Member Reviews

This is book #29 in the Jack Reacher series which has had its share of great stories and not so good.
I gave it the following SCORE:
Setting: Present day, Florida and the Bahamas
Characters: Jack Reacher, the vagabond, one-toothbrush, one-credit card, one-change of clothes, coffee-guzzling superman who, in this story doesn’t have to look for trouble and, instead, wakes up in trouble. Of course, there is a traditional, new, able, female law-enforcement assistant in this one who is almost equally capable and there is a herd of despicable bad guys who are easily and summarily dismissed/incapacitated/extinguished.
Overview: Nothing new here with the exception that Reacher, in addition to being greatly out-numbered and facing improbable odds, has the multiple handicaps of a badly injured arm and a memory loss from before being captured and restrained.
Recommendation: I rate this book 3 stars
Extras: A large cast of bad guys (or are they good guys?) requires the reader to pay attention and keep track of who is who and where they are. And, as always with Reacher, it is a generally fun read and one that has a mildly surprising twist to hold interest in the story.
Thanx to NetGalley and Random House/Delacorte Press for the opportunity to provide this candid review

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In Too Deep is the latest Jack Reacher novel by Lee and Andrew Child. Now if you’ve read the series you already know that most of the novels start with some action. This one is no different…except that this time we miss out on the events leading up to the start of this book, where Reacher wakes up handcuffed to a bed. What? How did that happen? Well that;’s what he needs to figure out. He’s injured and has no memory of the events that led him to his current condition. Of course a wrist injury and some minor amnesia aren’t going to be enough to slow Jack down. But you already knew that, right? Fast paced action and a compelling story that touches on art thefts, a dirty undercover agent, and even nuclear secrets had me completely hooked from start to finish. If you’re already a fan of the series this one hits all the beats you’ve come to expect from a Reacher story. And if this if your first time reading a Reacher book I’m going to go out on a limb and say it likely won’t be your last. If I had to complain about anything it would be that while we know Reacher is perhaps a bit of a luddite and usually avoids flying I don’t think he would have been totally unaware of how luggage pickup worked, but honestly that’s nitpicking. This has been one of my favorite series for decades for the simple reason that Reacher novels always entertain! And I don’t see that changing anytime soon. I’d like to thank Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine | Delacorte Press, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an eARC of In Too Deep.

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Never gets old. Even after 29 books, the Jack Reacher story continues to roll on.

Somewhere near the Ozarks, Jack Reacher (no middle initial) is having a burger, coffee, and a slice of pie. Outside, it looks like a couple punks are trying to steal a car. Reacher’s sense of right/wrong won’t let him ignore them, steps outside and in his typical friendly manner, convinces the would-be thieves to rethink their plan.

The car owner is quite grateful and in the ensuing conversation learns that Reacher is headed toward New Orleans via his thump and a bus ticket. The grateful car owner offers Reacher a ride. While showing off what his car can do, the driver runs the car off the road. Driver dead. Reacher unconscious. No memory of the attempted car theft, the ride, of the crash.

Somehow, Reacher ends up in a hospital with a healthy case of retrograde amnesia and a casted broken wrist. A day in the hospital is more than Reacher can stand and makes his leave against medical advice.

His first task is to find out more about the driver. On second thought, that might not have been his best decision because he’s stumbled onto a small ‘gang’ of crooks who specialize in stealing/selling counterfeit or original artwork. And they’ve been pretty good at it.

One member of this gang is quite the online researcher. She directs her compadres on where to find and obtain said artwork. But she’s also hacked into something called Cone Enterprises and has hit on what could be the motherlode of motherlodes. A report whose contents are so explosive that they could name any price and sell it to enemies of the US. Reacher, a suspended Phoenix PD detective, and the FBI try to track down the report and keep it away from any form of prying eyes.

Good grief. This is the 29th Jack Reacher book. And Child and Child still manage to keep the story fresh and current. This was a fast 3-day read for me. Saying it was a page-turner is trite. You just can’t wait to see where the next page will take you.

And if you’ve been living in a cave, Amazon Prime Studios has two seasons of Reacher for streaming. And no, Tom Cruise isn’t playing Reacher. Alan Ritchson (all 6’2” and 240 lbs of him) is carrying the weight of the franchise on his considerable shoulders. Season 3 is being shot now and a 4th season has already received the green light. With 29 books, the Reacher character has plenty of source material. I've watched both seasons twice. A third is in my future.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advance reviewer copy. Publication date is 22 OCT 2024 so reserve your copy now . . . not tomorrow. NOW.

