Member Reviews


I enjoyed this book better than book 1 by a lot! The plot continued and adding Saga's storyline only thickened the adventure and development of the story. I am *obsessed* with Rey and just as excited for book 3 as I was for this book at the end of book 1๐Ÿ˜‚
Silla is still a favorite of mine and I loved seeing her story unravel! The multiple POVs were also AMAZING. They all coincided together so well and really built the overall story. I love the viking vibes, I love the magical system, I love the romance and I love where the story is going. I already can't wait for book 3!

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This sequel to The Road of Bones is a masterclass in blending rich storytelling with intense romance and suspense. The writing effortlessly draws you into a world where every twist and turn feels both exhilarating and deeply personal. The romance is beautifully nuanced, with emotional depth that makes every interaction charged and compelling. The plot is intricately woven, balancing high-stakes drama with richly developed characters and their personal journeys. The way the narrative explores themes of betrayal, self-discovery, and magical awakening keeps you hooked and invested in every page. This book is a triumph of fantasy storytelling, delivering a perfect mix of heart-pounding action and heartfelt romance and cliffhanger. I canโ€™t wait enough to know what happens next.

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This book takes place almost immediately after The Road of Bones. Silla goes into hiding with Rey. Rey takes Silla to the village where he grew up. She trains with Rey's grandmother and learns how to use her magic. The book also features chapters showing Saga's journey living with the King and Queen. Saga is a political hostage who is betrothed to the prince. When Saga meets Rurik, a diplomat from Zagadka, she feels like she can finally be herself. Rurik helps Saga as she rebels against the Queen to protect Silla. Saga and Silla learn secrets about their past. Saga discovers the dangerous experiments that the Queen is conducting on other people with galdar (magic). Silla has to learn to live with the dangers of revealing her identity in order to help her sister, Saga.

I would give 4 stars for the Rurik/Saga scenes. Rurik and Saga need their own book. I basically skimmed the Silla scenes to get to Sagaโ€™s chapters faster. The Silla and Rey relationship that I enjoyed so much in The Road of Bones felt so lackluster in this book. Something was missing. I thought that Silla's whole arc in this book was boring. I am fascinated by Rurik's character, and I am looking forward to reading more about his relationship with Saga in the third book. Apparently Demi Winters signed a deal to make this a five book series. The magic system in this book was confusing and some aspects of the plot were really predictable, but I enjoyed Saga's character. Fans who appreciated the Viking romance in A Fate Inked in Blood will like this book, but Kingdom of Claw doesn't have as much angst and character building.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

3.5 stars

I didn't really enjoy this one as much as the first. It started off good for me but it kind of started to drag with the addition of other sub plots and POVs. Felt like there were a number of those introduced and it took away from the story for me.

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I often wish there was a way to plug my brain into something that could instantly deliver exactly what I needโ€”whether it's a movie, music, or book. Kingdom of Claw felt like that wish come true, as if it was made just for me.

This book had me on an emotional rollercoaster, and I loved every second of it. The writing is phenomenal, seamlessly transitioning from intense action scenes to heart-wrenching moments, romance, and even well-timed comedic relief. Everything felt so well-balanced and perfectly executed.

Reynir has officially become my favorite book boyfriend of all time. His emotional growth throughout the book is remarkable. His relationship with Silla feels so genuine and organic, and every small moment between them beautifully portrayed. (And those intimate moments are *chefs kiss*)

At first, I was a bit apprehensive about the introduction of so many new characters, but I ended up loving them all. Vig and his family give off strong Weasley vibes, and I couldn't get enough of their dynamic. Gyda is such a sweet and warm presence. Harpa with her grouchy smoke spirit had me smiling.

My heart ached for Saga throughout the book, and I was cheering on all of her small wins. I can't wait to see more of her and Rurik in the next installment!

I painstakingly edited this this review to try and make it spoiler free but I have to add in some of my favorite notes, quotes & highlights----

"You truly are filled with sunshine, aren't you?"

"Perhaps Silla the strong. Or Silla the Slayer."
"Silla the Stone Whisperer," muttered Rey.

Sweetrolls & Sunshine <3

The Spoons and the Honeypots

& my favorite
I know this is a big action scene but I need to know, ARE THE CHICKS OKAY?!

6 stars! This may be my favorite read of the year!

