Member Reviews

I absolutely ate this book up! From the first page I was sucked in and I love her writing style. She is so good at describing everything and making you feel like you’re watching a movie. It gave me Twister vibes which was even referenced in the book, but it had added spice and a complicated love story thrown in. I absolutely hated Justin and wanted her to leave him way before she did, however it got her to Dash and honestly they were so perfect for each other. I am so glad she finally got a man she deserves

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I didn’t know what to expect going into this book, but I found myself pleasantly surprised and finished this in a few hours! While this book prominently features emotional abuse, it more importantly takes you on a healing journey of a young woman coming into her own and finding herself, friends, and love. Blake had a lot of things to unlearn and unpack and I think her discovery of what was normal versus not normal, regardless of how big or small, felt authentic. There is not a ton of spice, but there is good buildup and the few teases we got here and there throughout were enough for me. Also, the plot summary of the book had me a little wary that there would be way too many storm/relationship analogies but that didn’t happen- yay!

Overall, I’d give 3.5 stars which is a good book I’d recommend to a friend! (Netgalley and Goodreads don’t give half stars so I rounded up).

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Edge of Chaos is a fantastic read. If you love storms and watching all those weather shows out there then you will just love this one. Blake and Dash are fantastic. I love the build from friendship to more. I love the patience Dash has with Blake as she struggles with her relationship with her boyfriend. Blake is stronger than she knows and knows what she wants out of life. I love this tornado chasing romance so much. Dash and Blake are everything. You are going to fall hard for them. This is the first book in the Love on the Edge series and I am hooked. Go click this now and enjoy the ride of Blake and Dash.

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Unputdownable binge-worthy read, this book took my emotions for a spin!

This is one of those moments where the title "Edge Of Chaos" aligns so perfectly with the storyline. The FMC Blake Caster walks a tight line between her past that's both harming and holding her back and the future she's always dreamed of.

From the blurb alone I was incredibly excited to read this book. I find storm chasing so interesting and while this story is uniquely its own; I loved that it kind of reminded me of Twister which is a favorite of mine. The excitement of chasing storms and found family vibe within in the team was definitely a highlight for me.

I will absolutely be recommending this book and can't wait to pick up a copy for myself once it's released!

Thank you Molly E. Lee, Net Galley and Entangled Publishing LLC for providing me with an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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The symbolism in this book is unreal!! Edge of chaos is the perfect title for this story. Tornados, Justin and Blake’s long tumultuous relationship, the chase of the storms all felt like storm chasing. Justin and Blake have a long eight year relationship that is full of ups and downs just like the chaos and unpredictability of storm chasing. The story was so fast paced and kept me anticipating the next move in the story. I loved the friendship of Blake and Dash. He was exactly what she needed in her life to realize what she has been through. The storm chasing aspect of the book was fantastic.

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This book took me by surprise. I knew there would be storm chasing and some romance. The emotional abuse portrayed between Blake and Justin in this story feels so real and relatable. It was true chaos.

Then we have Blake and Dash. It was amazing to see their friend bloom and what a positive impact true friendship can have. I love that these two connect through their passion of storms/meteorology. I love that Dash is so observant and clearly knows how to speak with women (as evidenced by growing up with several sisters). The slow burn was amazing.

Overall, cute story. Hail is my favorite!

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This book gave me Twisters vibes and I loved it. While book does explore some difficult topics, I enjoyed the character development of Blake. The relationship development of Dash and Blake were sweet and focused on their evolving friendship. I look forward to reading more in the series.

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Damn good 🌪️ chasing book. I mean romance. I mean both!

It was such an awesome read for me! My boyfriend is a trained Skywarn storm spotter, he chases, and is a WCCO weather watcher. I also have gone on some chases with him as well. I have yet to see a tornado but I’m hoping to one day!

Blakes character ended up surprising me a lot. Aside from her super nerdy meteorology skills her toxic relationship was close to a previous of mine even down to the dog incident. Like who does that! I also love that Hail was a bulldog.

With it being a book timelines were sped up but I do appreciate her character acknowledging she did need some space to come out of toxicity into something new.

Dash was also a great character. I really liked how the book emphasized best friend and friendship over everything else. There truly are great guys out there like that.

These two characters just seemed seemed realistic. Maybe not timeline or situations but there were great components there.

Before reading this novel my previous favorite depiction of a tornado could be found in the book “Wicked” ( I am talking before it was hyped and discovered, I’m an OG. lol) this one also had eloquent beauty of words of the chaos of the beast.

Revamped for release on 9/23/24!!! Don’t 💤 on this one!