East Coast Don

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This is co-authored by Lee and Andrew Child. It starts with Reacher awakening tied to a table with no memory of what had happened to him and how he got there. He’d been hitchhiking and the car he was in went over the edge of a winding road. The story is about how he got there and why. The antagonists were merciless and only interested in the money they could make selling important and confidential material and murdering each other to increase any individual’s cut. Reacher has broken an arm in the automobile accident and not slowed down at all. He is also teaming up with Knight, a suspended detective from the Phoenix Police who is planning to avenge her father’s murder. The FBI is also part of the package and has the expected love/hate relationship with him. It’s been a while since I’ve read one of Reacher’s adventures, but it won’t be that long again. Thanks to Net Galley and Delacorte for an ARC for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. I have read the first two books in this series and now this one. I have also watched both seasons of Reacher on Prime. The series on Prime is the reason I started reading the books. I enjoy both very much.

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I have read literally every Jack Reacher book written, and anxiously await each new release. I am so pleased to see we are back to classic Reacher!!!!! Probably just me, but I felt like he was missing something from the last few books. In Too Deep was a great revival of Reacher’s critical thinking skills and his ability to outmaneuver his opponents as well as other law enforcement agencies. Really enjoyed the book and hope there might be a follow up with him visiting Phoenix,AZ.

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IN TOO DEEP is the latest Reacher novel by Andrew Child. Lee Child has his name on the cover, but as is seen in the writing style, is obviously no longer writing the books himself. Reacher comes to and finds himself shackled, unable to move, with no knowledge of where he is or how he ended up this way. Escaping, he Is determined to find out who's behind his injuries and capture. Reacher is informed by a man who appears and states he is there to help him. Reacher is told he was involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, Reacher has lost his memory of the past two hours happening and no way of knowing what the truth is. As he seeks to learn more about the man offering his assistance and his captor, the more questions arise. The story is filled with twist and turns that keep one reading till the end. Reacher light, as most of the books are these days, but still quite enjoyable.

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Lee Child and Andrew Child are both excellent writers who know exactly how to pull you into their books and make you want to not stop reading until you finish them. Their characters are very interesting along with the story. It begins with Jack Reacher waking up being restrained with no memory of how he got there nor does he remember who has him in this location. This incredible book will take you on a journey of how Reacher got into this mess and how he gets himself out of it.

This book is so good. I really liked everything about this book. This was the first book I’ve read in this series and plan to read this series in the correct order soon.

Thank you so much to Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Lee Child has another winner for Jack Reacher in the latest book, In Too Deep! Jack Reacher does not disappoint his readers as he is in trouble beginning with the first chapter! Gripping suspense and plenty of action keeps one reading this book way past bedtime.

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I've yet to meet a dull Reacher book, so it's no surprise that the Childs deliver again with a great page-turner. Indeed, the pacing this time was particularly good; I thought halfway through that it was pretty much wrapped up and was wondering what could possibly keep the narrative going for another hundred pages. Of course, plot happened, and I couldn't put it down until I'd finished. I also have a soft spot for Reacher's romantic interests, so I was glad to see him connect with a girlfriend, however temporary. I don't think this is the best of the Reacher books, but it's still very, very good and much recommended.

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IN TOO DEEP is the newest Jack Reacher book. While Jack Reacher is in an unknown place lying in pain and shackled, Ivan Vidic is five miles away in a parked car watching the aftermath of a car accident he had caused. Who is Ivan Vidic? What is he up to? What is Jack Reacher’s place in the story? I have questions that need answers.

This is an action-packed saga, and the chapters seem to fly by. It helps to really pay attention while reading the opening chapters to get a good sense of the plot. After that, I’m hooked and must know what happens next. I like the succinct dialogue and the well-sculptured plot. This is the first Jack Reacher book I have read and look forward to reading other Reacher novels whenever I am in the mood for an exciting adventure. I have to admit, I never thought I would be a fan of the Jack Reacher books. I was wrong. Thank you, Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine and NetGalley, for the chance to read and review and advance reader copy of IN TOO DEEP.

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Reacher fans will not be disappointed! Lee and Andrew Child score again with another action-packed thriller. A case of amnesia, a mild concussion, and a broken wrist do little to slow down our intrepid hero. As usual, he finds a strong woman to team up with and she proves a good match for Reacher. The plot is engaging with lots of twists and turns. Definitely a good read.

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Jack Reacher is back in action- or more like inaction - as he comes to consciousness handcuffed to a steel framed bed after being the passenger in a car crash that he cannot remember. And so this fast moving next Reacher adventure leaps into high octane action.

Reacher figures out how to escape the handcuffs, but now the shady dealings of a small Southern town near Birmingham have become highly personal. As usual Reacher’s not leaving until he figures out what is really going on. Turns out what’s happening ladders up to a huge national threat, and Reacher is forced to move in and out of lone ranger mode as he reluctantly calls for help from the FBI.

With multi-nefarious plots underway along with a woman cop on leave seeking her Dad’s murderer who is a part of all this, Reacher has much heavy lifting to do as he struggles to figure out what’s really going on.

Prepare to stay up late in one sitting to devour this awesome latest Reacher vigilante thriller!

Thanks to Random House Pubilshing Group and Netgalley for an advanced reader’s copy.

