Member Reviews

i really enjoyed this. it was extremely fast paced and action packed. at times, I wish it would slow down and give more explanations

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An heiress who was kicked out from society with a murderer with a traumatic past makes quite a lovely pair ✧˖°.

When Neneo was almost executed for murdering his entire village, Freya bought him and hired him as a bodyguard as they travelled to a far place where she was sent away from her family. Even though it is clear that Neneo definitely did not murder people in cold blood, he did not warm up to Freya right off the bat. He watched as she suffered through insults from strangers, all whilst him suffering through the same treatment as a criminal.

They developed a relationship when she saved him from dying from his wounds, and while one can say it’s pretty much insta-love, I do not think they are both romantically involved yet. When two lonely souls have no one but each other to lean on to, I think it’s only right they developed a quick relationship together. It’s sweet seeing how they both have given up wanting to live, but now found solace in each other.

Definitely hoping to continue reading this one! I would love to see their bond deepening, and how they navigate their life as they take in new responsibilities. There’s so much more to both Freya and Neneo than just being two outcasts who ‘destroyed’ people’s lives.

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Snow & Ink is a romance adventure manga about an exiled heiress and her bodyguard. Freya buys Neneo off of death row to accompany her to the north after she ruins her family business. The manga follows their adventures as the two get to know each other and their pasts come back to haunt them.

While the story is fresh and unique, it is incredibly fast-paced and I felt like I was missing several chapters of the story. Though it moves quickly, the author has a great base to build off of and the ending leaves the reader with just enough mystery to come back for more. The art is also very well-done and is appealing to the eye.

This particular manga is not for me, but if you like mysteries and romance, it could be the perfect one for you!

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I went into this manga without knowing much about it, but I really liked the first volume. The art style is very pretty and the relationship is fun, although a bit fast and sudden. I’m intrigued by the dark story and can’t wait to read 2!

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This was okay. The story felt very rushed and it didn’t feel like anything was actually happening. The summary made it sound like it would be a fun story, but the execution was the best in my opinion.

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Thank you Netgalley for this Arc. Getting this as an arc does not influence my review.

A ruthless and heartless killer is bought and saved by an infamous heiress. But did he kill his whole village? What really happened? Why did she save him? Why does everyone blame her for destroying their lives? Can either of them forgive themselves? This series starts out with all of these questions and we get glimpses of the answer in this first volume.

This manga has a quite abrupt start. Immediately we are thrown into the situation where Freya (the fl) buys Neneo’s (the ml) freedom. I actually felt like the development was weak. Freya as a character came across as boring instead of mysterious which is what I assume was the intention. Soon after both of them started to get along far too fast. I felt like the beginning of their relationship could have been stretched out longer.

Things I liked:

I liked the art. It is wonderfully done and the composition is interesting. The character design is also what originally made me pick this manga up.

This is mixed for me but this manga kept changing from soft and romantic scenes to dark scenes. While interesting, it was far too jarring. However, it was interesting to see and I couldn't predict how it would go. In the middle, it did lose me a bit with the romance because I wasn't as invested due to the fact I thought their development was too fast and there wasn't any real plot that was moving the story forward.

Near the end I thought the pacing was good actually and not as fast as the beginning. In fact, I thought it started to become interesting and the contrast of the romantic tone and mysterious atmosphere was also consistent now. It didn't feel as jarring as it did in the beginning. I was starting to actually get invested into Neneo’s past and what really happened to his village. Obviously as this is a manga series, there is more to come but I think it ends on a better note than it started.

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2.5 ⭐️

Unfortunately, while this story had good bones through its premise and world setup, the execution was a bit lacking. The pace was extremely fast, the characters were a bit underdeveloped, and the plot was inconsistent.

One thing that I did enjoy was the MMC, Neneo, he was the most developed because we got to see his backstory and the struggles he went through daily. His trauma was tangible and I would love to see the progress he will make in forgiving himself.

On the other hand, Neneo’s relationship with Lady Freya, the FMC, wasn’t exactly built on a healthy foundation. First her purchasing him, then him being violent toward her, to then them kissing and cuddling together. I can imagine that their own separate traumas brought them closer together, but unfortunately the way that the author portrayed it seemed like they wanted to get them together as fast as possible.

