Member Reviews

This was an incredibly hard read for me, I could see my prior relationship being played out, and reading it i was able to see all the red flags, I just wanted to sit Blake down and tell her to stop taking Justin’s shit, he is abusing her psychologically, and eventually in every way, so severely that at several points I did have to take a step back and stop reading as it was very triggering for me, I was able to complete this book and I am so glad I did,
I do love Dash & Blake for each other, they came together so naturally, and him treating Blake with all the love and kindness of a true friend, made her realize that the way Justin was treating her was absolutely unequivocally not right.
Blake blossoms into one of the strongest characters i have ever read, the ability to finally recognize and put a stop to the abuse she was suffering at the hands of her partner is not easy.
Edge of Chaos is book one in the Love on the Edge series by Molly E. Lee.
This is a re-released, Newly edited version.

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If toxic relationships/abuse are triggers for you, do NOT read this book. This was an incredibly hard read for me that I did not enjoy at all. I feel so bad for Blake and I was screaming the entire time just wishing she would stand up for herself for once against her complete jerk of a boyfriend, Justin. For majority of the story, it was just a series of Blake wanting to be with Dash and live her life, but fighting with herself and giving her toxic boyfriend the benefit of the doubt each time. I absolutely hate Justin and each chapter just solidified it further for me. The only real positive part of this book is Dash. I absolutely love his energy and charming personality and I love that he gradually shows Blake how someone should and deserves to be loved in a relationship.

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I did not realize this was a previously released book just re-edited when I requested it. That said I am glad I read it. I enjoyed the romance. Good social commentary regarding emotional abuse.

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Edge of Chaos is book one in the Love on the Edge series by Molly E. Lee.
This is a Newley edited version.
I had the best time reading this story.
The chemistry between Blake and Dash was really well written and the whole book had me on edge with anticipation.
I couldn't put this one down. Lee's depiction was phenomenal.
An adventurous and compelling romance that kept me reading late into the night.

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Edge of Chaos gave me major twister vibes & I honestly loved it 😂
The instant attraction between her & Dash was everything.
Dash was so patient even though Blake drove me up a wall. I kind of wished we got a dual POV and I could have seen more of his side & thoughts. I feel like that would’ve added a little bit more to the book.

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Rating: 3.75 stars
Spice Level: 2.5/5

If you loved Twister, this book is for you! The Edge of Chaos follows Blake Caster, who’s caught in a toxic relationship while chasing storms—literally and figuratively. Enter Dash Lexington, a pro storm chaser with undeniable chemistry that crackles between them like lightning.

I loved how Blake and Dash's relationship developed naturally, building a slow-burn romance against the backdrop of storm chasing. Blake's love life is a chaotic mess, and her ex, Justin, is a total jerk, but this drama makes for an addictive read. It’s entertaining and intense and keeps you hooked until the last page.


🔺💞 Love triangle
💔🚩 Toxic ex
🛑🚗 Forced proximity
🔥⏳ Slow burn
🌪️🌧️ Twister/Storm chasing

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This book is the movie Twisters, but better. Besides the action parts we all know we will be there, It has smexy scenes that had me blushing... And the friendship that develops made my heart so happy.

I cannot believe that this is a debut novel. Absolutely superior writing. I lived within these pages.

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Themes/Tropes: Abusive relationships, college romance, HEA

Blake Caster has ambitions to be a meteorologist. She settles for a college that is closer to home and closer to her abusive boyfriend Justin. Justin and Blake grew up together and Blake feels trapped in the relationship. This novel has some trigger warnings for the emotionally abusive relationship that is the center of the story. Blake then meets Dash Lexington who is a storm chaser who is in one of her classes and it changes Blake’s prospective on her life.

When I saw this one was Twister meets It End With Us I was instantly interested in this story. It does not disappoint! It is great for those who saw Twisters and wanted more romance. I loved the character development and how real the characters felt. The author handled the delicate subject of abuse well and made it feel very real. You understood why Blake stayed and understood how Justin treated her impacted her in multiple ways. Overall it was a quick read and one that I found a hard time putting down!

