Member Reviews

In a sea of romance books about falling in love, it’s rare to find one about finding yourself while staying in love. Out of the Woods is a truly unique story in that regard, and I absolutely ate it up. Having been introduced to Sarah and Caleb in Out on a Limb, I loved getting to know them both on a deeper level. Sarah is the badass we knew and loved before, but seeing her softer and more vulnerable side had me tearing up on several occasions. Caleb is the sweetest, most clueless, lovable nerd on the planet, and not to be dramatic, but I would throw myself in front of a moving bus for him.

Hannah Bonam-Young has an exceptional ability to make her books feel so real that you almost forget that they’re fiction. Her characters speak to real life with a whole lot of heart and humor. I have loved all of HBY’s books, and Out of the Woods was no exception.

I took my time with this one; I savored it, because I knew I’d never get the chance to read it for the first time ever again. Every single second was worth it.

5 stars

• dual timeline
• single POV
• slow burn

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✨ a friendship duo/square that I adore
✨ a dying parent and how much that changes you in big and tiny ways
✨ feeling lost and alone
✨ I started crying at one point and just? never? stopped? Which since I was reading this at work made the crying weird. (How do I even count the crying on my spreadsheet?!?)

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