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Another solid offering in the Reacher series. Lots of twists and turns. Enjoyable and a good addition to the series.

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In a clever twist on the classic Reacher story, this time our hero suffers an injury that has him fighting literally with only one hand. The plot is complex and even a bit muddy, but, as ever, this is a gratifying read.

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Adrenaline filled chaos Reacher wakes up chained to a bed with no idea how he got there. The rest of the book answers that question. Impossible odds are table ante for this series and readers will be glad to play.

This character and these books are just plain fun.

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Great addition to the series

This was a good, fast-paced book with one flaw needed to change it from a novella to a novel. Reacher and a suspended police officer have the bad guys literally tied up half way through the book. Then they leave them with the FBI reportedly a half hour away from collecting them. Of course, that falls apart and the book continues. There are two problems with this. First, there are no law enforcement officers that can reach the bad guys sooner? Second, couldn't Reacher and company wait until the FBI was basically pulling in the drive to leave?

But, this was a very good book. There was some fighting, but not the over-the top, jump-the-shark kind that almost had me abandon the series a few books ago. I think I have the addition of Andrew Child as an author to thank for that. The supporting characters were good and the plot interesting. There were lots of dead bodies and more blood than I am fond of, but that is easy to skim over.

All in all this was a solid book and a great addition to the series.

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Jack Reacher is back, but this time he starts the story at a disadvantage. He’s been captured, injured, and his short term memory is impaired. The stakes are high and keep climbing as the story advances.

This installment is nicely focused on a group of thieves with a few solid twists. Reacher gets plenty of coffee, pie, and some action as he works to right wrongs and make the bad guys pay. One of my favorite things about this installment is seeing Reacher deal with limitations as he needs to adjust his attack strategy based on his injuries. Of course, in true Reacher style, he refuses to let anything stand in his way.

Once I started reading, I had a hard time putting the book down. I read the bulk of the book in a single day. I really liked both the quality and quantity of the female characters. The bad guys were a nice mix of strategists and thugs. My only complaint is that the ending was a tad abrupt for me, but to be fair, I love an epilogue.

For me, this is a 4.5 star read, rounded up to 5.

Andrew Child has done a fantastic job of taking the reins from his brother Lee and creating new Reacher adventures.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thanks to Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, for providing an Advance Reader Copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Book Title: In Too Deep
Series: Jack Reacher #29
Author: Lee Child & Andrew Child
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group ~ Ballantine, Delacorte Press
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Pub Date: October 22, 2024
My Rating: 3.4 Stars!
Pages: 336

Reacher wakes up, handcuffed to a bed in a makeshift hospital room. He has no memory of how he got he got here. The last thing he can remembers is the car he had hitched a ride went off the twisty ‘S’ curved road. The driver was killed. It appears the driven was driven off and the men who caused the accident assume Reacher was the driver's accomplice. So they take him to their makeshift hospital to tend to his wounds as they need some information they believe he knows.
~ Okay this got my attention!
I was so pleased the Jack Reacher series has continued. Although Lee Child is semi-retired, he and his brother Andrew continue to co-author!
I have been a Jack Reacher fan for many years. I have totally loved them okay most of them as there were some that were good and a few that were okay. Disappointed that this wasn’t great - Yes! ‘Good – but . . .. . not the ‘great’ I was expecting!
Will I read another Reacher story – ‘You Betcha’!

I want to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group ~Ballantine, Delacorte Press for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for October 22, 2024.

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As a long-time fan of Jack Reacher, I was excited to dive into "In Too Deep," the 29th installment in this iconic series. Lee and Andrew Child have once again delivered a pulse-pounding thriller that reminded me why I keep coming back to Reacher's world. From the moment I started reading, I was hooked by the unusual setup: Reacher waking up handcuffed, injured, and with no memory of how he got there.

The plot follows a familiar formula, with the iconic drifter teaming up with a female partner to unravel a race against time mystery involving FBI and undercover agents and national security. However, the authors keep this well-worn path fresh and exciting, particularly with an unexpected mid-book twist that transforms a good Reacher adventure into an exceptional one.

What sets "In Too Deep" apart is its unexpected mid-book twist. At that point, I thought the book was finished and the mystery solved, but the authors pull off a surprising turn that reinvigorates the story and propels it into a thrilling second half. This narrative sleight of hand upshifts the pacing. What had been standard, almost plodding, suddenly becomes relentless. The second half of the book showcases high-stakes action, a much more intricate plot and clever problem-solving.

I finished "In Too Deep" with a sense of satisfaction and relief. The Child brothers have crafted another winner that left me eagerly anticipating Reacher's next adventure. Whether you're a longtime Reacher enthusiast like me or new to the series, I highly recommend this must-read thriller. It's a powerful reminder of why Jack Reacher remains one of the most compelling characters in contemporary fiction.

A big thank you to Random House and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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