📸: My boyfriend and I on a chase in ‘22 near Hanley Falls, MN! Which is a big why this ARC was so cool for me! Thank you @entangled_publishing & @netgalley for this awesome opportunity.

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Edge of Chaos - Review

This book tackles intense themes like verbal and emotional abuse, sexual assault, suicide attempts, and violence, which might be challenging for some readers.

Blake Caster, a college student aspiring to be a meteorologist, is trapped in an abusive relationship with Justin. His threats make it hard for her to leave.

When Blake meets storm chaser Dash Lexington, their mutual passion for storms blossoms into a genuine friendship and more. Realizing she needs to move on, Blake ends her toxic relationship with Justin and embraces a fresh start with Dash.

I appreciated the sensitive handling of these issues and enjoyed the book, especially as a fan of the Twister movies. The story of growth and love resonated deeply.
Thank you to Entangled Publishing, LLC, and Net Galley for this ARC to read and review.

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I am so glad I got to read this AGAIN!! I first read it back in 2016 when it first came out but the author decided to do an edit and re-release it in 2024. I absolutely devoured this book, like I stayed up till 1am to finish it within a matter of hours. I was captivated from the blurb all the way to the end when I didn't want it to end!

I love Blake and Dash so so much!! Blake is starting her last year of meteorology school when she meets Dash. He's an internet famous storm chaser and they have instant chemistry and so much in common! But they are both attached to other people. Blake's current SO is an emotionally abusive narcissistic A-hole that definitely doesn't deserve her. I was rooting for her and Dash to get their happy ever after from the moment they met. It was a little angsty at times because of the fact they both weren't single.

I loved the storm chasing/weather aspect of this book. I found the topics to be fascinating and not something I've read before.

I'm really hoping the author decides to revamp and re-release the other books in the series as well! I can't wait to see what she brings us next!

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Edge of Chaos by new to me author M.E. Lee, published by Entangled Publishing, is a na romance that deals with some sensitive subject, is a dark-ish read.
The story is unique and I liked the characters. Some of their treats made me unhappy to call it politelly. Blake is a pushover in all things Justin, I just don't get it. She's such a smart person, but with all things Justin she's clueless. I liked Dash and what a fantastic friend he was to Blake.
Blurb: Blake Caster has been in an emotionally abusive relationship with Justin for so long, she can’t tell what is normal anymore, and so she clings to the one thing that is solidly hers—her passion for extreme weather. Three years into her Meteorology degree, Blake meets professional storm chaser, Dash Lexington, who is as gorgeous as he is daring. Instantly recognizing her passion and skills in analyzing weather data, he makes a spot for her on his tight-knit storm chasing team. Dash and Blake form a fast friendship and it forces her to realize just how toxic her relationship with Justin is. She can’t deny the lightning-worthy chemistry she has with Dash or how her heart stalls every time he gets too close to a tornado. With each chase and the cherished moments with Dash, Blake discovers her own self-worth and gains the strength to end things with Justin for good. But he won’t go easily. As Blake tries to sever ties with one man, she fears she’ll lose the other to his dangerous obsession—and she doesn't know if she’ll be enough to save him from the impending storm that could end them all.

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Edge of Chaos
By Molly E. Lee

While the Storm Chasing scenes are fantastic and reminded me of Twister I didn't love the continued Justin/Blake abusive relationship.Having a family member come through one of these relationships I totally understood the guilt that Justin poured on Blake. But the descriptions of storm chasing were what I read the book for not the relationship parts.

Yes storm chasing is dangerous and yet the information the chasers obtain is valuable to the scientist and help understand the why, how and where of a thunderstorm that turns into a tornado. I loved Dash, his friends John and Paul and even Lindsay. So I give the book 3.8 stars and would wonder if there's a second book in the works?

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Net galley for allowing me to read Edge of Chaos.

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This book hooked me from the first sentence. The heroine, Blake, has been in a relationship with Justin for 8 years. He wasn’t always the guy he is now. It’s basically a relationship of control and manipulation. If anyone says these relationships don’t exist they are lying. These unhealthy relationships happen all the time.
Blake is an aspiring Meteorologist in college where she meets Dash and his friends. Throughout most of the book, Blake and Dash are in other relationships but their friendship grows into something more.
I thought this book was dynamite. It was well written, and it had it all. Friends to lovers. Storm chasing. Adventure. Amazing character growth. This book was a very fun read.
Huge thanks to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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3.5 Stars

I thought I vaguely remembered this title from all those years ago, but decided to snap up its re-release, since the original Twister film never quite left my memories. That there's an updated version of the movie and this book seemed like a way of going back into the stories that weather extremes create.

