Member Reviews

Absolutely amazing. I love that it just picked up in a new city with Zarya and Yasen’s new life in the middle of their current mission. There was always so much going on that I never wanted to stop reading- but it was perfectly balanced so that the action wasn’t overwhelming. I love Nisha’s writing because she develops the characters so well and I am so invested in their story. The ending to this story was perfect because it wasn’t quite a cliffhanger but there are so many questions and unknowns at the end of book 3 that as a reader I am left wanting more!

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This series is so good, I literally jumped up and down when I received this ARC.


I will get my notes together and write a longer review soon and update my review. Until then, know that this series now holds a permanent place in my heart and I will definitely enjoy a reread at some point!
This was an awesome third book! 😍

The way the book ended makes me so excited for the next one 🖤

Thank you Second Sky Books and NetGalley for the gifted review copy!

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Nisha J. Tuli is the queen of cliffhangers so I was so happy to get this ARC. I listened to the two first books in this series as audio books and have been literally on my toes waiting for this book to come out.

I read this book over two days, if I could have I would have read it in one sitting. This isn't my favorite series by Nisha but it's close to the "artefacts of Ouranos". Nisha has a way with words and is great not only with the world building but also thinking of the details that will draw you into the book and fall in love with the characters. The Indian lore and fantasy was really interesting, however what I really loved was the tropes like; touch her and die and a dragon shifter MMC. All characters really grows in this book but I was especially impressed by Zarya's character and how she dealt with everything. If you're looking for an emotional roller-coaster, this book is for you. And as I mentioned just at the beginning,

Dark magic courses through Zarya’s veins—magic that could save countless lives… or doom her world. Shattered by Rabin’s betrayal, Zarya vows to leave all thoughts of him behind. In the dangerous city of Ishaan, she joins an ancient struggle for freedom. Ishaan is a city of violent contrasts. Nobles and scholars live in golden luxury. But thousands of vanshaj workers are born into magical slavery—in punishment for a crime forgotten centuries ago. Zarya is outraged, and certain that the fate of the vanshaj is linked to her own forbidden magic. She joins a band of rebels battling for their freedom, and with Yasen at her side she throws herself into the fight.

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ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ: A Storm of Ink and Blood
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ: Nisha J. Tuli
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Fantasy
ꜱᴏᴜʀᴄᴇ: e-ARC
ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
ꜱᴘɪᴄᴇ: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5

Thank you Second Sky Books and NetGalley for the gifted review copy!

In true Nisha J. Tuli style, she never fails to serve with her books! I was honoured to receive an ARC for SOIAB in exchange for an honest review.

Storm of Ink and Blood is the third book in the captivating Nightfire Quartet Series.

This book takes a completely different turn than the first two books. Were plunged into a new setting and a new motive where our beloved FMC Zarya, shows so much of her character development changed from the first book. We get to see how well developed character Zarya is and how she deals with everything with her new perspectives.

The book takes place in Ishaan, the home of Zarya's half-siblings in Gi'ana. We get to explore a lot more about the secrets that were hidden in the previous books and get to see amazing new characters.

The book is a rollercoaster of emotions. The way the emotions are portrayed is magnificent --- even for the side and new characters.

We are grovelling, explanations, secrets and plot throughout the book and the title is so true to the book.

The book hands down my favourite in the series. The world is so beautiful and different that you don't want to leave. I finished my ARC in less than four hours. There's healing that happens in the story in the background that is so refreshing and healing for our hearts too. The Indian lore and fantasy themes in the story are so point on and gives a wonderful representation to the culture.

Overall, you can expect an action packed, emotional and romance filled read. You're going to be down for an adventure with this one.

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I'm so grateful that I was able to get an ARC of Storm of Ink and Blood.

If you know me, you probably know that I haven’t shut up about the first two books in this series, so I couldn’t wait to dive into this book.

Zarya’s growth throughout the series has been so amazing. I also love her relationships with the friends she’s made throughout her journey. And, of course, I love Rabin (how can you not).

I can’t wait for the last book in this series!

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I absolutely love all of Nisha J Tuli’s books and I was so happy to be able to continue this series. This series is so addictive and beautifully written!

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I am a huge fan of Nisha’s books and was so excited to receive an ARC. The world building is so well done without being tedious, the characters are complex and flawed and realistic, the spice is spicy and this book did not disappoint. I’m so excited to continue this series when the next book is ready!

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I mean, come on. This series is so stupidly good! I'm obsessed with it.

I practically screamed when I got this ARC. I love Nisha J. Tuli and this series is my all time favorite from her. Everything about it is great, the world she made is so amazing and I love fantasy books based around East Asian culture and mythology. So many fantasy books focus on Celtic or Norse mythology, but the vibes of this series are unmatched. It's so unique and the characters are so easy to love. She is the queen of pacing, never too fast and never too slow.

Betrayal tropes in romance books are always tough because the author has to really find the right amount of time for the characters to be separated to where you feel like the betrayal didn't get dragged on too long, but you also don't feel like they gave in too easy. This one really hit the mark on that. I felt that Zarya stayed mad for the perfect amount of time, and Rabin never gave up. Once they came together, she took a fair amount of time to trust him again but was still open to him and working on it. I think this is one of the best post-betrayal trope storylines I've read! It really was just the perfect pace of reconciliation.

This book was a 5 star for me, just like the last one. I'll probably think about this series for a long time because I'm so obsessed with the world it's created. I'm never going to shut up about it! The only bad thing about receiving this early is that I'll have to wait even longer until book 4. I'm ready for it now!!

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