Member Reviews

Beautiful portrayal of deep love in the setting of personal change and growth. I was given a free ARC copy of Out of the Woods by Hannah Bonam-Young from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Out on a Limb was one of my favorite reads last year and this continuation of the story was just what I needed. Sarah and Caleb have been together since high school and from the opening chapters you realize Sarah is struggling with who she is and what she has accomplished in her adulthood. She is clearly still struggling from her childhood trauma of losing her mother and having her dreams of being a writer diminished. Caleb is one of my favorite dorky kind of clueless characters who clearly cares deeply for Sarah and doesn’t know how to process her current struggle. They make an uncharacteristic decision to partake in a couples retreat to help work through their current problems. The side characters on the retreat are well done and add depth to the story. I love the required journal entries they do and the depth of feeling from Caleb that was almost unexpected from a more reserved workaholic. The ending few chapters were unexpected and definitely heart wrenching but done so perfectly. I cannot wait to read more from this author!

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I adored this book! Hannah Bonam-Young does an excellent job exploring the joys and challenges of a long-term relationship as Sarah and Caleb face the changing needs of themselves and their respective partners. It's rare for a book that focuses on two people already in a loving, committed relationship to bring this much joy, emotion, and tension, but Bonam-Young nailed it. I was fully giggling and kicking my feet at their banter and messiness, while other tender, vulnerable moments had tears streaming down my face.

Sarah's character in particular got me good - it felt like some of my own most vulnerable flaws were being mirrored back to me, and seeing them in her gave me compassion for those moments I am not the best version of myself.

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She's done it again, Hannah Bonam-Young knows how to write a romance that will tug at your heartstrings and make you wish the men in your life were that pure. Despite the premise of this book being heavier than your normal romance, there was SO much heart and plenty of swoon-worthy moments. Bad boys and enemies to lovers had their moment in the sun, and now it is time for sincere men who want to work through their own issues!!! I wish we had gotten more of what their relationship looked like once they were on the same page. I will definitely read anything this author writes in the future!

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Incredible. From start to finish this was incredible. As a proud member of the HBY fan club, I truly will never shut up about this book. I felt the full range of emotions with this one. From little chuckles and big laughs, to literal goosebumps during the forest scene (IYKYK), to sad tears and then happy tears, I went through it with this one. It’s just so beautiful. What I didn’t expect was for Hannah to heal part of my soul with this. Grief is something I’ve always struggled with and feel that I don’t really have any concept of dealing with so I guess I mostly just ignore it? But through Sarah and her journey I came to understand so much and process a lot of the grief I have weighing me down. I feel like I gained pieces to keep forever to move forward in life where I know loss will come. Sarah and Caleb’s love runs so insanely deep, it was incredibly moving to read as they found their way back to each other again and to see their love intensify in so many ways. This read like a real life story, real love and I adore these characters so much as if they were real friends of mine. The fact we even got so much Bo and Win was just icing on the literary cake because I adore them and miss them so much. I will treasure these characters forever and always.

Thank you Hannah for sending me an early copy of your newest book. I am once again in awe of you and the stories you tell. I will forever appreciate being along for the ride this far and cannot wait to see what you create next. You’re such a wonderful human.

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Out of the Woods was a perfect second chance/finding yourself novel. Hannah Bonam-Young is phenomenal and you need to read this book (after reading Out on a Limb, of course).


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Loved Out on a Limb and this book was a great follow-up. Full of green flags 💚💚, endearing characters, and some soul searching.

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MY HEART. Perfection. No notes. Out on a Limb was my favorite read in 2023 and this follow up was INCREDIBLE. I love a marriage in crisis book and this one was done SO WELL. You can tell that the MC's love each other and want to do whatever they can to continue loving each other, just better. I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this book and to gush about it with my friends. You guys aren't going to want to miss this one!!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to be an early reader. All thoughts are my own.

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"If you give me the space to grow, I'll plant myself next to you. Always".

Hannah has done it again!! The way I laughed, cried and loved every single character in this book - the most green flag characters to have ever existed but done in a way that’s not cringey and just makes you want to hug them all and be their best friend 😂😂

This book follows Sarah and Caleb, who are high school sweet hearts that got married at nineteen before the passing of Sarah's mom. Sarah has been a stay at home wife since Caleb's business took off and begins to have an existential crisis about her purpose in life after hosting a fundraiser that failed. She is striving to live a life that she feels will make her mother proud and feels that she is failing at that which ends up manifesting as issues in their marriage. After a blow-up fight, Win (Sarah's bestie and FMC from Out On a Limb) suggests Sarah and Caleb take their place on a "wilderness retreat" called Reignite to reconnect. The majority of the book follows Sarah and Caleb as they trek up a mountain, meet a fantastic cast of side characters, and remember why they love each other and more importantly what they love about themselves. It is equal parts heartbreaking, heartwarming, and deliciously spicy!!

