Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading the very entertaining book by one of my favorite authors. Ms Putman writes a romance with drama, intrigue, and adventure that had me at first chapter. The characters were fully developed with thoughts and feelings of their own. Even though this is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone.
Emmaline Stanhope is a resourceful lady who supports herself along with her elderly aunt. She has a match making business and has in the past read tarot cards. They are just trying to survive the best way they can. When one of their clients gets run over by a mail wagon they couldn't believe it. The man just did not move when the driver told him to.
When Robert Tavish finds out about Emmaline and her business, he decides to hire her to find him a bride. But there is more to his interest in getting into the lives of the two women. He really is sent by his uncle to investigate the death of the man who was killed.
Emmaline is one tough cookie when she finds out what Robert is not telling the whole truth. When she is abducted and rescued, Robert decides to take her and her aunt to his home in Scotland.
I felt that both of them had issues with trust and being truthful. They also have an attraction that builds and turns to very sweet romance. I love a happy ever after for these two who were meant to be,
I appreciate Net Galley for this ARC title in which I gave an honest review.

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The sizzle, the suspense, the banter, the denial of feelings it was all a great recipe. And those intimacy scenes, super romantic and steamy.

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I really enjoyed this book, it gave me beauty and the beast vibes. Emmerline and Robert have both had difficult complected lives and when fate puts them both together, things get even stranger. It's a slow burn, which I also enjoy.
Definitely would recommend.

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Impoverished Emmaline lives with her eccentric aunt and is running a matchmaking business. Rigid in his ways, Robert is sent by his uncle to investigate the ladies to see if they killed their last client. When Emmaline is abducted and then saved, Robert decides to take her to Scotland to protect her. As they get to know one another they try to fight their mutual attraction. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Anglesey Press for my honest review.

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I love the story it really reminded me of a beauty and the beast retelling set in highland times/scotland. This is a series book and I loved the chemistry between the two characters although he was brooding.

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A cute and dreamy romance for anyone who is a fan of scottish men. Love these types of stories and how the writing brings everything together.

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