Member Reviews

I just finished Snow & Ink 1, and I was honestly surprised by how heartwarming it was! The story follows an exiled heiress and the killer she buys from jail, and while you’d expect it to be dark, it’s actually more about dealing with trauma and finding love in the most unexpected people.

Both characters are struggling with their own issues, and watching them figure things out while stuck together in the north made for such a great story. It’s a quick read, as most manga's are, but it really packs a punch. I’m definitely picking up future volumes if they continue with this series.

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Snow and Ink is a slow burn manga about a downtrodden and naïve young heiress who 'buys' a criminal's life and the two get to know each other and help with their respective problems. As preposterous as this sounds, it doesn't get any better in the telling and by the end of volume 1, I wasn't given much reason to want to continue.

Story: Naneo is brought before the town in chains, ready to be executed for murder. But he is suddenly bought by the heiress Freya Gibson. Freya is hated for bungling her inheritance and worsening the economy - she needs Naneo to protect her against angry homeless men. Now that her inheritance has been taken over by an step sister, she hopes to leave and find a quiet place to live. But her fiancé has other plans and Freya is drawn back to town with Naneo at her side.

I guess only in manga are we expected to swallow that a girl takes on a criminal, he treats her poorly but she falls madly in love with him and he turns out to be a nice guy after all? Honestly, it was all kind of silly, not much happened, the heroine is so wishy washy as to be a walking marshmallow, and the love interest is a cardboard cliché. Her fiancé is strange and I'm sure that will have some bearing on the future story but for this first volume, he just kind of flitters around like a dilettante while teasing the main characters. Don't get me started on the insta-luv by chapter two and the endless "you can't marry me because I am a criminal!" conversations.

I found little interesting here. The illustration work is typical and not very unique either. The plot is silly and nothing much happens. Reviewed from an advance reader copy provided by the publisher.

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This was a quick read for me and I enjoyed it. The author laid the groundwork for this series, introducing and building up the characters.

I'm excited to see how the story progresses and looking forward to seeing Freya grow into a stronger character.

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Thanks NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC.

The premise of this manga seemed up my alley so I was looking forward to reading it. A murderer and a disgraced heiress find each other when they are both in need of something: can they find it together or is their past too large an obstacle?

At this point I am only semi hooked on the story and characters. This volume is mostly back story and character introduction so it is hard to say if it is going to live up to the potential I see or just be a more basic story with nothing that stands out. I look forward to reading the next volumes though to find out.

The art was beautifully done, there were some fuzzy moments but as I was reviewing the proof for ARCs that is probably the reason why so I won’t hold it against it.

I can’t say this is a must read because there just wasn’t enough to have me entirely hooked. I will say though if the story premise and art style appeal to you then you should give it a go because the potential is there for an amazing story.

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This was an interesting story following two people with very different backgrounds getting to know each other. There were some sweet moments and while I am curious to see where the story goes, manga ARCs tend to have long release breaks so I don't expect to be able to get to volume 2 any time soon.

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This was definitely an interesting premise! Freya, disgraced from her affluent family, is looking to be anywhere away from where she is. She buys Neneo, a criminal, to work for her and be her bodyguard. Each character has its own flaws. This felt a little disjointed in its character development, leaving lots of questions as to what happened and why it was unfolding as it did, which I hope is answered in future volumes. I enjoyed the artwork and storytelling, though the relationship between Freya and Neneo seemed very rushed. I look forward to reading more to see how this storyline unfolds for both characters!

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3.5 Stars

An intriguing start about a disgraced heiress who saves a convicted murderer and how they find in each other acceptance, peace, and possibly redemption.

I really liked the theme of this where there’s always two sides to a story and of course, this applies the most to main characters Freya and Neneo.

Toss in an ex-fiance and other family members with possibly dubious intentions, and I look forward to the next installment to find out more!

Thank you to the author and Kodansha Comics via NetGalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review posted to GoodReads -

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I initially picked up this book because the typography caught my attention, and the fact that it was published by Kodansha Comics. They've never failed me, and all of their localization choices are solid.

I love the cover design, and how the characters are placed against the stark white background. It feels like they're in a snowstorm, in a way. The slanted text and the diagonal lines remind me of spider webs and fate.

Freya is a young heiress who was in charge of two business deals that went awry, and she took full responsibilitiy for it. Earning the ire of the general public as well as her family, she's sent out to exile in the north. She buys out a criminal to be her bodyguard, and the two outcasts become closer as they rely on eachother. It's really sweet how they show affection, and how attentive they are to each of their needs. It's heartwarming to see these two find happiness even though they're rejected by most people around them. The romance is fast paced, and the two never confirm their feelings for eachother on-screen, but they get along well and they have good chemistry

Volume 1 focuses on establishing the characters and their past, and it seems like there's more plot to come, with Freya's perfect sister Anna looking for her whereabouts. We're never told the full story about Freya's relationship with her family, but it seems like Anna's her foster sister who is worshipped by everyone she meets and hasn't met. I'm curious to learn more about why Anna would send her maid out all alone to search for her. I'm excited to read more!

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Kodansha Comics provided an early galley for review.

The figures against the stark white background immediately jumped out at me when parusing upcoming releases. That design and the description of the series really caught my interest.

The story engages the reader's curiosity right from the start. Who are these two? What forces have drawn them together? How long before they share the secrets and feelings behind the facades they wear in public? I was very intrigued.

Of course, the story gets complicated by the romantic elements (which happen a lot quicker than I've seen in other manga - I liked this change of pace) as well as the revelation of a secret that Freya keeps from Neneo until a letter arrives. This raises the tension in the tale quite quickly. What exactly is Halvard's true intentions and what secrets does he have? The whole story moves very fast, setting up situations for future volumes.