I loved that this book was interconnected with my favorite characters from Out On a Limb, Win and Bo. I do wish we got to see more of Win and Sarah together in OOTW because their banter is top tier in my opinion! I absolutely adore the bromance between Caleb and Bo in OOAL and Caleb and Jai in OOTW. One part that threw me in this book was the crisis of religion that seemed to randomly pop up in Sarah's inner monologue at the beginning and then at the very end. I really would've liked her perspective on religion to not have left her feeling like she was left to "stand on her own two feet". But that said, I still adored every moment of this book and will read everything and anything Hannah writes!

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Out of the Woods

Thanks so much to @dellromance for the free eARC!

Are you kidding me??? I LOVED this. This was so incredibly, wonderfully good. This was a true breath of fresh air for me.
Hannah Bonam-Young has a gift when it comes to writing couples with realistic problems and emotions. I’ve always adored the way she incorporates different mental health representations into her books.
This story follows Sarah and Caleb, who go camping for a couples retreat hoping to improve their marriage. I believe that many people will be able to connect to this book. I don’t think you need to be married to understand their relationship struggles. Anyone who has ever been married, been in a relationship, or has simply had a crush on another person can probably relate to at least one part of this book.
There were so many good things packed into this book, including learning to get in touch with your emotions and how to communicate effectively. Of course, HBY adds humor to the story to keep it fun!
I was in my feels on one page, but laughing the next. Plus, Caleb. I love this man, he is quite literally my type. My GoodReads review says that “I would still love Caleb even if he were a worm” so I think that really expresses how much I adored his character.
These two are so good together, and I’m just so in awe of this story. This was perfection.
Be sure to add this book to your TBR for January 28th. In the meantime, make sure you read Out on a Limb!

Read If You Like:
🌲second chance romance
🌲realistic struggles of marriage
🌲therapy representation
🌲experiencing nature when you actually hate nature and exercise

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this ARC. This review may contain spoilers (mostly in the final paragraph, but I will provide a warning), so proceed with caution.

This book brought me to tears. At times, it felt as though it was written just for me. Knowing that the story reflects Hannah Bonam-Young’s life, along with the fact that she is one of my favorite authors and we share many similarities, made me feel a personal connection to her. Is that weird? Maybe, but it’s the truth.

I got married when I was eighteen, and although our circumstances were different, my early and quick marriage was fueled by young love and challenging situations. There were many similarities between the characters in this book and my own experiences with my husband. Getting married young is whimsical but also difficult, and as someone who’s been through it, I believe the author did an excellent job capturing the realistic struggles and emotions involved.

The chemistry between the two main characters is so palpable that you feel not only their love but also the tension between them, like a taut string preventing you from fully immersing yourself in their relationship at first. While reading Out of the Woods, I felt exposed, as if my own heart were on display. That’s how well-written, realistic, and relatable this book is.

I appreciated the raw and real emotions portrayed—anger, resentment, anxiety, betrayal, and communication barriers, all topped with unbridled sexual tension. It was perfection.

Hannah Bonam-Young consistently delivers diverse and inclusive stories, and Out of the Woods is no exception. The characters are enjoyable and well-rounded, each adding something unique to the narrative. I wouldn’t mind seeing more about some of the other couples featured.

I loved the concept behind the book, the chemistry and progression between the characters, and the plot's development. I was thrilled to see Win and Bo, my favorites, included as well. Reflecting on the majority of the book, it stands out as one of the best I’ve read.

To be transparent, there were aspects I didn’t like. This is where more SPOILERS come in.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what was missing, but it felt like there was so much going on that some of the less relevant elements diluted the impact of the main points.

For example (SPOILERS), the book includes a throwback POV of Sarah’s childhood and loss. However, since Caleb’s childhood also influenced their marital issues, it would have been incredible to include his POV as well. I think this addition would have better centered the story.

I was also unsure about the young child being brought to the marriage retreat. It seemed to detract from the plot. Given her age and the adult themes being explored, it felt inappropriate and forced. While I understood the idea behind it, I believe it could have been incorporated differently.

