Member Reviews

"The perfect storm of passion, desire, and suspense."

Edge of Chaos" is beautifully written and unforgettable. It kept me on the edge of my seat and touched my heart in many ways. There is no doubt that this is a five-star read. Nash is the perfect book boyfriend; you'll fall for him just like I did. I read the book in one sitting because I couldn't wait to discover what would happen next. If you enjoy stories like Twister intertwined with a love story, you will love Edge of Chaos.

A little more about Edge of Chaos:

This exhilarating story is about Blake Caster, who loves everything about meteorology. She has made sacrifices for her boyfriend, Justin, who is verbally abusive. When she meets professional storm chaser Nash Lexington, she realizes that there might be something better for her. Nash is very sweet and attentive. He has the best friends, and Blake wants more for herself but feels trapped with Justin. Nash and Blake have a lot in common, and they naturally become best friends but yearn for so much more. Blake has inner battles with what she desires and letting go of a toxic relationship. This book is well written but does have trigger warnings of verbal and physical abuse as well as graphic sexual content and attempts of suicide.

I want to thank Molly E. Lee and Entangled Publishing for providing me with the ARC copy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It's rare for me to read a book in one sitting without taking a break. I couldn't get enough, and it was unputdownable.

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First let me start with, this book has some trigger warnings.
With that being said, I still really enjoyed this book. Blake going from a toxic relationship with Justin, the only guy she's ever known, to leaving that situation and learning who she is, I loved that. I also love that she made friends with the storm chasing group. I loved the storm chases and the intensity that comes with that, it's dangerous but also really cool.

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Thank you to @entangled_publishing for this gifted ARC!

This was such a great debut novel! The mix between abusive relationship, new found friendship, and tornado chasing had me fully engrossed. Blake had so much to navigate throughout the book and she ultimately had so much growth. I loved the tornado scenes and the author described them so well that I felt like I was watching a movie. The story was a beautiful mix of chaos and heartwarming love and friendship. This is definitely one you're going to want to read!

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This was a total five star book for me. I love the movie Twister, and this book reminds me so much of it! It’s one of my favorite movies, and this book may very well be a favorite of the year. I love the writing style of the author. Molly makes me feel like I’m immersed in a storm, chasing it and passion right along with Blake and Dash. I got lost, feeling the wind whipping around me, hearing the tornados screaming, and feeling the zest between the characters.

I do want to mention there are some trigger warnings in this book, so please read them before you read this book. Your mental health matters. A few triggers are on page depictions of emotional and physical abuse, violence, suicidal thoughts and attempts, extreme weather, and graphic sexual content, including assault. Please, look after yourself.

Blake has lived under storm clouds her entire life- from the verbal abuse of her father, to the abuse of her boyfriend, Justin. After 8 years of being with Justin, she’s become a shell of herself, giving in to his demands and not stirring the pot. Studying to be a meteorologist is just another storm for her.

Until she meets pro storm chaser Dash Lexington. He’s everything her boyfriend isn’t, and there is a dangerous storm brewing between them. Dash is electrifying, and opens her up to so much. For the first time ever, she puts herself first. And the tension between Dash and Blake is enough to cause a storm of emotions.

Now, will Blake leave her boyfriend? Will she chase just the storms of nature? Or will she chase the storm in Dash’s eyes?

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Edge of Chaos follows Blake as she navigates the storm that is her life and as she develops an interest in literal storms as a meteorologist. When Blake meets a group of classmates/storm chasers, they help her realize her talents in the field and that her longtime boyfriend's bad habits are actually verbal abuse. Blake's growth is evident throughout the book as she stops making excuses for Justin, and starts going after what she wants. I wish there would have been a bit more character development of Blake after she left the abusive relationship before she jumped into the new one, something she herself acknowledges. I received and read an ARC in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. It was a fun read, especially with the new Twister movie out recently.

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●Edge of Chaos by Molly E. Lee●

*I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

Publishes September 23rd!

This book is described as a mash up of the movie Twisters and the well known novel It Ends With Us. I definitely saw the resemblance between the two, but this book was also completely unique, having it's own direction that's equally interesting and angsty.

The story follows Blake, a young woman who's determined to be a meteorologist and see tornados for herself. She's strong, brave and smart, with a keen eye for knowing when the best storms are going to pop up. However, there's only one thing holding her back; her emotionally abusive boyfriend, Justin. I absolutely despised him from the very beginning, he's manipulative and childish, often choosing video games over quality time with Blake. The pair have been together since they were teens, and Justin is all Blake's ever known.

Until Dash- a storm chaser and fellow student in Blake's class- comes waltzing into her life, showing her happiness, storms and healthy boundaries. I really liked Dash as a love interest, but I did feel like the romance was almost instacrush, despite both characters already being in relationships until around halfway through. I definitely felt their chemistry and enjoyed the slow burn friends to lovers, and I loved seeing how Dash guided and supported Blake through ending her toxic relationship and healing from the aftermath.

The book does read almost like a YA book, it's simple and the narrative from Blake feels younger than she is, but regardless the journey of self-discovery and blossoming healthy romance was well written. The plot did feel a little repetitive at times with Justin and his gaming addiction, and Blake definitely made some questionable choices throughout the book, such as meeting with Justin over and over, even after he stole her dog, however for closure reasons, I could understand her reasoning.

The actual storm chasing scenes were fantastic, I could feel the energy, intensity and chaos from the page, especially towards the end when Blake and Dash have a close call and help people after the tornado passes. It was exhilarating and scientific, making it realistic and fascinating.