I very much enjoyed Unohana's clean art style. It flows very well with faces that are expressive and clothing that is quite fashionable. These are things I often look to manga to provide.

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My son and daughter taught me to love anime. And now, I adore Manga.

The intricate ink drawings in this book are exquisite. And it's truly the artwork and design that make this book come alive.

Even if you haven't seen the show, you will be drawn into the story. Definitely a must-read.

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Snow & Ink tells the story of a woman who used to have everything, but now everyone seems to hate her. Her life has completely fallen apart, and she’s left feeling alone and judged for mistakes from her past. Then, she meets Neneo, a man accused of murder, and in a twist, she decides to buy him. It’s a strange start to a connection, but their story takes you on this emotional ride where trust, survival, and redemption are at the heart of everything.

The artwork does a great job showing the difference between their worlds—her once-glamorous life now in ruins, and his dark, dangerous reality. Both characters are flawed, but that’s what makes their bond feel real. You can feel the tension between them, shaped by their shared brokenness and the harsh judgments they face. What starts off as a desperate situation turns into a love story that grows in the most unexpected way.

I’ve really enjoyed reading Snow & Ink so far. The chemistry between the leads and the unfolding mystery keep me hooked, and I’m excited to see where their journey takes them. I can’t wait for the next chapters!

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Give me beautiful arts and an intriguing dynamic between the leads and I'm sold. This was a promising first volume to a series and I can't wait to see the kind of mystery and twists that these two will dig themselves into next.

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Rating: 4.96 leaves out of 5
-Characters: 5/5
-Story: 4.75/5
-Writing: 5/5
Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Romance
-Comedy: 5/5
-Mystery: 5/5
-Romance: 5/5
Type: Manga
Worth?: Yes

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.

What a refreshing story and by that I mean something I haven't read a million times. It had romance, mystery, and comedy. The pacing was a bit... fast. I won't lie. It did catch me off guard but it wasn't anything to bring down the story.

And for the people rating it low are the same people who either don't really read manga or like to read the same basic crap that is regurgitated. I don't usually make comments on the people who rate low, but this? This just boils my blood a bit.

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I was so excited to read this manga but could barely complete it. The title and description was interesting and that's it. The first chapter developed my internet in the story. An abandoned elite who bought a murder to protect herself. But all that was forgotten in the very next chapter. He was nowhere near a murder his character was not even broody or rude. They both fell for eachother in the second chapter. And just became love birds? Story took a total twist and was nothing like it was mentioned in the description.

Freya is a very lame gurl who lets other bully and insult her. I don't know why I picked it

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3.5 overall, the only issue I had was we were introduced to the characters but then the relationship status so quickly to devoted and love. But the premise is so interesting. Our MFC is ostracized by her family and people and pays for the freedom of our MMC so he will protector her as he is a famous murderer of 50 people. This begins their journey of accepting one another and showing each our compassion. I will totally look for the next volume to come out.

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Very quick read for me, I am loving Manga & Graphic Novels at the moment and I enjoyed seeing how this one has been playing out and am hoping to see the story develop further.

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The withdrawn (and banished) Freya buys the convicted murderer Neneo and the two of them head elsewhere to make a new life for themselves. But their pasts seem to follow them around, even as they grow very close in the present.

Bit of a mixed bag this one, succumbing to some wobbly storytelling while also being as manga as all get out at places, which is a feature for some and a bug for others. It ends stronger than it starts, but it’s reasonably good.

Our characters are both broken souls who end up together and I’m glad they don’t drag that out too long, nor do they gloss over the desperation of two people who both genuinely enjoy one another’s company, but are also partly together from sheer desperation.

Freya’s interesting for her failures; she is from an affluent family, but her kind nature lead to her being taken advantage of and that slowly caused her to harden as her bad decisions had wide consequences for more than just herself.

Neneo has reasons for his murders, no big shock there, but he’s also living with the knowledge that he left home with a dream and never really looked back until it was far, far too late. They make a good pairing, especially when Freya comes into her own towards the end.

The storyline feels entirely too choppy for my liking, however, especially at the start. When they are collapsed outside of a cottage and then shortly teleport inside and are warming up, it might have been nice to have at least something transitional there.

And whatever this is leading to won’t be nearly as interesting as our leads themselves, I fear. They fall in with Freya’s fiancé, Halverd, who is more grating than he is gentlemanly. His motivations and such don’t work for me either.

It’s a great romantic coupling, basically, let down by a subpar story that doesn’t appreciate the fine details. As much as I liked the way the relationship hit the ground running, it wouldn’t have hurt to let it breathe a bit more. It feels like a response to all those multi-volume arcs that take forever, just too much the opposite way.

3.5 stars - that extra half is entirely because of how interesting Freya gets by the end and some residual appreciation for her and Neneo. I might give it a second volume, but it didn’t wow me quite as much as I’d hoped.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for letting me read an advanced copy of this!

Snow & Ink was an interesting read, as I was going through it, I dnfed it for a bit but was too nosy to stop myself from picking it back up. The plot was already dark but when I realized it was going towards the way of potentially traumatizing more characters and a potential scientific discovery of the mistreatment for a whole town, it was enough for me to finish the story instead of complaining about character interactions.
Still not sure what I think of it though

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I really loved the art in this book and was intrigued by the concept, but I couldn’t find my footing here. The flow is really disjointed and confusing. I liked the idea and the two MCs though and would probably give the second volume a try.

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The artwork was beautiful I really enjoyed it! I’m trying to get into mangas so I don’t really know how they typically go but I was confused with this one. The premise of it sounded really good but it felt rushed and underdeveloped. The romance came out of nowhere and I’m still confused on what the storyline is. Maybe it’s just me since I’m just starting out with the genre.

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