The discussion of religion felt somewhat forced, and I wasn’t fond of the drama at the end. It seemed to overshadow the progress they made through hard work and commitment, making their reunion feel less genuine, as if it was driven more by tragedy than by their efforts to improve their marriage.

I know it might seem like I’m being overly critical, but it’s only because I loved most of the book so much that I feel it’s important to address these issues. They occasionally pulled me out of an otherwise compelling and inspiring story, leaving me feeling somewhat unsettled.

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This was my first book that I have ever read by Hannah Bonam-Young, but I am so glad I got the opportunity to do so. She has blown up on booktok recently & I have a copy of Out on a Limb on my bookshelf, so I was super excited to dive in. This was a master piece! Most romances are of couples just starting to get together or dating, but it was such a nice change of pace to read a romance about a married couple.

This book is about Caleb & Sarah Linwood, who are best friends with Win & Bo from Out on a Limb. They have been together for 17 years, married young, and have been there for each other through the highs and the lows. Caleb is a successful businessman backed by his family trust fund. His family hasn't been the most present in his life, but he gained a whole new supportive family when he met Sarah. He is caring, likes to stay busy, and does whatever he can to ensure Sarah is happy. Sarah's mom has unfortunately passed away due to ALS, and Caleb was there for her through it all (before, during, & after). Sarah has been grieving for years and has essentially been a house wife after giving up her dream to become a writer (thanks to a very opinionated author) and grieving from her mother's death. Sarah finally wants to have something that is hers, so she decides to throw a gala in memory of her late mother. Unfortunately, the gala isn't as successful as planned, but Caleb wants to make Sarah happy. With good intentions, Caleb steps in and fixes the outcome of the gala. This is not want Sarah wants, she wants to be successful by herself and have something she can be proud of individually. This starts the questioning & turmoil of their relationship - Who is Sarah without Caleb? Does Sarah have something she can be proud of that she did by herself?

Win tells Sarah about a outdoor backpacking retreat for couples, & suggests that Sarah and Caleb go on it to work on their relationship. Sarah convinces Caleb to go on this trip, being the super non-outdoorsy people they are. We meet lots of other couples on this retreat that definitely add some fun to the story. Caleb & Sarah have hard discussions, learn a lot about themselves, and really take the time to understand what they need to do to make their relationship work. But will it be enough?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book because it has heavy discussions about being able to be proud of your individual success, even within a marriage. Sarah rediscovers herself and finds out who she can be as an individual person, without Caleb always being there to "fix." Caleb learns a lot about himself and starts to understand that he doesn't ALWAYS have to be there for Sarah when she fails. Failure is something required for growth. My only negatives from this book is I found the transitions between humorous/spicy scenes to sad scenes a little too fast. I found myself laughing on one page, but then crying a second later. I also didn't love the topics of religion as I felt they were unnecessary to the story.

Overall, this was a phenomenal book and I cannot wait to get my hands on a physical copy in January!

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Out of the Woods is a gut wrenching beautiful love story. This book was so much more than than a rom-com. There was the aspect of real life situations that aren't so happy but worth the fight. Sarah and Caleb's love story is a love worth fighting for. They teach readers a lesson to always fight for love, to accept change, to heal after a loss, and to put and love yourself first.

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3.5 ⭐️ (I should mention that at the time of reading this book, I have not read Out on a Limb yet, so opinions can change once I do) Interconnected stand-alone. You don't have to read Out on a limb to understand this book but it may help you connect to the characters better. To start, I will say that I did really enjoy the book. Sarah and Caleb are so good for each other and while towards the beginning the communication was lacking, it got so much better as the chapters went on. I really enjoyed all of the side characters as well, even though we don't get to connect with them on a super deep level, they weren't 2 dimensional either. They popped off the page every time. The lessons in this book and the advice given between characters was AMAZING. I think this is a great book for someone in the same situation to read. All in all, I did really enjoy this book but I can't get over this feeling that something was missing. I would have loved to have seen Caleb's point of view while at the retreat. It would have been really interesting to see him work through all of his thoughts and for us to get that perspective on the situation. Especially because how of he went into the retreat. I also felt like the conflict at the end was a little forced. I can see why it was added, but I don't think the goals were established enough for the readers to know why some aspects were so important. All in all, this book was such a sweet and easy read and I did enjoy while reading.