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️

~ HEA Perfect Ending
~ College Romance
~ Found Family
~ Redemption Arc
~ Slow Burn
~ Emotional Intensity
~ Forbidden Romance
~ True Love

Summary: Blake's has been in a relationship with Justin for 8 years, ever since they were 13 years old. She feels they have grown apart and is miserable in her relationship from the start, but being the supportive girlfriend, she just cannot force herself to part with him especially because of Justin's history of suicide after she told him she wanted to move to another city to go to college and study Meteorology. So she decides to stay in her hometown and go to school there. One day, a handsome well known storm chaser, she secretly stalks on social walks into her job at bookstore and immediately she is blown away by how friendly he is. She is cautious and wary of why, but eventually he grows on her. Will she stick out her tough relationship with Justin? Or will the she chase the storm that Dash is?

What Had Me Absolutely Obsessed:
This is a book that you can relate to if you have had a horrible relationship experience with a partner who manipulates/controls you and your well-being. I loved it because there was an extreme transformation for the main character, beginning to end in terms of how she saw herself and who she knew she was. The book was so juicy, I could not stop turning the pages because of my simple wonder of what would happen next in the story. I loved the fact that her journey as a college student fell in line with her journey of self-discovery and how much she grew. This book really had that "show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are" vibe because of how much she changed when she had a positive outside perspective from a new friend. This book is a definite play on the fact that sometimes the biggest battles are fought in the confines of the human heart. The story really had me gushing at all of the cute things her new best friend was doing for her to help her realize what she really deserves!

Recommended: 100% YES! Read it when it comes out on September 23, 2024!

Vibes: Twister! Oddly: Pitch Perfect

Thank you to miss Molly for sharing this incredible story with the world. Special thanks to the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Electronic Advanced Reader Copy (E-ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest, and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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I absolutely loved this story of empowerment and finding strength. I loved both lead characters and their connection. A great read especially with the remake of Twisters!

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This book focuses on 3 characters, Blake, Justin and Dash. It's told from Blake's point of view. Blake is going to college to become a Meteorologist. She is intelligent, caring, lonely, and left wanting. Justin is a factory worker and Blake's boyfriend. He is disrespectful, uncaring, demanding and manipulative. Blake meets Dash in one of her classes and they hit it off right away. Dash Lexington, a Storm Chaser, is patient, polite, chivalrous and protective. Meeting Dash changes so many things in Blake's life, for the better. This book was definitely a wild ride. I wanted so badly for Blake to figure out she deserved so much more than she was getting. I was so angry and my heart broke for her repeatedly. There were chapters that had me yelling, laughing, crying and in total disbelief. According to Goodreads there are more books in this series. I really hope that they'll be republished as well because I need to read them. I love this author and look forward to reading more from her.

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Blake has been with Justin for the last 8 years. With such a long history, she's learned how to navigate his anger and tantrums, but it's not until she starts making friends with Dash Lexington and his storm chaser group at school that she realizes just how much her relationship with Justin has deteriorated.

This story is a slow burn, and takes you right along with Blake as she learns how to look more clearly at her interactions with Justin. Sometimes you need to see first hand how things should be before you can truly recognize issues in your own life experience.

Also, Dash is freaking adorable and the storm chases are so well written! If you're a fan of the movie Twister, this story is well worth your while.

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Edge of Chaos delivers an exhilarating journey, weaving together the highs, lows, and intense thrills of a storm-chasing adventure, all while the protagonist navigates her own personal storm brewing. Fans of the classic film Twister, starring Helen Hunt, will find themselves drawn to this novel. One scene in particular reminded me of Bill Paxton’s iconic delivery: “You need to stop living in the past and look at what’s right in front of you… Me, Jo.”

Blake is one of the strongest female characters you will ever read. While she has her weak moments that make you want to scream at her, she comes up on top on her own terms with a little nudge from her new best friend Dash.

TRIGGER WARNING: If you’ve ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship where you’ve felt controlled or trapped, take care of yourself when reading this book. It may be triggering. As someone who has been there, but has since recovered, parts of this made me mournful knowing exactly what Blake was going through. Hide sight is always 20/20.

