Member Reviews

I was so excited to read this but ended up dnf'ing it. I loved the concept of this, with two social outcasts finding love and solace in each other, and the art work was really lovely, but unfortunately the story was very jumpy and hard to follow and was so rushed when it really did not need to be. The things that happened in the first chapter alone should have taken place over 1 if not 2 full volumes to really build those relationships and show us what is going on. There was so much telling and not showing and I just couldn't finish it as I was so annoyed with the amount of development it missed out. Such a promising manga, but so disappointingly executed.

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This was very fast paced and felt kind of insta-lovey but I really enjoyed it. The art style was really good and wasn't too over done. It told the story beautifully. The story overall was well thought out and I understood everything that was happening. The characters are really cute and although I wish we got more of the build up to them liking and being nice to each other, I still enjoyed them together. I am looking forward to the next volume! It does say that it is sci-fi/fantasy on the netgalley app but I didn't get any of that in the story so I wouldn't classify it as that.

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What an intriguing story! While the art style and fast-paced plot took some time to adjust to, the overall experience was enjoyable. Though the characters felt somewhat stereotypical and lacked distinct qualities, the story's execution more than made up for it.

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When I first picked up Snow & Ink 1, I was immediately intrigued by the premise. NeNeo, a man condemned for killing 50 villagers, is paraded through the streets for his execution, only to be spared by the noble Freya, who claims him as her servant. It's a captivating setup that promises a mix of redemption, intrigue, and a clash of personalities.

That said, I found myself a bit confused in the beginning. The story throws you right into the action without much explanation, and I struggled to get my bearings. The world-building is interesting, but I wanted more familiarity or grounding early on. It took me a while to feel fully immersed in the characters’ backstories and their motivations.

However, as the narrative unfolded, the dynamic between NeNeo and Freya became more compelling. They are two very different people, shaped by society's disdain and pity, yet they gradually open up to each other. Their evolving relationship and shared sense of isolation are the story’s strongest points.

Overall, the book has potential. I can see where the series might go from here, and I think it could really hit its stride as it develops further. If you're into stories of unlikely bonds and personal redemption, *Snow & Ink 1* might be worth your time—just be prepared to push through some initial confusion.

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I loved this book. It deserves so much more than five stars.
From the story to the characters, it's simply fantastic.
I love how the characters, through different ways, find themselves in similar situations, and how it affects them and how they decide to deal with it.
The two characters are very resilient, and so interesting!! We slowly discover more about them throughout the pages. And the best of all, is the sweet romance that the two characters share with each other. It's so loving!! It's simply just love, in which they let each other get better and heal their past pains.
And now a little mystery and quest has begun, and I'm loving it, since it allows us to get to know more about the characters.
There is another character who stands out in the story besides the protagonists, he's a bit strange and eccentric, but so interesting. I love him!!
I loved the illustrations, with the strong lines that let the emotions of the characters and the story pass through to the reader.
I can't wait to read the next volume in the series.
I really loved it. The best!!

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I devoured this first volume in no time, thoroughly enjoying the engaging narrative. As expected, the focus is on introducing the characters and establishing their relationships, laying the groundwork for the series. While I appreciated the character development, I'm eager to see Freya grow stronger in future volumes. My only critique is that the romance happened a tad too quickly, feeling somewhat rushed. Nevertheless, I'm excited to continue the series and see how the story unfolds.

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𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸 & 𝘐𝘯𝘬 has an intriguing premise: a romance between a convicted murderer and a disgraced heiress, both scarred by their past and uncertain about what the future holds. A manga with historical intrigue, forbidden love, and stunning art? I’M SOLD!! 😍 I knew I had to read this book immediately!!
The art style of this manga is so captivating, reminiscent of 𝘝𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘯 and 𝘔𝘺 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘦. The designs are also spot-on! The mangaka did a fantastic job of capturing the essence of each character while also showing that they come from different social classes. I really liked the main characters, Neneo and Freya. Despite their differences, it makes sense that they had a instant connection since they are both shunned by society. These two characters work so well together and I think their relationship is really sweet. 💗 Plus, this manga also has solid side characters like Halvard.
While the characters were likable enough, their development was rushed. The pacing of the story was too fast for my liking which made it difficult to stay engaged. Everything is happening too fast, leaving hardly any room for the story to breathe. The manga also keeps missing the emotional beats and rushing through important details. This is such a poor and haphazard setup to a promising story that I can’t help but feel really disappointed. 😕
𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸 & 𝘐𝘯𝘬 has so much potential, but ultimately, I think this volume failed to deliver a strong introduction to this series. The quick pace and lousy setup hindered the manga's ability to fully explore its unique concept. I hope the author will take their time with the story to improve plot progression and character introductions. Although it's not there yet, I still think this manga could evolve into a good and long-running series.

