Member Reviews

I read this as and ARC on NetGalley. What a wonderful story of life not working out as planned and finding your happily ever after anyway!

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Melanie Summers is soooo good at describing sceneries...

4.5 stars for this super cute romance. How I wish it wasn't a closed door hahaha !

I loved both characters a lot. They seem very different at first but they fall for each other so quickly and so strongly that you want it to end well (considering it's a romance, it has to but you don't want them to have too much of a hard time before finding their way to each other).

I take 0.5 point off because of the "grampa winning one million dollar at the end". It made me cringe and seemed artifical (and I say it after our characters spending two or three weeks alone on a deserted island !!!!)

Thank you to Netgalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Tide Together by Melanie Summers is a lovely romance book - a close proximity trope. A busy ad agency assistant from New York is stranded on an island with a rugged, carefree pilot and sparks fly. I love how the romance developed first through emotional before physical conenctions, despite the immediate attraction between them. The characters were interesting and I liked the character development. A lovely read. Thank you, Netgalley and Gretz Corp for giving me the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Gretz Corp for a copy of this book for me to review.

As expected, Melanie Summers did not disappoint! Filled with her trademark banter and flow, Tide Together is the perfect summer beach read (and all year round tbh since I read this at the beginning of spring). Her writing and overall book vibes always makes me feel happy and giddy; with a side of temporary heartache. And with every book I read of hers, it makes me question which one is my favourite because they're all so bingeable and heartwarming.

One of my favourite aspects of this book is just how funny it is - shoutout to one of the best chapter titles: 'While You Were Sleeping (Director's Cut)'). I also love how the one bed trope was done right lol with how the FMC made use of some light scheming to get what she wants.

Would read again!

Overall rating: 4.25/5

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a review.

I love Melanie Summers books. They are always such a good mix of funny and quirky and romantic. This one gave me a lot of vibes similar to that movie with Harrison Ford from the 90s, Six Days and Seven Nights, but without as much mortal peril. It was a good read and a fun romp. Highly recommend Summers' work!

Paige Chadwick is having the worst day of her life. Her tyrant boss has made her three days late for her sister’s destination wedding trip, and now she’s stuck on the wrong Caribbean island with the wedding just hours away.

Enter Mac Gamble, a brooding yet irresistibly attractive pilot, who reluctantly agrees to get her to the church on time.

When a fast-moving storm leaves them stranded on a deserted island, they’re forced to rely on each other to survive. As they navigate their new surroundings, tempers flare and an undeniable attraction grows.

Amidst the stunning sunsets and white sand beaches, Paige starts to see that underneath Mac’s gruff exterior is a heart of gold.

Can these two opposites find a love as deep as the ocean, or will their differences stir up a hurricane of heartbreak?

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This book is a perfect blend of romance and humor. I was hooked from the beginning. The chemistry between the two main characters is undeniable, and their banter had me laughing out loud more than once.

The island setting adds an element of escapism that makes this book the perfect end-of-summer read. "Tide Together" is an uplifting, feel-good story about love, self-worth, and second chances. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a light-hearted yet meaningful romantic comedy!

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There are some books that I know are going to be just what I need before I even pick them up. Books that are going to lift my spirit, make me laugh and make me feel good. Anything by Melanie Summers certainly fits into that category. The only downside to Tide Together is that I should probably have not read it so fast (I only started it last night). I don't care though, a greedy read just hits the spot sometimes and this one certainly did.
Set on a beautiful tropical island, overworked Paige and chilled-out Mac find themselves stranded after Mac's plane crashes. I enjoyed being along for the ride on this one. They may have been stranded out there, but it certainly doesn't sound like it was a hardship.
Mac and Paige make a fantastic couple. I loved the way they figured things out about themselves as they spent time together and that they became more by being together.
As with all of Malanie's books like this, I found myself grinning and even laughing at points. This was a fun and enjoyable read. I'm only sad that it's all over now. Maybe I need a break on a beautiful island in the Caribbean? I can always dream!
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

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I just love Melanie Summer's books and this one is fantastic! A great, fun, summer read!

It's a fast moving story - the characters are interesting, the deserted island setting is fun and romantic. Paige is uber late for her sister's destination wedding - her overwhelming boss keeps holding her up and demanding she put off family time for working. When she finally gets going, she finds a storm moving in has stopped any planes - it's a short way over to the island and one pilot takes pity on her and they go wheels up. Only to crash land on a deserted island.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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Paige, a workaholic feeling like the family misfit, rushes to her sister’s Caribbean wedding and ends up stranded with Mac, a loner pilot with financial troubles. As they navigate their differences, they discover unexpected chemistry and life lessons. Though charming, the story follows familiar romance tropes, with some predictable character dynamics and messages on happiness.

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I read Tide Together with hopes of enjoying the characters and situations they were in but for me there was a story that I did not really like the characters. The book read choppy and off beat with the interaction between Paige Chadwick and Mac Gamble feeling forced.
Thank you NetGalley, Melanie Summers and Gretz Corp for the copy of Tide Together. This is my personal review.

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A feel-good romance. Fairly typical storyline.

Paige Chadwick is from a family of achievers. Her dad launched and is the CEO of Chadwick Mutual Funds, her mother a model turned fashion Mogul. Paige feels she is the misfit of the 3 children, the others being brother Philip and younger sister Tiffany, who are very like their parents. Their motto – don’t be a loser, don’t be fat, don’t be late. Tiffany to set to marry the heir to the Tyson Oil fortune. Paige is delayed in leaving New York due to work. She has a very demanding boss Guy who makes it clear that she is on “Guy time”. Paige is his EA but has a lot more responsibility than a usual EA. She has been slogging it out since 6 years but believes it will be worth it in the long run. She finally does take off for the Caribbean where her sister is having a destination wedding. They hopes to make it just in time.