Either way, I will say a big thank you to net galley for the ARC of the official translation of this manga. I do believe that now that the story is established the future volumes will have a lot more potential.

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Snow & Ink vol. 1 is great love story between a criminal and the woman who rescues him, the characters are all great and it has some incredible art, I'm really looking forward to future volumes.

Thanks to Kodansha and Netgalley for the ARC.

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"I like you because you actually listen to me."

Snow and Ink 1 - Miyuki Onohana
Pub date: Nov 05, 2024

(Thank you to Netgalley for the free copy in exhange for an honest review!)

Snow and Ink follows our main character Ferya Gibson who banished herself from her privileged family after she messed up its finance and business matter. She then met Neneo and then bought and brought the criminal with her to the new life in northen countryside. It's a story about two people with different social background and how they encounter their own problem and past, how they recover from it, and how apparently they found love in each other.

Even though everything happened in this volume is rapid and brief, i personally love the idea of how people like Ferya and Neneo are together, exiled from the society and somehow found comfort in each other's company, just them against the world.
I'm excited about their relationship and dynamic already, it's just cute and wholesome. Also i'm keen to know more Neneo and his past slash trauma and how the story will proceed after the truth comes out. Definitely can't wait for the next volume!

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc!

I did not finish this title. The pacing was off/too fast & the plot is very undeveloped. I feel like I wasn’t able to grow attach to these characters despite the obstacles they were overcoming.

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Decent Manga but but feel like it left out all the story building parts of the story. The lovey parts were too quick for my personal liking but overall it was enjoyable.

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With a premise like that I knew this one would be interesting but the story kept me captivated through every page. The MMC's backstory was told slowly throughout the volume and with every new piece of information I was more intrigued. The FMC has struggled following the loss of her father and now is hated by those around her for a bad investment decision she made while grieving. Great story, interesting side characters, looking forward to future volumes.

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3.5/5! ⭐⭐⭐

"So long as it's a path you've chosen, I'll follow you even to a dead end."

A villager condemned to death for the murder of his entire village, only to be saved last minute by a wealthy heiress, fighting her own battles.

This was cute! I enjoyed the characters, the plot, and the back stories we get. The romance was fast and I do wish it was a little more slow burn. However, it was a great start to a series and will definitely be continuing!

Thank you to Netgalley and Kodansha comics for the arc!

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This manga had a few interesting elements, but the pacing was all over the place. The main couple falls into a romantic relationship way too quickly! I was startled when you have her literally purchasing him in chapter one, then they're a full couple by chapter two? Hello? This story also doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. It focuses on the romance elements until it loses focus and then swaps to a mystery? I just was not vibing with the story, it felt like a few story beats, and a couple of characters just got slapped together into a very roughshod story. The art was honestly the best part of the entire thing.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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it’s a really good start to the series but I feel it could be misinterpreted as the wrong thing. I feel it’s more of a romantic drama than a mysterious, good girl bad guy, enemies to lovers type of manga. The bond between the two characters happened really fast and I feel there was no time for yearning or deep rooted chemistry and feelings to come into play. The storyline does have potential and it definitely isn’t the worst thing I’ve read. I feel like it could really be something in the future.

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First of all thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC of this manga in exchange for an honest review.

This manga was quite cute and in regards to the title, the characters were quite different to each other. Their relationship was super cute though. The manga style is slightly different to my preference, but still good. I'm disappointed it's finished and I'm looking forward to reading the next book.

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This story was something, and I'll accept it wasn't for me. Like at all,

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I felt the story was not bad, and the pacing was inconsistent. It seemed like their relationship, as awkward as it is, progressed too quickly in the span of the first book. I am sure there will be much to expand upon as the series continues, and I am interested to see what happens next.

Thank you to both NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for providing the eARC.

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I really enjoyed this story. There were parts that moved forward too fast imo I don't know if that's to do with translation or just the writing. It's beautifully drawn and the actual story has some fab tropes to it. I'd definitely recommend this to a manga reader and I'd definitely read the next title.

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A disowned heiress buys a convicted mass murderer to live with him in the Hinterlands...
The art is good. The story on the other hand -though quite cute - is full of plot holes and unlikely conveniences like getting an allowence though she's cast out of the family, an exfiancé that's absolutly supportive or being able to just buy a mass murderer by saying "I buy him" and of course him not running away as soon as his shackles come off.

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