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I am obsessed with this series and these characters. When I finished the first book I instantly pulled for the next book needing to continue, Iโ€™m not gonna lie I was really apprehensive about having to read about this new Saga character because of how much I just wanted to know more about the relationship between Silla and Rey, and I needed to know about Jonas. I can honestly say I fell in love with Saga and her journey and the rage I feel for her... I loved the pain and the growth between every character. I could not put it down I can not wait to continue this story. So happy i read this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this eARC.

I had to sit on this a moment before writing my thoughts out.

First, I was mistaken in thinking this was a duology. I found out with around 80 pages left that this was a series with a novella being released before book 3. Make no mistake, they will both now without a doubt be my most anticipated releases for the foreseeable future.

I absolutely love this series so far. I am in love with all of the characters. Book two added new POVs, which threw me off at first. However, throughout the book it changed from me being upset every time I got to a chapter with Sagaโ€™s POV to being excited to read them.

The plot kept me on my toes. Each of the womenโ€™s stories are so intriguing. The male main characters are both so complementary to their partnerโ€™s challenges. Also, Kassandrโ€™s story expanding at the very end was unnecessary and I need to know what happens next right now.

Iโ€™m also so excited that the Novella is from Helklaโ€™s POV because I loved her in book one and was sad she wasnโ€™t part of the main story in book two!

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I had the greatest pleasure in first reading Kingdom of Claw in its original run in February of this year. I knew this was a book I'd be returning to, and thanks to its approaching debut in traditional publishing, that time has already arrived. With such fantastic excitement.

Reading through this story again has cemented my original opinion. It has fortified it and even elevated where I place this title on my list of favorites.

Kingdom of Claw is an absolute masterpiece.

And it's the greatest sequel I have ever read.

This book is *it.*

Kingdom of Claw follows the immediate aftermath of The Road of Bones, as truths become revealed between Silla and Rey, as a new heroine emerges in Saga, and as the sisters, the heart of this story, begin their journey to finding one another.

One of the greatest features of this book is allowing multiple perspectives to lead it at different points of the story. My attention was thoroughly engaged within entry into these POVs.

And I was surprised! The biggest surprise being Saga. Silla and Reyโ€™s POVs were definitely my favorites, but I thought I would be longing for them upon each dive into Sagaโ€™s storyline. This was not the case whatsoever. As it turns out? Every time a Saga POV arrived, I gladly immersed myself in her storyline, I didnโ€™t want to leave it! And the exact same feelings occurred when Silla and Rey POVs arrived. I wanted to marinate in that delicious beauty and simply bask myself in them. I didnโ€™t have the chance to miss either because I felt back at home as the each POV took its turn.

Now Jonas POVs? Definitely didnโ€™t miss them as they came and went, yet my attention was consistently fixated on him within each interlude into his arc. I found myself feeling genuinely sorry for the path he set himself on. I think what makes me feel sorry is knowing he has decency somewhere deep in him. He was a good brother, a good friend, a loyal comrade, and he had honor. Until he didn't. Until he betrayed Silla and forsake the man he portrayed himself to be.
Hate devoured him, twisted his perception and severely poisoned his mind. And it was his own fault, but knowing his tragic past made me just feel pity to see how he subsequently unraveled. As I read along, I was quite curious to see if his arc would lead to redemption. You'll have to discover that answer, but what I can say is I found his interludes to be very insightful to his character, and a necessary facet to complete this incredible book.

Every POV matters.

Now on to the romance...

Oh my beloveds, Silla and Rey.

In the words of Mr. Darcy, they have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love them.
Gods, seriously. I love them.

This was a slow burn of the most spiciest degree. Wheww! Silla and Rey burned so brightly, so exquisitely.

I loved the entire development of their relationship. While romance is brewing there are still several stops along the way. Opening communication, learning to trust, allowing vulnerability, and ensuring friendship to be the base of anything else. And it was beautiful to see it blossom with such vibrancy.

The fact Reyโ€™s entire person held a Silla-sized pocket was the darn cutest thing in the whole world. A gorgeous physical representation of how well Silla fits Reyโ€” in every regard. And vice versa. Thereโ€™s so much affection between them growing and I was kicking my feet in glee upon watching them. Dreamy sighs all around!

Their relationship is truly beautifully paced. While Silla did not harbor romantic feelings for Jonas, what he did to her in previous book haunts her greatly at the start of this one. His actions wounded her so deeply to the point sheโ€™s afraid of taking steps into anything involving a relationship with someone else. Then thereโ€™s Rey, misguidedly believing heโ€™s not good enough for Silla. There is definite distance to cross between them, and Iโ€™m so glad it didnโ€™t happen in one go; rather it was step by step. Healing had to take place, courage had to take grip, and hearts had to invite one another in first.