Mac Gamble, has a one-bedroom shack on the beach in one of the Caribbean islands. He has a small plane and leads a happy life. His granddad Jack lives in a facility for old people nearby. Mac is just about able to make ends meet though, especially since an increase in fee has been announced at his granddad’s place. After Paige lands at the airport, she finds that with a storm approaching in a few hours and a football match in progress, there are limited options for her to make it to her sister’s wedding. Mac reluctantly agrees to fly her. The plane crashes on an island short of their final destination due to bad weather.

The story is nice, and this is a good relaxing read. I liked both Mac & Paige’s characters though at times their behaviours come across as pretentious. The story is very typical though, and I would have liked to see some novelty that I can remember it by. There are some good messages on living life happily but I would have liked it to be more subtle and nuanced.

Recommended as a light read which you run through quickly and relax with.

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I liked this book. As always the authors banter of hate to love was witty. However I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I did Melanie Summer’s “Love Signals”. “Tide together” is a fun beach read but it didn’t feel as deep as Love Signals. I preferred Hudson over Mac in terms of going after the FMC. Like Hudson was cocky but he just wanted Allie to like him and was buying her gifts and meeting her family to help. Mac just wasn’t as swoon worthy.

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This was my first experience with this author. What a delightful story. I am eager to read more of her work. Nice that I am late to the game and have many of her books to look forward to reading. This one had me chuckling and getting misty eyed. Having worked at an advertising agency that portion of the protagonist's tale really resonated. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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I’ve enjoyed this author’s books in the past but this one was a miss for me.
Maybe it was the talk about weight early on…it just felt like that was going to be a “thing” for the character and I really don’t enjoy books that make a physical feature a key element of the story (unless it’s a beauty and the beast retelling lol)
Maybe it ended up not being a thing and maybe it was great, but I didn’t have the patience to find out. So I DNFd it. But I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because the story sounds really good. Maybe I’ll try again later.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Xpresso Book Tours for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

An enjoyable continuation to the series. Can’t wait to read more of the authors books.

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I love this series—it captures the feel of a beach read no matter the time of year!

In this one, Paige is a workaholic determined to make it to her sister’s wedding on time. She convinces Mac to take her, and they end up stranded on a nearby island together. Talk about forced proximity! I really enjoyed the dual POV and how the tension between them slowly builds into insta-love while they’re stuck together.

Overall, this was such a fun and swoon-worthy read! Perfect for fans of summer romances with a dash of adventure

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Thanks Netgalley and Gretz Corp for this arc.

Overall this has been a winning series for me and I was delighted to be able to read the latest installment. Opposites attract, alone on a deserted island, (sort of) one bed, self discovery, overworked heroine – it’s got a lot of tropes, some of which aren’t my favorites but darn it if the title isn’t another good one.

First off, there are issues in the story which I’m sure would drive people who know more about them batty. Mac is an experienced pilot but files no flight plan? Nah, no need for that. After the plane goes down, do either Paige or Mac think to check their cell phones for over twenty four hours? No, there’s no cell service but still … Paige injures herself charging off in a huff but does Mac go get the cold pack from his plane when they get back? Nope, that can wait a while.

But enough of those piddly complaints. There are things here that will appeal. Paige and Mac do lots of banter, some of it witty. Although they can also snipe and snarl at each other a bit. Gotta get the opposites attract aspects laid out. Oh, but “simmering attraction” is also here. Simmering and then “rising to a boil” attraction. There is one part where Paige sorta plans something and then thinks, if she flipped the genders it would be all wrong. Then she adds some alcohol to the mix to try and get Mac into bed. As cute as she is trying to lower Mac’s guard, it’s still problematic.

As Mac’s grandfather reminds Mac, being alone with someone on a deserted island is a great way to see someone’s true character. Almost as good as judging how well someone treats waitstaff. Mac and Paige are alone together for almost two weeks and get to see each other in all their glory. Thankfully they talk as well as have smoking hot sex and do some self discovery along the way.

The plot threads are wrapped up a bit too conveniently at the end. Family issues that have been problems for years for Paige seem to magically be smoothed away with promises from her perfectionist family to be kinder and less judgmental. Paige grows some ovaries about her job and Mac gets smacked with some words of wisdom from his poker pals. Okay, yes this is a beach read and it’s not aiming to strain brain cells or do a terribly deep dive into angst so because of that I tried to take it as it is and mostly enjoy the beach breezes. B-

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

This was such a good book. I really enjoyed it. More than I thought I would. I loved the writing style. This book had me hooked from page one. This is a first for me by this author but will not be my last!!

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3.5 stars
This book is the perfect summer beach-read as it is such a quick, easy and fun read! Before reading this book, I have only read the first three books of the series, but I did enjoy all of them.
In this book, the two main characters get in a plane crash, and land on a deserted island. They are complete opposites, and don't really get along at first, but they have to work together so that someone will find them out there. After kinda living together for a few days in a small house, that they found on the island, they don't really want to be found anymore.
The author made being stranded on a deserted island, in the Caribbean so much fun and I did laugh a lot reading this book.
I'd totally recommend this book!

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Well! This was adorable and hilarious. Loved it from start to finish!

Thank you to Greta Corp & Netgalley for the chance to rate and review this novel!

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