Member Reviews

With the ever rising cost of goods, proliferation of marketing, and further and further reach to afford a home, approaching financial literacy and steps toward financial wellness can often feel impossibly out of reach. I felt that this book does a great job of exploring incremental ways to take action toward a better financial future while eschewing some of the more common easy fixes of no more coffees, less avocado toast, etc. The action plans in particular present low risk and low effort ways to tackle such a menacing idea and I think it will help many people feel comfort and empowered to build their future

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Decent information. Nothing new.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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'Buy What You Love Without Going Broke' gives fresh perspective to the concept of money saving. Typically, there's a lot of shame associated with the idea, but this book allows the saver to prioritize their values and needs. Stripping away the emotional connotation of good and bad behaviors, identifying why we spend money in the ways that we choose to really is crucial and I will definitely be utilizing the core concepts of this book with my own spending patterns.

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This was the book I knew I needed to read. It cleared up a lot of misconceptions about why I'm 'bad' with saving money and extra 'good' at spending what I don't have! I enjoyed the dual points of view from each author. I immediately went to their Instagram and I'm a new fan! I have already told some friends that struggle with budgets and overspending about this gem of a book. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. I understand more about my behaviors and patterns surrounding money now.

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