Member Reviews

Well! This was adorable and hilarious. Loved it from start to finish!

Thank you to Greta Corp & Netgalley for the chance to rate and review this novel!

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What a fun little romantic beach read! This is the perfect book to take with you to the beach, or maybe you're stuck at home and just need an escape. I love a good forced proximity trope and Melanie handled it really well here. Mac and Paige were great MC's and I really enjoyed watching each of them grow. I was cheering in my head when Paige told her boss to shove it. And when she stood up to her parents. Mac was such a typical "I don't need anyone" MMC, so I really enjoyed watching him fall for his complete opposite.

I have to give a shout out to the BFF, Vivian. I mean, talk about a ride or die friend. We all need someone like her in our corner! And Grandpa Jack was adorable. His little surprise had me cackling.

If you're looking for spice and new to this author, it's closed door with implied actions! I don't want anyone to pick this up and be disappointed by the lack of spice. It's still a super fun and engaging story.

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I requested this book mainly because of the author as I have really enjoyed her previous books. I quite enjoy her characters and their conversations. This book, however, isn't working for me. I couldn't connect with the writing or the characters. I couldn't feel the spark. The writing felt too light and kind of rushed.

If you're looking for a light read, it might work for you.
Also, I must admit that I am an impatient reader, and for me, it's a bad reading phase.

Thank you for the copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest feedback. This is the seventh book in the paradise bay series and a first book for me to read. I really need to dive into the first six books! I feel it can read as a standalone if you haven’t started the series yet. I really enjoyed this book and finished it around 2am this morning!!! I loved both the male and female characters in this book. They were fun. I found this book was the perfect end of summer read for me!

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I love a good romantic comedy. Tide Together was my latest read and it was superb!Pick this one up! A great read!

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Por lo regular disfruto de los libros de Melanie, sin embargo, en esta ocasión no fue así. No me cayeron bien los protagonistas, se me hicieron insufribles y la historia no se me hizo entretenida ni interesante debido a las interacciones entre Paige y Mac.

Para pasar el tiempo está bien, pero no es algo que recuerde en un mes.

Me cayó mal la familia de Paige.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gretz Corporation for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Tide Together reminded me why I love Melanie Summers and her paradise bay series. Between her lovely characters with great chemistry and her ability to take me to gorgeous beaches I can’t get enough. While Tide Together wasn’t directly related to her series characters or plot lines (that I could recall), she utilized the paradise bay setting to set up my favorite romance premise - stranded on an island.

Paige and Mac can’t catch a break in their lives and it gets worse when they end up in the middle of a storm, crash landing on an island. While these two are polar opposites (think overly driven to the point of allowing herself to be manipulated into being a doormat versus so chill and disconnected from people his best friend is a gecko), together they manage to balance out once they get over their initial friction. As a result this becomes a heartwarming romance with plenty of action and tension to keep the plot moving. While I felt the couple got off easy in their stranded on an island adventure, their banter and slow revelations of what they wanted out of life added plenty of things to work through (if not finding potable water sources).

If you’re not a fan of Melanie Summers books then surely you’ve read the wrong ones, she’s amazing and her books are guaranteed to elicit a laugh and a dreamy sigh. I’m thankful I had my reminder of that with Tide Together and look forward to any other novels she may have coming!

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