Member Reviews

What a fun, sexy book! I loved Poppy and Alistair's second chance romance story. I'd been wanting to read it since I read the first two in the series and it was everything I hoped for. I thought it was a little witchier than the first two and loved that. Also enjoyed the tea and beer brewing parts. Loved the ending. All around great book!

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It might be because I didn't read the other two in this series but it just wasn't for me. The pace seemed super rushed and I absolutely hated the miscommunication at the very end of the book - I'm always amazed when grown adults have very silly/petty miscommunication. This fell flat for me - characters didn't have much depth and the plot seemed so.... blah.

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This book was a final way to tie up the loose ends in the series. I did enjoy the tying of Sera, Liberty and our final main character Poppy. The plot of the story was just okay and it felt like a repeat of the last two stories. The story line was predictable and I can not stand a mis-communication in the last 8 pages of the book. Overall the epilogue tied up their stories nicely.

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5 *****

I really enjoyed this book, and only belatedly realized it’s the third in a series, and now I’m going to “have to” read the earlier two to learn the history of the other two business partners, because I enjoyed this book and trust I will enjoy the other two as well.

Characterization was good – those other two were well enough drawn in this book for me to enjoy them and I never felt I was missing important information by not having read their stories first.

This is a second-chance romance and very well done. The backstory and their conflicts were brought in when relevant, no giant backstory dump. And the author did a great job portraying both their external and internal responses to each other and to others in their respective communities.

The contrast between all that and the language and specificity in the sex scenes was a little jarring. It was a stark (no pun intended) contrast.

This was a well characterized story with good pacing and I cared about this couple and their family and friends. As I said, I will go back now and read the books of the other two co-owners of the business.

My thanks to NetGalley and publisher Afterglow (Harlequin) for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Sweet and fun and light read. Yes spicy and Poppy was my favorite! A tea shop! How fun and cozy. Loved it. Will look for more by Katherine.

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This one wasn't for me. I wasn't really able to connect with the characters or the plot. The pacing felt rushed as well. A quick and cozy read though!

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Book 3 of WiCKed Sisters was my favorite. There's just something about a redeemed bad boy that get to me. Katherine Garbera should be extremely proud of her ability to write characters who believably fall in love.

Thank you to Harlequin - Romance | Afterglow Books by Harlequin and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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loved poppy and al and coming together for a wedding . I loved that they pretended to be married and slowly fell back in love. He found what he loves and made changes to himself and really listened to her.

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Fun, lighthearted read! Easy ‘out of a slump’ book

Full disclosure: didn’t finish BUT rating it at 45% *because* liking it has made me want to go and read one of the books I’m missing! I’ve been lucky to have read 2/3 through ARC and now that I’m realizing this is it… I kinda wanna go back! So, I will be back with my updates but I mean…. I’ve genuinely enjoyed this series and me stopping to go back I see as a sign of how cute it is.

It’s not too serious and it’s something that goes by really quick, which I personally love for in between longer novela

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This was a sweet and spicy second chance romance that was heavy on the chemistry. I loved every part of this book- the banter, the snark, the tea, the brewing, everything!

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Brewing Up a Bad Boy by Katherine Garbera is a sweet and spicy small-town romance. Poppy, a tea shop owner, finds herself in a fake marriage with her ex-husband's charming cousin, Alistair. Their forced proximity leads to unexpected sparks and a whole lot of fun

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Second chances, family angst, strong found family, and a bit of moon magic weave a rollercoaster romance that highlights friendship and love and the power of trust. A great weekend read.

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This was a fun way to end this series! I liked the leads a lot, and there is something lovely about a second-chance romance. I loved the chemistry between the leads, their snark, their mutual pining, and the groveling that the MMC does to win the FMC back.
The other family dynamics, side characters, and tertiary love stories were very nicely done. Everything was wrapped up skillfully and was not rushed or incomplete.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and publisher for the ARC!

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The cover drew me in - it's so cute! The story reminded me a lot of Christina Lauren's "The Paradise Problem" (which is a good thing).

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Brewing Up A Bad Boy is the third book in the series. This story focuses on Poppy and Alistair. They are divorced because of mistakes that Alistair has made, but he needs her as a guest to his wedding because his family doesn't know that they are divorced.

Poppy works for a tea shop and runs a discord that focuses on brewing teas. Alistair has taken an interest in brewing beers and kombuchas after their divorce. They bond over their interest in brewing and grow together to get over past regrets and mistakes.

Alistair has changed for the better and will do whatever it takes to get Poppy to come back into his life. Poppy learns to trust him again after he proves to her that he really has become the man she has always wanted him to be. They fall in love with each other all over again and grow closer than they ever were before.

Thank you to Netgalley, Harlequin-Romance, and Katherine Garbera for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Tea shop owner Poppy agrees to pretend that she's still married to her ex-husband Alistair in exchange for a business deal with his family. Except that she falls for him all over again...

Alistair and Poppy are terrific together. I love how they work things out. Love how he has changed.... Great romance.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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This was a strong third entry in the WICKed Sisters series, it was everything that I enjoyed from the first two books in this series. The characters had that concept and feel that I was hoping for from the series. The overall story worked and I enjoyed the romance element to this book. Katherine Garbera does a great job in writing this and making characters that are realistic and fun in a romantic story.

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Like the rest of the series, I really enjoyed “Brewing Up a Bad Boy.” I enjoyed getting to know Alistair and Poppy. Their chemistry is fabulous. I also love watching Alistair working through his past mistakes and embracing his growth. It was really special to see someone owning their mistakes and working toward a future.

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Book 3 of the Wicked Sisters series is a second chance romance. Same witchy vibes and found family as the first two books but this time with tea, beer, and kombucha 😉

When Poppy and Alistair were married, he was more interested in making a name for himself in his family’s company than building a life with her. Now he’s turned his life around and wants a second chance.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review watch for Brewing Up a Bad Boy to come out January 21, 2025.

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