It was a phenomenally developed romance. Even once the growth into romance develops, the interest never ever wanes in following along this coupleโ€™s path. They are a thrill to see unfold.

As for our newest heroine's romance, Saga...well, I think it's best to remain tight-lipped on that one! I will say I immediately loved the chemistry between her and her potential beau-to-be. Beauty and the Beast vibes in the future, mayhaps? I canโ€™t wait to find out! And I will 100% be seated for it!

I sincerely could go and on. This book captured my heart and I donโ€™t want it back.
Keep it, Demi Winters! You own me now. This series owns me!

The interweaving storylines are magnetic, at times my skin was prickling in fear, other times my breath catching in anticipation, and times my heart was soaring so high and mighty. It was a rollercoaster ride that had me buzzing from start to finish. I don't want that feeling to ever leave me!

If you love fantasy, you will love this book. If you love romance, you will love this book.
If you desire an adventure filled to the brim with action, mystery, intrigue, angst, triumph, frights and flights of the heart.

You. Will. LOVE. This. Book.

Introduce yourself to your new favorite series in The Ashen!

I am so incredibly thankful to NetGalley and Random House | Delacorte Press for this complimentary copy. I leave this honest review voluntarily.

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ahhhhh a perfect second companion to the first one! i was so excited to see i had received this arc, and i am not-so-patiently awaiting her next book, as this one did exactly what it set out to do. i love the magic system still and our mc is such a slay, i cannot wait to read the rest!

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๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Vikings/Magic
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Multi POV 3rd person
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Grumpy/Sunshine
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Slow Burn Spice
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ One Bed/One Horse
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Banter
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Who did this to you?
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Trauma Healing
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Addiction Recovery
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Spice ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ

I am obsessed with Silla and Rey. I am obsessed with Saga and Rurik. I am obsessed with how the author does not shy away from shedding light on the ugly truth behind addiction and trauma healing. I am just obsessed with this series!

Keeping this review spoiler free, I will just say that this is a must read series!! The slow burn tension between the MCโ€™s, a true Grumpy/Sunshine combo that will have you swooning, banter that will make you grin and laugh, and a fast moving plot that keeps you from sleeping or doing much of anything other than reading, oh and Vikings ๐Ÿ˜ The only thing I didnโ€™t like is that the story ended on a cliffhanger (well ended period ๐Ÿ˜‚) and now I have to wait for book 3 ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Demi Winters has officially made it to my auto-buy author list and I will be stalking her Instagram relentlessly until I get an update on book 3 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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This sequel was everything I hoped it would be and more. Silla's character development was pure perfection. I loved Harpa's lesson of surrendering into your pain in order to overcome it. I loved Ray in book one as surly Axe Eyes but I loved the man Ray I got to know in this book. I loved all of the view side characters we met on Silla's journey.

I wasn't sure if I would like Saga's storyline as much as I did Silla's but I ended up really loving it. At some points, Saga's storyline kept me frantically flipping pages. I need more of Saga and Kass! I really cant wait for book 3 and I'm so sad it is so far away.

Thank you so much to the author and Penguin Random House for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this second book of the Ashen series. This one is much slower-paced than the first book, which really lets us get to know the characters and see their relationships grow (+ a wonderful slow burn romance). We also get a whole new POV (Saga) and learn more about the politics of Iseldur. Despite all that, I will say that it does drag a bit in the middle, since not much is happening plot-wise in either Silla or Sagaโ€™s story. It ultimately makes up for it with the tidbits of information that are revealed throughout and all the twists at the end. I definitely recommend and canโ€™t wait for the rest of the series!

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Kingdom of Claw 5 โญ๏ธ
Fantastic viking series! In the first book, the scope is narrowed to Sillaโ€™s story learning the world and characters on the road of bones. Book two expands the scope to include the perspective of her sister now that we know about Saga. She has her own growth and problems to overcome as a captive of the rulers who overthrew/murdered their parents. All of these Viking men are top tier! Brutal, multifaceted, and mysterious. The exploration of the characterโ€™s trauma is really well done. Iโ€™m so invested in these characters and canโ€™t wait for the story to continue after the ending!

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This has been one of my favorite series of the year.

I think it wonderfully written, with an interesting story and endearing characters. I couldnโ€™t put this book down and yet wished that it would have kept going.

I will read every book by Demi!

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