Member Reviews

This is a captivating collection of short stories. There is definitely diversity in terms of perspectives and plots. Every story is unique in its own way. For example, the story "Your Own Tropical Hideaway" has the feel of a mythological retelling as it reaches its end, while the first one in the collection is rooted in a reality (although a not so frequent, everyday scenario).
Although the stories are not interconnected, there are some themes that occur in the majority of them, such as dysfunctional relationships, family dynamics, and social issues (meaning the impact of totalitarian regimes and the relation between individual and totalitarian societies).
One element that I really liked was the use of anaphoric words instead of using proper names from the get-go. I think that it creates a sense of mystery and anticipation in some cases. It sort of closes a distance between the reader and the characters as if the reader knew the characters on a personal level, but it can also create a huge gap between them.
I would like to add that my favorite story was the last one. I would describe the atmosphere as oppressive and perhaps a bit grotesque (basically right up my alley :)) I think that the magpie has been used as a symbol of liberation. Just as the magpie in itself transgresses the limitation of its encasement (meaning the certain connotations attributed to this specific bird) through this story, our main character transgresses the boundaries of reality and breaks away from her human (female) condition through her metamorphosis.

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Anyone who enjoys reading short stories is in for a real treat with this fabulous new collection by Sarah Hegarty. I know many writers who say it is much more difficult to come up with a good short story than it is to complete a full length novel. I think I understand why.
Here, the author has a magnificent variety of themes and tones and styles, and a wonderful sense of time and place. Despite the obvious limitations of very low word counts the characters are all well-rounded and fully developed.
I like the way Sarah has left her readers with lots to ponder. She seems to have a real knack for an ambiguous ending! These are clever, original, engaging stories from a writer with huge talent.

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Wow, this is an impressive debut collection! Excellent short stories. I'll be looking out for more of their work.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC

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