The book does end happily, with a very sweet spicy scene underneath a thunderstorm. The story wraps up well, with enough hint at a sequel, but also a good leaving point for a standalone. Regardless, I really enjoyed this book!

4/5 🌟

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I absolutely loved this book. Blake and Dash’s story is so beautiful. It’s the perfect blind of Friends to lovers but also angst and also getting out of abuse. It’s the perfect time to come out. A great mix of some it ends with us vibe and twisters vibe. I can’t wait for more from Blake and Dash.

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Edge of Chao is a new adult novel with a truly unique premise. If you’re looking for a gripping, emotional read that showcases love at its worst and best, this is absolutely the book for you!

"There are patterns to everything, even chaos."

Easy to read and well-paced, this book tells an authentic survival story which delves deep into the core of self-discovery, love, heartache, and perseverance. To fully embrace life, our FMC Blake must face challenging choices.

You’ll love this book if you enjoy: adventure romance, emotionally charged stories, friends-to-lovers dynamics, heroines rediscovering themselves, and storm chasing.

Overall, a beautiful debut novel re-released from Molly E. Lee!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read this digital ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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4.5⭐️ <b>”You stay, I stay.”</b>

This book absolutely needs a better cover because the flowers don’t really do the book justice for what it is. It’s not only a slow-burn romance between a storm chaser and an aspiring meteorologist, but a story of personal growth, budding friendships, complacency and abusive relationships.

Blake, an aspiring meteorologist student, is stuck in the same bad patterns with her childhood sweetheart. She doesn’t know anything but Justin, because they’re all each other has had their entire lives. She’s complacent and miserable in her life, feeling isolated and making decisions based upon her relationship with Justin. They both fell out of love and grew apart long ago, but they never knew how to separate for the benefit of both of them.

Dash, an avid adrenaline junkie storm chaser, had always been the fun loving kind, only having a semi-serious relationship. His goal was to focus on himself, having fun and pursuing what he loves—storms.

Dash and Blake meet in class and instantly hit it off. They needed each other. Dash, through friendship, teaches Blake many lessons and allows her to find her own self-worth independently while encouraging her to do what’s best for her. In the mix of all this, Blake joins Dash’s storm chasing team and these two best friends fall in love with the chase (literally and figuratively).

Overall, this book was a quick and easy slow burn romance. At times I did get annoyed with how weak the FMC was written. I think the author purposely did this though to show how hard it is for people to leave relationships that no longer serve them.

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled for providing me an ARC to read and review.

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4.5 out of 5 stars. This book sucked me in, and I devoured it within a day. Perfect for fans of twister.
I love the way the chaos of a storm mirrors the emotional abuse in the book. As someone who has been in a very similar relationship to the one Blake endures, I was impressed with how well it illustrated the tension you feel when you are in those shoes. Make sure you read your trigger warnings on this one. It is a very realistic portrait of abuse (including sexual abuse) and while it is so important to read those stories it can be very hard to read. I will be recommending this book to people.

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I love the concept of this book. Lee crafted an edgy story that I found enjoyable. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The way I consumed this like it was giving me life... and indeed maybe it was?? Storm chasers?? Hello this book was written for me I feel.

First of all, I read this as a reprint/re-edited ARC (thanks Entangled *wink*) and it is my understanding that there are some full scenes that have been completely removed or changed. I did read some reviews after finishing and have found that some scenes (that were understandably rough were completely absent from my copy.

Warning: PLEASE read content warnings at the beginning of the book! This book deals VERY heavily with emotional abuse and its endless cycle that many people find themselves in. The abuse continues for much of the book, as the main character navigates a safe way to exit the relationship. While this also does document a very cute budding romance, it does have a very dark focus on the toxicity of her pre-existing relationship.

Some nitty gritty:
- Blake is such a strong female lead who is caught up in a horribly abusive long-term relationship and spends most of the book trying to safely exit the relationship.
--- At times, this book FELT really long because so much of the book details her back and forth with her toxic bf, but then when I thought about it, I realized that this is actually such a beautiful representation of reality because people who are caught in these kinds of relationships often do struggle to get out because of the cycle and the threats and the fear. The book was constantly moving, I never felt bored. So even when it felt repetitive, sitting back to think made me realize how real that made the story feel.
- The storm chasing scenes were ICONIC and honestly I was living my dreams through this book (mini story time: I almost went to school for meteorology because I wanted to be storm chaser for real, so yeah this book is everything). The team of Dash/John/Paul/Blake was simply amazing.
- The hurt/comfort themes were precious and beautiful. Dash really comes in as a knight in shining armor that should have seemed cheesy but in fact was perfect and exactly what Blake needed in her life.
- THE DOG SCENE HAD ME SCEAMING like ex-ca-use me?? (note: the dog does not die)
- "True love is friendship set on fire" (*cue emotional tears of HOW CUTE*)

friends to lovers
"you stay, I stay"
only one bed

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Such a great book. Loved the idea of storm chasers and how Blake overcame the emotional abuse. Great characters and the perfect length to get the story told.

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Coming off of the rush of Twisters, this was EVERYTHING I needed. I am not ashamed to say I stayed up night to finish this and I loved every second of it. The first half was tons of build up for Blake and her relationship, with dashes (get it hehe) of storm chasing and weather chatter. I ate it up. The second half was thrilling for a multitude of reasons. I did not realize this is a re-release of a FULL SERIES by Molly so I guess I’m going to be up for awhile now so I can read every last word!

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