Thanks to Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of this manga in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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The description in itself just hooked me and the art style is just chef's kiss. The relationship between Neneo the murderer and Freya the Heiress that bought him is so cuteeee! I was giggling the whole time I read it.

I always had my doubts about Neneo murdering the entire village and I was right. He still is scarred by his past and even when him and Freya live alone in a cabin, quite a peaceful and cute getaway, it's not enough to make him forget. Freya has her own scars and is still so protective of Neneo it makes my heart go thump thump. Especially when Neneo becomes protective haha.

I also love the small mini comics at the end of each chapter and love how Freya travels to the village which Neneo make him face his fears. As long as they stay true to each other, I believe they will be happy!

Even Freya's friend is an interesting one haha. Can't wait to read volume 2!

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My gratitude to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this series in exchange for an honest review.

Hands-down one of the best, unputdownable manga series I’ve read in a while. There’s not even a moment to pause and breathe air—you’ll devour this in one whole. That’s how readable the series is with its interesting dynamics, hooking, <i>fitting</i> misfit of a couple. This is sweet, melancholic at times, cute, and just flavorful. Just perfectly told in a beautiful art style.

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"Snow and Ink" is a captivating blend of dark romance, historical intrigue, and emotional depth that left me hooked. The story of Neneo, a condemned killer, and Freya, a wealthy heiress hiding her own painful scars, is beautifully crafted. Both characters are shaped by their traumatic pasts, yet it's this shared brokenness that slowly draws them together in a world that has shunned them.

What truly stands out is the chemistry between the main characters. Despite Neneo's initial emotional numbness and seemingly irredeemable circumstances, their fast-paced but believable bond offers a flicker of warmth in an otherwise bleak journey. The mysterious twists and rich world-building make it clear that this series is just getting started, and I can't wait to see how their story unfolds.

I especially appreciated the addition of Freya’s ex-fiancé as a side character, which adds another layer to the exploration of Neneo’s developing feelings for Freya. It’s a brilliant narrative move that deepens the emotional stakes.

With its atmospheric storytelling and complex characters, "Snow and Ink" is the perfect blend of tragedy and romance, reminiscent of the melancholic tone of "My Happy Marriage". I would absolutely love to see this adapted into an anime or drama—it has all the elements for a gripping, heart-wrenching series! Highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys mysterious human drama with a dark edge. #SnowInk #NetGalley

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I was initially drawn to this series by its captivating art style, and overall, I found it to be a quick, enjoyable read with a cute romance. However, the pacing felt a bit too rushed for my liking. The romance seemed to jump from strangers to a couple too quickly, leaving me feeling like I missed several important chapters of their relationship development.

That said, the story has potential, and I'm intrigued enough to pick up the second volume. I’m hoping for a bit more depth and pacing in the next installment, as the premise and art have definitely caught my interest.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for honest feedback

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There’s a couple of things I like about the manga:
1. The art - I think it’s pretty well drawn and the expressions tell their own story.
2. The setting - I’m a sucker for country sides.
What I didn’t enjoy/ what wasn’t for me:
1. The pacing: I think things happen too quickly. There wasn’t enough tension created where the FMC was struggling with her own morality, or the MMC’s. There wasn’t any actual danger she was ever in. Everything works out very easily for them. There wasn't enough inner world exploration and a lot of actions are told not shown. I wish I could learn more about these characters outside their love/respect for each other.
SPOILER WARNING: I think the fact that we find out what happened with the FMC while walking down a busy train station also did not make sense. I think those panels could have been used to explore what she was thinking, and not what she was saying out loud to the MMC.
2. The characterization: for someone who is supposed to be FMC’s bodyguard, he doesn’t do a whole lot. Also it’s not believable that someone who grew up as wealthy as her would know how to do all these chores.
Overall, it’s a good story, but I think the author needs to slow down. They need to explore story and emotional beats. They need to build tension between the characters. I would love to see more panels of the inner worlds of these characters. I think towards the end, the author does focus on the inner world of the MMC for a few panels, but it left me wanting more.


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Snow and Ink Vol. 1 explores themes of redemption, past traumas, and the search for connection against a harsh, snowy backdrop that enhances the story’s emotional depth. I personally loved the illustrations of the Hinderlands and the snowy setting. I also enjoyed that the manga sets up an intriguing story with its focus on Freya and Neneo's struggles and personal histories.