'Edge of Chaos' is part-adventure, part-romance, with the cringey part of an abusive relationship forming a sizeable part of the story. Both Dash and Blake are with other people at the start of it, their relationship as friends, colleagues taking on a new dimension only when their own relationships start to falter--Blake's one in a more alarming way than Dash's 'casual' and 'easy' one with his test-the-waters girlfriend.

As far as the mix goes, there's a fairly good balance between the action and the romance, though I did come away with not having a lot to say of either somehow. Blake's admission that she needs her own growth after coming out of her toxic relationship lasted all of a few minutes before it was onto Dash, the shining example of what she has put on a pedestal compared to what she previously experienced, thus accounting for an abrupt end that had me wondering how they'd both fare in the future. The storm-chasing is all well and good with the addition of Blake to the team, but it also ends in as though we're just wading through the aftermath of a particularly bad storm just as the sun breaks through the clouds.

That said, an easy read to go through, more so if you're looking for an afternoon of reprieve.

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Going into this book I don’t know what I thought “fusing Twister and It Ends With Us” meant in the marketing. What I didn’t expect that to mean was about the abuse that Edge Of Chaos shares. Read the trigger warning and don’t take them lightly like I did . And I know it’s easy to say this and never have been in an abusive relationship but I felt like I was going crazy when Blake would let a man treat her like and keep the cycle of abuse from her parents going. I didn’t enjoy reading those parts of the book.
I loved Twister and Twisters so the storm chasing part were what kept me going. I was so excited for a storm Chaser romance. And that part is good, the author did her research and it felt so realistic. It’s hard to describe an event like that on a page and the author nailed that.
This book wasn’t for me because I think the abuse aspect didn’t need to be as big a piece. I would of preferred a just a
Basic storm chaser romance. Trying to make the Twister’s in Blake life (the abuse) match the ones they were chasing felt forced to me.

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I was honored to be selected as an e-ARC reader for Edge of Chaos. Before I get into my review, I need to start by saying you need to take heed of the Author’s Note. One of the things that makes this book so incredibly powerful is how accurate and upfront the author is about some really hard topics. And by upfront, a main part of this book is watching Blake in her abusive relationship with Justin. With that out of the way, the rest of the book is centered around Blake and Dash - their budding friendship, their love of tornado chasing, and eventually, the hard decisions Blake must finally make for her own happiness. I remember reading books about tornadoes (Night of the Twisters anyone?) growing up, but this is the first adult book I have read that tackles it. It is more than just excitement/adrenaline, the book also focuses on the real human impact that tornadoes have on the communities they rip apart. I loved Hail and just want to squish her face and tell her what a good girl she is. I definitely recommend this book with the caveat that you need to read this if you are in the right frame of mind for it. It is real, it is hard, but it is worth it.

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Thank you to @entangled_publishers and @mollyelizabethlee for the ARC of this book! I absolutely loved this book. I loved the fact that it shows the reality of different kinds of abuse people go through in relationship’s that people from the outside don’t see, and that it showed how the person enduring the abuse thinks. I loved how the story progressed and where Blake ended up in the end. Finding herself and where she fit into the world. I think that’s the most important thing. I really enjoyed the fact that it showcased storm chasing and liked those parts of the book. Would highly recommend this book!!

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I loved this book so much! It scratched a storm chasing itch that I didn't even know I had. I thoroughly enjoyed following Blake on her journey, she's such a strong character. I was very happy when she finally came into her own! And Dash is the epitome of "if he wanted to, he would" I just love him so much! He's the best book boyfriend. And Hails had my heart the whole time too! This is a thrilling book filled with lots of emotion and healing. I highly recommend it! But please check the content warning so you can keep your head and heart happy.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for allowing me to read this book ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Edge of Chaos was described as Twisters meets It Ends With Us. I loved Twisters but haven’t read IEWU, so I was definitely intrigued.

I don’t usually read books with any sort of abuse/toxic relationship tropes, so I didn’t love that. Justin was literally the worst, and I am absolutely not blaming Blake AT ALL but I wanted to scream some sense into her.

The storm chasing aspect was fun and I would’ve loved a little more of that. It really seemed like the author knew what she was talking about though. And I absolutely loved Hail.

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This was a super fun book!
Twisters, but spicy!
There are a few scenes that are hard to read die to emotional abuse, but i always enjoy a girl that can crawl out of a terrible situation and a man that can help her.
Loved it!

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