captain Bram Thorn.
The first in a new series & an entertaining romance. I really liked Clara who isn’t who she seems, I also loved Bram – a big cuddly bear. A good mix of romance with some mystery. The chemistry between Bram & Clara sizzled & I was drawn into their story & thoroughly enjoyed it
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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Capt Bram has his hands full trying to keep Lady Clara safe from harm. Determined to find a missing spinster, Clara is off and running headfirst into trouble. A scandal writer in secret, her indomitable spirit keeps the reader on their toes from beginning to end. A new series that is fun, mysterious and fully entertaining. Can't wait for the next book.

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The subject matter of this novel rather took me aback, and although it got steamy in parts, the main characters are both very likable, especially Captain Bram Thorn who makes it his business to keep Lady Clara safe in the face of ever-present danger. As Clara follows up on the disappearance of one of her colleagues, she jumps at the chance to investigate and find out what has happened to her and the missing heiresses. There were times when I had very real sympathy for Bram as Clara kept veering off to investigate on her own, but he always managed to stay one step ahead of her. The fact that he is built like a bear and can handle anything thrown at him helps considerably. Despite mishaps along the way, the novel is a standalone and comes to a good conclusion. I received a copy of this romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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I will be keeping an eye out for the rest of this series, it’s a fun premise that actually delivered. I’ve been on my annual summer historical romance kick- and this one stands out as extra fun. Almost campy sleuthing at times. Bonus points for having older leads. (Let me speak my truth : needed him bad.) 4.5 stars.

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Secrets, missing ladies , murderous lords, a Scottish captain and a spinster who writes spicy books and finds herself some spice along the way - a fun read

My rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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I thoroughly enjoyed "The Scandalous Spinster" and I think that it's a great first book to start a saga with.
I loved that Clara, the protagonist, had so much going on for her: an earl's daughter with a backstory, a member of a secret society of spies and also secretly an author of forbidden novels. All the aspects of her life and personality were interwoven quite masterfully - even though I believe the blackmail side story was quite unnecessary and didn't add much to the overall mystery/plot/romance - and they all contributed to a story where the plot and the romance fed and sustained each other to the point where it felt like you couldn't have one without the other.

The chemistry between Clara and her Captain Thorne felt very real and swoon-worthy (I personally like when the MCs actually like each other from the get-go, but if you're a fan of enemies-to-lovers this might not be the book for you!) The more intimate scenes were very captivating and special attention was given to showcase that the people involved were excited and consenting (which I appreciate immensely).

I also liked the mystery (even though the key thing was a bit too much iykyk). I think the pacing of it was very well-done and added to the romance whilst also introducing a lot of elements that hooked the reader to the rest of the saga.

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Such a good book. Alyxandra Harvey is an amazing author. Her characters are enchanting but strong. This book is fantastic!
I don't like giving anything away. Just read it and enjoy!!
I know I will recommend this book to friends and family.

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Fantastic Entertaining Read!

Wallflowers, Spies, Blackmail, Adventure, Mystery this storyline has it all!

Lady Clara is not what she seems, she has a big secret and someone is about to expose her but in the meantime, she’s been tasked with finding a missing Spinster. Ooh, the adventure and danger she’s looking forward to but when Captain Bram Thorn appears and wants to help, what’s a shy wallflower like her going to do?

Bram knows Clara is not what she seems, he’s determined to keep her out of danger and scandal but can he keep himself away from the enticing and sexy person no one but himself seems to see?

A fun, entertaining, sizzling read I couldn’t put down and would recommend to anyone who loves some banter, romance, mild steamy moments and mystery.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Tropes: house party; age gap; MMC is a military man; MFC is a writer of spicy books; MC's team up to solve a mystery
Steam level: 3-4 (brief, mild spanking)
Book one of this series.

3.5 stars rounded up. I liked this author as soon as I started reading the Dainty Devils books, and the basic ingredients are present in this start to a new series; it's a steamy, spunky, generally clever romp, with plenty of humorous banter. The execution just isn't quite as strong as expected.

Clara is (ostensibly) the most tame member of the Spinster society, a group of women who have formed clandestinely to protect women in the Ton who could be vulnerable to men with nefarious intentions. Clara's pristine reputation has helped her when she has needed to operate within Society without being noticed, but now she has has volunteered to attend a risque house party in order to locate one of the Spinsters and other missing women. The premise is slightly different, and you know you'll just have to turn your brain off and go along for the ride. Still, the opening chapters left me a bit disconcerted, as I was expecting more of a tie-in with characters from the author's recent Dainty Devils series. There are some references to a previous Cinderella series that I didn't read, and the beginning in particular is rather overwhelming with quite a few characters coming and going.

Anyway, the idea of Clara being not exactly what she appears works for the most part, and her growing relationship with Bram, a sea captain, is cute. Clara has been attracted to Bram for a while but believes he doesn't see her in a romantic light. For his part, Bram views himself as too rough for Clara; he is not of her social class and didn't have her genteel upbringing. They have good chemistry. How Clara is able to maintain a pristine reputation throughout the house party with Bram constantly by her side is something I had to gloss over; it would have been slightly more realistic if she could have introduced him as a cousin who was tasked with chaperoning her. Also, more insight into Bram's thoughts from the beginning might have drawn me into their romantic relationship sooner.

What required too much suspension of disbelief for me: the idea that Clara is the Nightingale, the author of sexually explicit books that have taken the Ton by storm, when she's not sexually active and has never been anywhere even slightly lascivious outside of the house party. At one point a character points out that the Nightingale has written scenes that aren't even physically possible, and while this is meant to be humorous, I can't see how jaded members of the Ton would have ever taken such books seriously. I also thought the blackmail plot was unnecessary, as it didn't add much to the storyline and the culprit's logic didn't make sense.

The main mystery is wrapped up satisfactorily and the final chapter is sweet, although there is no epilogue.

Overall, I liked this but it just didn't engage me as much as the last two Dainty Devils books did.

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First time reading this author. It was cute and I really liked the premise of the Spinster Society. I felt that I should have known the characters (maybe they were in previous books) which left me a little bit lost but I could still follow the story. Both characters were very likeable, especially Bram. The writing did not flow smoothly for me but maybe it was just me. The mystery did take me on a journey which I liked.

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Clara is considered a quiet spinster at the ripe old age of 29 but inside she is wild and free spirited where no one can truly see her.
But Captain Bram who guards her ferociously knows and desires the real Clara.
As they journey on an adventure seeking answers, they are destined to unlock their feelings.
Action packed with a few twists and emotionally satisfying.
Terrific start to a new series.

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