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I am thankful to have gotten the wARC for free from Netgalley and Entangled Publishing so I can leave my voluntary review.

This book is a rerelease and I am guessing from the last reviews that it had a healthy revision as this was a fun read.Or was very relevant right now with the new twister based sequel coming out but to be honest, I liked this story better.

I enjoyed the romance and how it unfolded. It seemed very natural and not too fluffy. What I really enjoyed was learning about the storm casing and the science of it. However i do wish there was more of it. It’s what prevented me from rating the book higher.

But overall it was an easy read of a romance with more to say and things to learn about. That makes a great combination in my book!
The rerelease comes out soon on September 23, 2024 and will be available on kindle unlimited!

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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🌪️”Twisters” vibes
🌧️Check TWs
🌪️Friends to Lovers
🌧️Storm Chasers

This was an ARC!

I really enjoyed this read! It’s very slow burn but it plot was very great good. I love that the FMC Blake starts to stick up for herself after being in a DV relationship. Her relationship with the MMC Dash is beautiful! I love how respectful and protective he is to Blake.

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"Because I know who you are, you’re not broken. You're simply still discovering pieces of yourself that were missing.”

I genuinely really enjoyed this book it gave me that twisters feel which was the goal!!! I was getting frustrated that she wasn’t leaving Justin even after everything he was doing but also when you’re in a situation like that it’s way easier said than done and I’m glad you worked up the courage. It did feel a little cheaty between Dash and her because they both had partners but it ended up working out. I just wish we got an epilogue or more of like what happens in the future after she finally leaves Justin. I’d love to see who she truly discovers she is and where she is after school and with the team and everything.

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Twister(s) meets It Ends With Us!

I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of this re-released novel. I had heard about it years ago and it has been on my TBR for just as long.

As a good example for how I felt about this book, I was reading a few books at the same time and I repeatedly came back to this book rather than finish my other ones. The mix between romance and action is flawless. I felt my heart beating fast for SEVERAL different reasons while reading.

I love the main character, Blake, and felt she was a great representation of the victims in emotionally abusive relationships and how to recognize and escape them. The male protagonist, Dash, is just as likable. I’m not always a fan of cookie cutter, golden retriever protagonists, but he is just rough enough around the edges to pull it off. Also, the side characters are around just enough to make sense without being overwhelming.

This is my first book by this author and I cannot wait to try more.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for an advanced e-copy of this book.

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2.5 stars

“True love is friendship set on fire.”

Well, I liked that quote. 😂 I came for the Twister vibes and actually felt like I got swept up into a tornado. Listen, this just wasn’t for me. I don’t mind when MCs start out in a relationship with another person. But BOTH MCs were with their partners for over 50%! I just wanted to shake Blake for staying with her abusive, gaslighting boyfriend for so long. The manipulation was unreal and the abuse was physical and emotional, so keep that in mind if you pick this up.

Once Blake is finally free, she’s all back and forth with Dash. They almost lose their lives to an F5 tornado because they’re too busy feeling each other up. I’m sorry, what?! And then the rest was just a little to cringe for me. Blake needed therapy before jumping into another relationship. I wish she had spent less time with Justin and used the middle part of this book to take care of her mental health.

Thank you to Entangled for a gifted copy. My thoughts are my own.

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"True love is friendship set on fire."

Fucking hell, this quote.

Ohhhh this was GOOD. The way the emotional and physical abuse was handled, the very real trauma Blake experienced and the way it changed her brain. I hated that I was able to relate with her and I feel for anyone else who is able to as well.

Dash was top tier. He’s what everyone wants for themselves, partner wise. I hope I find that for myself one day.

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I absolutely ate this book up! From the first page I was sucked in and I love her writing style. She is so good at describing everything and making you feel like you’re watching a movie. It gave me Twister vibes which was even referenced in the book, but it had added spice and a complicated love story thrown in. I absolutely hated Justin and wanted her to leave him way before she did, however it got her to Dash and honestly they were so perfect for each other. I am so glad she finally got a man she deserves

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