However, I feel as if the romance in this first volume was incredibly rushed. The transition from strangers to lovers happens too quickly - unbelievably so, in fact - missing the gradual build-up of feelings that could have made their relationship dynamic more compelling or complex. Freya and Neneo's attraction to one another just didn't feel authentic. Additionally, the story might mistakenly present itself as more of a quick-read romantic drama rather than the deep, mysterious romance that the manga is categorized under.

I did still enjoy Snow and Ink, though, and think that the series has potential. Fans of dramatic, character-driven stories may still find it worth reading, given the hope that future volumes will provide more depth and development from our main characters.

Thank you to the publisher via NetGalley for providing me with a copy of Snow & Ink 1 by Miyuki Unohana in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and are not influenced by any third parties.

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A disgraced former heiress, Freya, escapes to an isolated life, and on the way she buys a man, Neneo, on death row for killing his entire village. But it turns out there’s more to his past than meets the eye, and they grow close.

The description is a bit vague because the story kind of felt vague to me. I’m not sure what Freya is an heiress to or what she did to get the treatment she did, and she doesn’t seem to have much depth so far or anything beneath the surface other than being naive for some reason. The romance is probably supposed to be the biggest draw, but it kind of just happened out of nowhere that I wondered if I was missing a chapter or something. The art and characters were also not particularly pretty or remarkable to make up for the story. I think this manga could benefit from establishing the world and characters a bit more before we start on the relationships, but maybe there will be more of that in later volumes. This was an okay manga to me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC!

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Thank you so much NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC.

We have the story of Freya, a wealthy heiress who buys a killer to accompany her during her exile. I was really excited to get this ARC because the description of the manga promised a lot, but it didn’t quite deliver as expected.
Yes, he’s a killer, but there's a deeper plot behind that.
In my opinion, the manga has a lot of potential, but this first part was simply entertaining.

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The set up for the story is really interesting but it was way too rushed! The first volume definitely should've done more building between the two and the worldbuilding rather than throwing us in and having instalove. Their polar opposite nature can definitely be a hit in the same vein as Loid and Yor, but the lack of development frankly rather ruined any anticipation for their relationship. The plot is super interesting so I can see myself keeping up with future volumes to see what happens.

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Snow & Ink, Volume One, by Miyuki Unohana
Genre: Manga, Literary Fiction

It's a odd day when heiress Lady Freya Gibson purchases convicted 50+ murderer Neneo just for the sake of enraging her family, who estranged her by giving the title of heir to adopted sister Anna.

He discovers she has chosen him as a bodyguard while on journey to the North, where she intends to disappear from public opinion. Gibson Enterprises have failed and almost bankrupted under her guide, making the young woman prone to vicious attacks by many people, even physical and life-threatening.

The two start their journey as "snow & ink", a locution used to describe two polar opposites, but as they start to know each other, they found themselves tangled a lot more than they could have ever imagined.


It's not even remotely close to what I thought it was. The story had a lot of potential, but what disturbed me is the kind of insta-love, insta-lust(?) between Freya and Neneo, a traumatised boy with a dark past (and who killed 50+ people for a specific reason).

I wished there was a lot more of focus on the plot itself, as the last 30% has started to feel a lot more interesting. The art was darker than what I commonly read in mangas, but that has not bothered me too much.

In the end I think I will read the second volume because the ending is feeling a prelude to something a lot reasonable with my tastes. And also, I want to see more Halvard, because I've not quite understood why he is so keen on this task.


Rating: ★★


I want to thank Kodansha Comics for the digital ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) via Netgalley. I'm not affiliated to the author, to the publishing house or any other person/agency. My review is honest and based only on my thoughts/feeling while reading the book.

Anais by The Bookish Scorpio

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2.5/5 ⭐️
I’m going to be honest, I’m torn on this one. On one hand the set up is very interesting but the execution is lacking. Not sure if that’s to do with the translation, pacing or the tone shifts? I will probably still look up vol2 cause I am quite curious.

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I enjoyed it i love the story and the dynamic between two characters who have a bit of troubled past. I am curious how the story will continue since its the first volume.

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It's a very nice story! Very solid, I would have loved it more if there was a bit more of history or like a world building and the setting, we got thrown into the story without knowing that so I was a bit confused but other than that it was a good read! And also maybe, give their romance a bit more time to develop, it was going a bit too fast. I love the dynamic between the two leads and the ex-fiancé though. Can't wait for the rest!

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