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Infinity ⭐️ If you know anything about me it’s how much I love Out on a Limb. So when Hannah announced Out of the Woods I knew I needed to read it asap. My eternal gratitude to Dell Romance and Netgalley for making that happen and gifting me a review copy 🙏 I was already attached to Sarah and Caleb from Out on a Limb and I will forever read anything that has to do with Bo and Win. Going into this book, I was a little nervous because I didn’t want Sarah and Caleb to be going through a rough patch, but I trusted Hannah would give us what we needed. I knew right from the beginning this book was going to be an emotional rollercoaster and I was right. I’ve come to expect this from Hannah and her writing (and let me be clear, this is a good thing). Hannah writes such beautiful and complex characters. The depth of feeling she brings to her characters makes me feel like I know them, and this is why I get so attached. I love the dynamics between the characters, and really appreciate the way relationships (both friends and family) are portrayed in this book. I enjoyed the flashback scenes and think they really helped emphasize how the characters got to where they are in present day. There was a perfect amount of spice, a lot of the same humor I expected from reading Out on a Limb, and maybe a few too many tears (mine). Overall I will recommend this book to anyone and everyone. I’m already planning my reread and I can’t wait for everyone else to love this book as much as I do!!

P.S. The paper airplanes really got me 😭

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thank you to the sweetest hannah for sending me a copy of her upcoming release (out jan 2025) !! every other month i harass her with questions about when she is finally coming to the west coast, so that i can properly thank her with a big hug and smooch- giving her back some of the love that she gives me with each of her books and characters.

even though every one of her books is special to me, this one is a stand out by all means. while there are some differences between my own relationship and sarah and calebs, one of the biggest similarities is that we have been together since high school. 10 years later… i do share a lot of the doubts, insecurities, and constriction that sarah was feeling and had to work through during this book.

the fear and frustration that comes out of the idea that you are stuck in a glass jar while everyone lives their life around you can be debilitating… but i was awestruck, my heart swelling to another degree, watching their anxiety diminish as the idea of the two of them evolving into something even more beautiful and poetic than what they had come to know themselves as since they were kids came more into light. this book was filled with very difficult conversations (for sarah herself as well as sarah and caleb together) that were intertwined with the anxiety of changing everything they had ever known, but also the lightheartedness of having known each other for so long- WHICH WAS SO REAL. this felt so close and personal for me.

out of the woods felt like a big representation of me and my relationship… it was emotional to see it down on paper so well. i just saw sarah and caleb so intertwined… no matter which way they unravel, they would always be connected in one way or another. the romance between them- the romance of really truly knowing each other and loving each other, bare bones and all, even after all those years, and especially at a crossroads like they were on… was so damn poetic i was left in a pile of my own disbelief.

thats all, sorry i wrote my own book about this book. but i really love it and all that it encapsulates.

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First, thank you so much to NatGelley and Dell for the ARC I was able to read.

This book, these characters, Hannah Bonam-Young, amazing all of it. I have never felt more connected to a female character before (and it's not just because my name is Sara). Hannah creates characters that are so real and relatable I feel like she's hacked my phone and learned everything about me. When I found out Sarah and Caleb were getting a book I was so pumped, I loved them in Out on a Limb and was excited to see their story. I haven't read a romance book where the main characters are already married and I think that was one of the elements that made their story so interesting. They already had the happily ever after we all read about, they want to work on how to make that feeling last while also finding their individual passions. This is a beautiful book about a couple trying to grow together while being afraid of growing apart. Out of the Woods is favorite of the year, and honestly a favorite forever. I cannot wait to celebrate its release. An endless thank you to Hannah Bonam-Young for sharing Sarah and Caleb's story.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5 stars
🌶🌶🌶 2.5/5 spice level

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Hannah Bonam-Young's BEST so far! Breaking usual romance tropes, this book features Sarah and Caleb, an already married couple who have been together since High School. When Sarah finds herself feeling directionless in her mid-thirties, she goes on a quest with her husband to push themselves out of their comfort zone and figure out how they want their relationship dynamics to be moving forward in the next phase of their lives.

This book did a fantastic job of making sure you see the love between Sarah and Caleb and that you're rooting for them the entire time. As a married romance reader, I felt represented in this book. It's a great reminder to listen to your partner's needs and to always put in the work to "keep falling in love".

I really enjoyed the writing. I felt so deeply connected to not only Sarah and Caleb, but the side-characters as well. If you read Out on a Limb, you still get to see Win and Bo and you feel like you're right back in the middle of their family.

This book is written from Sarah's perspective only. The story is told in a past and present timeline from both High School (when she was falling in love with Caleb, and when she was dealing with her mother's battle with MS), and where she is in the present day.

This is a beautifully written story that brings very real world examples of what it means to love your partner for decades. I especially recommend this book to married/long-term relationship romance readers, you will feel very represented in this story.

I cannot wait for this to come out so I can recommend this to everyone!

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This was such a fun book! i absolutely adored every single thing! the characters, the plot, the writing, the cover! it was such a wonderful book! definitely adding this to my collection

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I laughed. I cried. I sobbed. I blushed and giggled like a school girl. I set the book down and fanned myself. Ahem. I laughed and cried some more. This was everything I love so dearly about reading.

Quick note: I will be continuing to refer to our mmc as Cay because my brother’s name is Caleb and I just refuse. Anyways.

Cay is the hottest nerd. My god.

There is not one bit, one word even, that I do not love about this book. So many times while reading I had to set it down, close my eyes and just let the scene or the paragraph wash over me.

I love Sarah as much as I love Cay. And I love S&C as much as Bo and Win 😭

Getting to see pieces of the dynamic between the moms and the daughters was so special. It makes my heart ache for Win that her mom is the chaos and they lost their anchor with Marcie. These characters feel so real to me.

All the little quirks and details of being with your person for so many years are written beautifully.

Hannah is a master at showing as opposed to telling. Sarah is very distractible, it’s possible she could even be ADHD rep, but the way Hannah takes us through Sarah’s inner monologue is what tells you about Sarah as a character. Sarah never tells us she’s distractible but I know that she is. And that’s just one example. Truly masterful writing.

10/10. No notes.

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This is an Advanced Reader Copy that I’m trying not to feel smug about (re: I’m feeling incredibly smug about it) and when I got the notification I was selected as an ARC reader- the way I unceremoniously slapped my entire current reads out of the way without so much as an Irish goodbye was downright disrespectful. You know the joke in book circles that cartoon cover books are hiding some of the spiciest spice? Well yes, but this one is also hiding a shiv because you’re gonna get emotionally stabbed. Surprise!

Sarah Linwood has been married to hot, sweet, and dependable (…which could also be used to describe my favorite Chinese take out order, come to think of it- Caleb and his glasses could also be described as delicious, so, if the boot fits!) Caleb since high school, when they married young so her dying mother could be in attendance. Many years later, Sarah hasn’t just lost touch with Caleb, she feels like she’s lost touch with herself. The two of them set out on a week long wilderness therapy hike. The “wilderness therapy” combination makes me want to shout “synergy” sometimes because it feels like a new age idea drummed up by someone’s nightmare PR department at their corporate job. We get to vicariously swim near waterfalls AND cry in front of practical strangers. Lucky us?

I LOVE the representation you can find in Hannah’s books. I am exceedingly picky about diversity and representation in fiction because so often it feels performative, or worse, monetized. Hannah just doesn’t let me down. She never has. Sarah and Caleb are child free by choice and I love how much of a non-issue it is, how it’s just part of their characters (as it should be) and not some perceived flaw to be fixed or addressed aggressively. It’s never a cheap plot device wielded like a set of keys trying to find the keyhole of a front door in the hands of someone who’s had five margaritas.

This is Hannah’s best book. Look, there, I said it. It is. The storyline, transitions, back and forth timeline, and character arcs are all warm butter smooth, and the emotional wreck we’re dragged through as readers is almost viscerally painful at times because it is so touch-ably real feeling. I cried. And what’s almost worse/better is I knew WHEN I was going to cry, which usually allows me to not cry (feeling emotionally prepared) and yet, I still cried. And! This book doesn’t need editing (collective gasp, broken glass noise, in the distance, sirens) which if you know my reviews I say in practically every one, so wow. It is polished, artfully delivered, and still has unique and lovable characters. I can see glimmers of Cara Bastone, Emily Henry, and Chloe Liese in the writing style, so if you love any of those authors, knees to chest to the bookstore, chop chop.

If you are picky about representation in books, love character led stories, love second chance romance, books that make you cry (sadists, the whole lot of you), and closing a book feeling like maybe everything really is going to be okay, this one is for you. What’s better than crying while reading a book? Crying while reading a book and then getting to close it feeling like your insides are made out of rainbows, that’s what. I rode the high of relief and satisfaction from this book’s ending for DAYS. It’s spicy. It’s sweet. It’s as dependable as a hug from your best friend. It might just be my new take-out comfort read order. What a BANGER. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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